I am loving these vintage farmhouse tools! As I was packing up shipping boxes today, my mom rediscovered these amazing vintage tools in the depths of our workshop. What an awesome find!
It is so much fun to find treasures, but it is even more rewarding to discover them for a second time!
I have to admit, it was tempting to keep these for my own house! But, I couldn't keep these treasures to myself, they are just too vintage not to share. I hope you love them as much as we do!
I got a wild hair to go visit my friend in Kansas this week for a couple of days and do some antique shopping ~ they have wonderful shops there that I love to explore ~ I always feel like I am at Mayberry because the towns are like stepping back in time ~
I just took a carry on suitcase with me and packed really light so I could carry my treasures home ~ We hit the ground running from the time I got off the plane until the next evening when I flew home ~
I found some gorgeous china and really could have left it for my next driving visit or ship it home but I wanted to see if I could carry it with me ~ I was so excited that I could put all of my fun treasures in my suitcase ~ It was sooo heavy, you should have seen me trying to lift it in the overhead ~
I was thrilled with the pretty pink rose plates and also loved the blues too !
On the way to the airport we stopped at a huge antique mall but only had a short amount of time to explore it ~ I will be headed there first next visit which has to be real soon !
This is a picture of one of the booths ~ there was so much to look in this mall and each booth was jammed packed ~ it was kind of overwhelming ~
It was a fun but quick trip so I have to go back soon ~
I will be listing the new treasures on my website in the Vintage Finds category this weekend ~
I am really excited to have my daughter Kristin join me at Katies Rose Cottage!
From Kristin.....
I am so excited to be starting this adventure with my mom :) It is a joy to be able to work with her, learn from her, and get to indulge in all things vintage! Here's a little about me~
My husband James and I have been married for 5 years and we have a little baby boy on the way (due less a couple of weeks from now!). We are so excited and blessed to be parents and I cannot wait to share our little family with you as we grow! I love to travel, so having a pilot for a dad and a travel photographer for a husband works out perfectly ;) I adore cooking, creating, and all things vintage! I've been praying about God's direction for my job for about three years and with a little one on the way, I knew I had to make a change and start doing something that will spark my passions . While I've always wanted to own my own business as so many member's of my family do, the opportunity just never presented itself. However, going on all of my mom's shopping adventures, rummaging through her office to create new treasures, and seeing the joy she has in her job made me secretly want to work alongside her. Then, as I watched her grow in her business, God did an amazing work! He opened the door for me to partner with my mom so I can finally do what I am so passionate about :) I am thrilled and blessed to have the opprtunity to work along side of a godly, creative, and beautiful woman, my mom :)
Congratulations to Sares from Loveleigh Treasures!! You won our giveaway to Heather's shop! We used a random number generator ~
True Random Number Generator 93 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
I am so very excited to be able to host a giveaway for Heather at Post Road Vintage!
Her blog and shop are absolutely gorgeous!!
Heather is a soon to be mom to six children and she is a wonderfully talented gal!
This is a little bit from Heather's blog about her ~
"I believe when we create a home for our story to shine, our souls to rest, and our families to come together, life is simpler… and better. I am inspired to help you create this warm and safe spot in your own heart and home. My goal is to help you find joy and creativity in life’s perfect imperfections and to inspire you to create a home that is a reflection of you. {Beautiful + Unique }" ~
These are some of the beautiful products on her website ~
You can receive a $50 gift certificate for anything in her shop by winning this giveaway!
You get an entry for each of the following ~
* Signing up for her free beautiful online magazine "Homebound" ~
Do you ever have those days that you have so much to do that you don't know where to begin soooo ....... you do something else ??
Today was one of those days so I decided to try a project that I say at Wayside Treasures and Junk Dreams ~ I have had this Silver and Vintage Bottles and thought it would be so much fun to try this to decorate them ~
Super duper easy and fun !! I love it !
