Cottage & Family [Search results for tutorial

  • Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    A sweet lady wrote to me and

    asked me if I could do a

    tutorial on the roses that

    are on my Flower Girl Baskets

    and Ring Bearer Pillows ~

    I actually bought those at a

    scrapbooking store and hadn't even

    tried making them ~

    But today I wanted to give it a

    whirl and make a larger size one ~

    So here goes a quick tutorial

    on what I did ~

    Remember nothing is set in stone

    so you can play around with

    the sizes ~

    1. Tear a strip of muslin 2 x 38 inches ~

    2. Fold it into fourths and cut

    scallops ~

    3. Gather one side close to the edge ~

    4. Roll in one side about 2 times

    and glue it down ~

    5. Glue it standing upright on to

    a piece of felt ~

    6. Glue it around and around

    the base until all of your

    muslin is used up ~ Tuck it

    as close as possible to the base

    piece as you go around ~

    7. Cut the back of the felt off

    in a circle to your glue ~

    I rubbed mine with my hand

    to give it a tattered look ~

    If you want it tea dyed then

    just dip it in tea and squish out

    the excess ~

    Sit it out in the sun

    until it is dry ~

    I kind of separate the petals

    to lay them out a bit ~

    I LOVE this look alot !!

    I think

    it is my favorite !

    Just a little FYI ...

    There is a sale going on

    at my website until October 14th ~

    Come on over !

  • Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    We love to create things with
    vintage lace from Canton and other
    flea markets, but what if you
    don't have access to flea markets?

    {this is part of our vintage stash }

    We decided to see what we could
    find at local thrift stores and
    made a fun shopping day out of it!

    Digging through all the old clothes
    was such fun and we found some great
    dresses and shirts to create
    lace and ruffles ~

    This full lace dress was only $1.99!

    Isaac was worn out from all our shopping :)

    Here are some of our finds ~

    Next, we made black tea and tea dyed
    the white lace and dresses ~

    Just hang them in the sun to dry ~

    Once they were dry, we cut up
    the dresses to get the fabric
    we needed for our project ~

    We used a tea dyed muslin
    drawstring bag ~

    We pinned the lace to the bag
    and cut and gathered the skirt fabric
    to make a ruffle for the bottom of the bag.
    We then sewed the lace
    and the ruffle to the bag ~

    Afterwards, we chose buttons,
    a tattered rose, and lace to
    embellish the bag. This is where
    you want to get creative!
    *Click here for the rose tutorial ~

    Here is the final project!

    And another bag from a
    baby girl dress we found ~

    We had so much fun today!
    Go to your thrift store for inspiration :)

  • Crinkled Ribbon Tutorial

    Crinkled Ribbon Tutorial

    I just love crinkled dyed ribbon for using on my projects ~

    This is a tutorial on how to make it yourself ~

    First you get whatever color ribbon you want to use ~

    I use seam binding for the ribbon because I love how it feels ~

    Then you soak it in either tea or instant coffee ~

    I scrunch mine in a ball and wrap it in about 3 rubber bands ~

    Then I sit it out in the sun and as it dries it gets a wonderful aged look especially on the outside edges ~

    After it has dried about 3/4 of the way, I take the bands off and kind of loosely spread the ribbon out to dry in the sun ~

    Every once in awhile I go and turn the ribbon until it is completely dry ~

    Then it is ready to use on your projects ~

    I just love love crinkled dyed ribbon !

    If you don't want to try it, I do have some for sale on my website here ~

  • Mercury Glass Family Fun

    Mercury Glass Family Fun

    {my niece, Chelsey }

    Last week I got to go to

    stay with my mom and dad in California ~

    My sister, mom and I got in a crafty

    mood and decided to try a

    mercury glass tutorial from Pinterest ~

    We started with cheapy glass pieces

    to experiment with ~

    First you we sprayed on

    Krylon Looking Glass spray that we

    found at Michaels ~ The tutorial

    said to put it on the inside of

    the glass bottle ~ I tried the candlesticks

    and painted the outside and it worked great!

