{my niece, Chelsey }
Last week I got to go to
stay with my mom and dad in California ~
My sister, mom and I got in a crafty
mood and decided to try a
mercury glass tutorial from Pinterest ~
We started with cheapy glass pieces
to experiment with ~

First you we sprayed on
Krylon Looking Glass spray that we
found at Michaels ~ The tutorial
said to put it on the inside of
the glass bottle ~ I tried the candlesticks
and painted the outside and it worked great!

{my niece, me and my mom }

The other pieces we sprayed the inside
and the outside ~

Then you spray your piece with half
water and half vinegar and let it sit
for a minute ~

Then you just pop the little bubbles
with a paper towel ~

It was so fun and super easy!

Next time I want to try spraying
something darkish first so that
it has a darker look
under the popped bubbles ~