    {my niece, me and my mom }

    The other pieces we sprayed the inside

    and the outside ~

    Then you spray your piece with half

    water and half vinegar and let it sit

    for a minute ~

    Then you just pop the little bubbles

    with a paper towel ~

    It was so fun and super easy!

    Next time I want to try spraying

    something darkish first so that

    it has a darker look

    under the popped bubbles ~

  • Farmhouse Friday * Farmhouse Inspiration

    Farmhouse Friday * Farmhouse Inspiration

    I wanted to revisit this tutorial for

    LaurieAnna's Farmhouse Friday

    because it can be used on

    so many different surfaces and is

    perfect for farmhouse decorating ~

    Since I have burlap around and

    buckets around I thought it would be fun

    to recreate that look ~

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to do them ~

    It is super duper easy!

    1. Cut a piece of burlap a size that would fit

    your bucket ~ I cut it then fray it a bit ~

    2. Paint an area on the front of your burlap

    that is larger than your number stencil ~

    It doesn't matter what brand paint you use ~

    This is some I had ~

    3. Lay down your stencil and paint it in whatever

    color you would like ~ I used black ~

    4. After it dries then I used Modge Podge

    on the back of the burlap ~

    5. Place it on your bucket and

    smooth out the bubbled areas ~

    That is all and it is super quick !

    Make sure and visit the

    Tutorials link at the top

    of this page for other tutorials ~

  • Burlap Number Bucket Tutorial

    Burlap Number Bucket Tutorial

    When I was at the Dallas Gift Market this last week I

    saw a bunch of burlap numbered things ~

    I LOVE them !

    Since I have burlap around and

    buckets around I thought it would be fun

    to recreate that look ~

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to do them ~

    It is super duper easy!

    1. Cut a piece of burlap a size that would fit

    your bucket ~ I cut it then fray it a bit ~

    2. Paint an area on the front of your burlap

    that is larger than your number stencil ~

    It doesn't matter what brand paint you use ~

    This is some I had ~

    3. Lay down your stencil and paint it in whatever

    color you would like ~ I used black ~

    4. After it dries then I used Modge Podge

    on the back of the burlap ~

    5. Place it on your bucket and

    smooth out the bubbled areas ~

    That is all and it is super quick !

    If you don't want to make your

    own I have them on my website, here ~

  • Hymnal Music Banner Tutorial

    Hymnal Music Banner Tutorial

    I just wanted to show you an

    idea that my daughter, Stephanie, had

    and a quick tutorial on how to do it ~

    She took old hymnal music and

    photoshopped {to the

    correct size for her paper }

    a font to print on it ~

    She used the Broadway font

    and downloaded it for free ~

    Just click on the name ~

    Then we used these cute clips from

    Tim Holtz ~

    We clipped them to twine ~

    After that she added a tattered

    muslin rose with a vintage

    black button in the middle ~

    It came out so cute and so easy to do!!

    I love it!

  • Lavender Sachet Tutorial

    Lavender Sachet Tutorial

    Remember the lavender that I brought home from California ~

    It smells soooo good !

    I have been making lavender sachets with it that have been alot

    of fun to do ~

    This is just a quick tutorial on how to make them ~

    They are easy peasy !

    First start with a piece of fabric ( I use vintage that I have tea dyed ) ~

    Stamp the image or images you would like to use ~

    I tear the edges so that they will fray ~

    Next with another piece of fabric cut the size you want it to be ~

    This one is 7.5 by 10 inches giving me 1/4 inch seam allowances ~

    Sew on your stamped image pieces ~

    Then fold your fabric in half right sides together leaving

    a space at the bottom to turn and stuff it ~

    When you are done sewing turn it right side out, iron

    and stuff with just a little batting and I put 2 generous

    spoonfuls of lavender ~

    Next turn in the raw edges of your open spot and sew ~

    I use my machine because then I am going to sew on lace so

    it is okay ~ You can hand sew it if you would like ~

    The next step is to embellish with whatever little things that

    you want ~ On this one I used gathered tea stained dryer sheets,

    seam binding and vintage buttons ~

    I also like to stamp the fabric after it is sewn but before the

    stuffing ~

    It is fun and they smell yummy !

    If you don't want to make them yourself

    then you can find them at Katies Rose Cottage ~

  • Solder Tutorial

    Solder Tutorial

    I decided it was time to do a quick solder tutorial with this sooo sweet bird stamp ~

    So here it goes ~

    Step 1: Cut out your image ~ one for the front and one for the back ~

    The same size as the glass you will use ~ I am using 2x3 inch glass ~

    Step 2 : Glue the front image to the back image and then place between

    your 2 pieces of glass ~

    Step 3 : Line the edge of the glass with copper tape ~

    Step 4 : Press down the tap with a bone folder ~

    Step 5 : Put flux on the tape or the solder will not stick to it ~

    I use Simply Swank Flux ~

    Step 6 : Use solder and a solder gun and line the copper tape ~

    The solder will flow right on to the tape ~

    Step 7 : I put 2 rings on the top of this one but you can use as many as you

    want ~

    Step 8 : Tie with ribbon ~ I am not sure what I will do with this

    but it will be on a project soon ~

    I have some supplies on clearance and you can also get them at Simply Swank
    and it is all pink too !!

    I have also purchased alot of my glass here ~

  • 12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    We had fun today working
    on a tutorial that is
    super easy ~ We have made
    it even easier with kits
    available on our website :)

    This project we are showing
    early so that you have
    plenty of time to work
    on it before Christmas ~

    These 12 days before
    Christmas bags can be hung
    as we have shown or
    you could put them on
    your Christmas tree ~
    We thought it would be fun
    for children to find the
    number and open a little
    gift for that day ~
    You could fill the bags
    with candy canes
    or a hand written fun
    thing for the day ~
    Use your imagination ~

    1. We have tea dyed the
    bags so the first
    step is to use the citra
    solv method to transfer
    the numbers on the bags ~
    You could also stencil
    numbers on ~

    2. Glue strips of lace
    across the top of the bag ~

    3. Cut a piece of tea dyed
    cheesecloth into a
    2 x 2.5 inch square ~
    Scrunch it in the middle
    and glue it on the lace ~

    4. Glue on a button ~

    Next just fill with
    fun things that can
    be opened each of the
    12 days before Christmas ~

    You can use string with
    clips to hang them
    or you can hang them on
    your tree ~

    If you would like to
    purchase a kit to make
    your own they are
    available here ~

    Have fun!!

  • Beeswax Altered Canvas

    Beeswax Altered Canvas

    I was having fun working with Beeswax today so I thought I would do a tutorial as I was playing around ~
    I just love the look of Beeswax and have been working on some altered canvases ~

    ~ Altered Beeswax Canvas Tutorial ~

    First you decide what paper pieces you would like to use and then you adhere them to your canvas ~ I use Modge Podge ~

    Then to give it an aged look take any brown tone ink and just randomly sponge ~ Make sure and do the edges too ~

    When you have all of the paper items that you would like on your canvas it is time to paint over it all with your melted beeswax ~ I melted mine in a tiny crock pot and paint it on with a cheap brush because the brush will be ruined ~ the beeswax gives it a really neat look ~ I did not wax over my lace this time but you can do that if you want ~

    The next step is to add embellishments ~ I love tea dyed and crinkled seam binding so I added it along with some roses and vintage buttons ~ these are hot glued on ~

    That is it !! So easy and fun !

    If you want to purchase the finished canvas you can get it here ~

    This is another one that I just finished ~

  • Burlap Rose Tutorial

    Burlap Rose Tutorial

    I wanted to give you a quick

    tutorial on how to make a burlap

    rolled rose ~

    Do you notice all my tutorials

    are quick and easy :)

    I don't like anything that takes

    a gazillion years to do ~

    The first thing you do is cut a strip

    of burlap fabric or use burlap ribbon ~

    My strip is about 2 inches wide ~

    I forgot to measure the length but

    it is about 1/2 yard ~

    Tie a knot in the end ~

    Kind of fold it in half and twist while

    gluing with hot glue as you go around ~

    Continue until you have made

    it the size that you want it to be ~

    Then take the end and glue to the

    back of the rose ~

    On this one I added a piece of

    vintage jewelry for some bling ~

    You can use these for tons of things

    Here are just a few examples ~

    Have fun creating!!

  • Mini File Folders

    Mini File Folders

    I was all inspired this afternoon and have a gazillion projects all over the house and none of them are complete ~ Right in the middle of my gazillion projects I decided to read blog updates and saw Diane Knott's mini file folder tutorial ~

    I just had to make one right then ~ then I remembered reading on Lisa's blog about the cute little bubble thingies ( it is not a tutorial but as cute as can be ) so I had to do those while I was at it ~

    Ummmm that is pretty much how my brain works ~ It is always going all over the place and at one time ~ Isn't that how right brained people are ??? I tell myself that at least ~

    I bought this wayyyy cute paper at Anthologies and wanted to use it so bad so I did ~ I did my first mini file folder upside down ~ HMMMMM there goes one piece of paper down the tubes ~

    Then I used the other piece to make my other file folder and the magnets ~ I cannot wait to make more because they were easy as can be ( well after I figured out how to make them not upside down ) and fun too !

  • Pocket Pillow Tutorial

    Pocket Pillow Tutorial

    Today I wanted to show you

    a quick and easy way to make

    a Pocket Pillow out of a pillowcase ~

    The first thing to do is rip the front

    from the back ~ I just snip a little

    on the sides and top and

    then rip the rest ~

    Next figure out what size you

    would like it to be lengthwise

    and again snip and rip ~

    Then fold up the amount you would

    like to be your pocket ~

    Then bring the rest of the

    fabric over your pocket so that

    right sides are together ~

    Do whatever size you like ~

    Cut the extra fabric off the bottom

    Pin and sew leaving an opening

    at the bottom for stuffing ~

    Then turn right side out and iron

    folding the bottom opening

    so that you can stitch it closed ~

    I love to add a little lavender

    to the stuffing because ...

    I LOVE lavender :)

    After stuffing hand sew

    the bottom closed ~

    The really fun part is embellishing!

    I took an old doily and added

    a rose to the top of it and then

    glued it on using Fabri Tac ~

    To make this a hanging pocket pillow

    I cut a piece of ribbon and glued

    it to each top corner ~ then I added

    some ribbon bows ~

    I did a tutorial on how to crinkle

    the ribbon here ~

    Then I added a vintage photo

    and a piece of hymnal music ~

    That is it ... super easy and fun!

  • Music Sheet Ornament Tutorial

    Music Sheet Ornament Tutorial

    When I saw the Pottery Barn

    Music Sheet Ornaments

    in a catalog I really wanted some!

    but when I saw them in real life I

    decided I kind of wanted some that

    were more vintage looking ~

    So I went to Graphics Fairy found

    an image and made some that I love!

    Here is a quick how to on

    how I made my own ~

    { they are really too easy for

    a tutorial :) }

    But .... here goes ~

    First I copied the image and sized

    and duplicated it in Photoshop ~

    Printed it on matte photo paper

    or heavy card stock ~

    Cut and glue with a glue stick

    to another piece of heavy card stock

    and cut around image ~

    For a more vintage look I

    added a little stamp pad ink

    around the edges ~

    Then put a little glue on the edge

    and then glitter ~ I used

    German Glass Glitter because I

    love how it ages ~

    They would be a cute little gift

    tied with jute and put in

    a small burlap bag ~

    I love how they look in my tree ❤

    I am linking to

    Graphics Fairy Brag Monday ~

  • Easy Peasy Bottle Tutorial

    Easy Peasy Bottle Tutorial

    I just was creating some bottles for my website and

    figured it was time for a blog post ~

    Soooo I decided to take some pictures along the way ~

    They are crummy pictures because it was late and the

    lighting stunk ~

    Anyway they are super duper easy but really fun and

    you can be creative with tons of variations ~

    First gather your stuff to use ~

    I am using vintage bridal lace, crinkled seam binding,

    a vintage skeleton key and vintage jewelry for this bottle ~

    Then I cut the lace to fit the bottle and used

    Modge Podge to make it stick to the bottle ~

    Next I tied on a vintage skeleton key with

    tea dyed and crinkled ribbon ~

    The tutorial is here for the ribbon ~

    And last you just hot glue on a vintage piece of jewelry ~

    Here are some other variations that I have done recently ~

    It is fun to gather old pieces of lace, ribbons, broken jewelry

    and just start creating !

    { I have had tons of questions on where to get the

    bottles ~ I just find them at flea markets }

  • Mini File Folders

    Mini File Folders

    I was all inspired this afternoon and have a gazillion projects all over the house and none of them are complete ~ Right in the middle of my gazillion projects I decided to read blog updates and saw Diane Knott's mini file folder tutorial ~

    I just had to make one right then ~ then I remembered reading on Lisa's blog about the cute little bubble thingies ( it is not a tutorial but as cute as can be ) so I had to do those while I was at it ~

    Ummmm that is pretty much how my brain works ~ It is always going all over the place and at one time ~ Isn't that how right brained people are ??? I tell myself that at least ~

    I bought this wayyyy cute paper at Anthologies and wanted to use it so bad so I did ~ I did my first mini file folder upside down ~ HMMMMM there goes one piece of paper down the tubes ~

    Then I used the other piece to make my other file folder and the magnets ~ I cannot wait to make more because they were easy as can be ( well after I figured out how to make them not upside down ) and fun too !

  • Dryer Sheet Rose Tutorial

    Dryer Sheet Rose Tutorial

    The other day I was tea staining a bunch of old lace and linens and decided to save the dryer sheets to try and make some roses with them ~ I was thinking about Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart's tutorial on tea bag roses ~

    They came out really sweet and are super easy ~

    Mine came out the perfect color just by sticking them in the dryer with my wet tea stained linens and lace ~

    First you tri fold the dryer sheet lengthwise ~

    Then you start to roll and put a dab of hot glue being careful to not burn your fingers ~

    Keep on rolling ~

    Then when you are done you take a needle and thread and sew through the bottom and then wrap the thread around the base tightly to hold it all together ~ sew through the base again and tie a knot ~

    Fluff them out until they look good to you ~

    This one I dyed pink with some food coloring ~

  • Flea Market Tote Tutorial

    Flea Market Tote Tutorial

    It is Flea Market time !!!

    I love big flea market totes

    but having your money

    at quick and easy access is a

    really good thing :)

    This is a tutorial

    on making a little bag for just that ~

    The first step is to buy a tote which

    can be found at most craft stores ~

    Then, I am a ruffle kind of gal

    so I used my ruffler that

    I just love ~ I got mine here ~

    This is my sweet sister's shop :)

    It is easiest for me just to ruffle

    a bunch at a time making it

    any width you like ~

    Then I used the Citra Solv transfer method

    to transfer my image on to the tote ~

    You have to use a printer that uses toner

    to print out the image or it won't transfer ~

    Then I cut my ruffle to the size

    I wanted and you can either

    sew or glue it on ~

    I love to use Fabri Fix because it dries fast

    and is washable ~

    You can add any embellishments

    you would like ~ I added a

    little rolled rose that I glued on

    and an old key tied to the top ~

    That is all !!

    Have fun flea marketing !!

    If you don't want to make your own,

    I will have them for

    sale on my website here ~

    Added later today :)

    This is just another example

    of one without the

    transfer but more ruffles ~

    You can get the little charms here ~

  • Tutorial Sneak Peek

    Tutorial Sneak Peek

    I just wanted to give you
    a sneak peek of a tutorial
    we will be sharing in
    the next couple of days
    on our blog ~
    We will have some kits
    available too!!