If you don't want to do them yourself you can find these in my Vintage Category ~
Today I got a couple of pocket pillows made out of some vintage fabric ~ I used some of the photographs that I showed you yesterday to put in the pockets ~
I just can't pass up baby shoes either ~ I actually used this oval frame just to take the picture for my website but I love them hanging in it ~
Here are just a few things that I listed at Katies Rose Cottage from my recent finds ~
I am off to Canton tomorrow to find more treasures ~ I cannot wait !!
Tiffany at Shabby Scraps is having a "Show me your Form" party today !! I am so glad because I love my dress form (not named yet) and my family just does not get it at all ~
Tiffany has the funniest story on how this all came about ~ you can read her blog post here ~
One of my favorite things is vintage swirly skirts like she has on ~ I also use her to display jewelry and other treasures for my website ~
This is a picture of her before I painted her and then after she was given a more antique look ~ now I need to do some painting and distressing of the wood parts to get them more vintage looking ~
Well it looks like California won't be happening this vacation soooo when all else fails, the flea market is always fun ~ well.... for me at least ~ My husband doesn't think it is all that fun ~
I just love to see what treasures that I can find ~ sometimes there are alot and sometimes there are just one or two ~ For the last 5 years I have gone to one of my favorites that was only 5 miles from my house ~ they sold the property so it isn't there any more but had been since the 1920's ~ I am so sad because it was so close to me and I always found tons of goodies ~
The one I went to today is every weekend and is about 40 minutes away ~ but it does have all different kinds of things to dig through ~ These are a few things I picked up today that will be on my website in the Vintage Finds category soon ~
We got home from vacation late last night and are trying to get back in the swing of things ~ I don't know why it seems so hard to get back to normal life ~
Before we left I went on a shopping trip for a couple of days to stock up on some treasures and found alot of them ~ It was soooo much fun !! I will be listing them over the next couple of days in between catching up on orders ~ Here is a sneak peek of what is coming ~
Today I went out to find some displays to use at the Gift Show in Dallas in January ~
Oh my goodness it is getting closer and closer !!
I love Dorothy's treasures at the Shabby Y in Lone Star Antique Mall ~ I was really excited that she was there because she is so very talented and helped me with ideas ~
I ended up getting some awesome frames that I will be using for displaying jewelry and a glittery pink Paris sign ~ My display spot is only 3 feet so I have to think creatively ~
Make sure and visit The Vintage Rose Boutiques blog for updates on the gals progress getting ready for the show ~
I have a new website called Katies Rose Cottage Designs that is just for our new line of jewelry debuting at the show ~ The website is there but will not have products for about a month ~
I haven't painted in forever it seems so I decided I better do a few days before the cold weather sets in ~
It is fun to find treasures at flea markets and then bring them home to recreate into something sweet for your cottage home ~ This is a really popular vendor, obviously :)
My favorite colors are any shade of white and pinks so today I mostly painted white with some pink~
The first step of the process is priming the entire piece ~ I use Kilz just because I like it the best ~
The next step is to let that dry and then apply the color and then I like to distress my pieces ~ The final step is a matte sealer coat ~
I am working on listing the items you see being painted ~ most are in our Vintage category but some are in the Romantic Home category ~
I have introduced you to my family in the past but I wanted to introduce you to my girl's blogs ~
Kristin, our oldest daughter, has been doing photography with her husband for a while and recently launched her own photography website and blog ~
Her business is called Kristin Brandon Photography ~ They are traveling to Italy soon to shoot a wedding! I am so excited for them !
Stephanie has started a blog journaling her and her husbands cottage home transformation ~ They actually are just closing on it today and are having fun going to Salvage Shops, Flea Markets and Craigslist to find vintage things for it ~ Her blog is called College St. Cottage ~
It is so fun to watch them get excited about all of the treasures they have found ~
{ Photos are by Kristin's husband James at James Brandon Photography }
Both of the girls are just introducing themselves and their blogs so they would love to have you stop by ~
I love the publication, Somerset Life ~ it is always so much fun when a new one comes out and I rush down to Barnes and Noble to get it as soon as it does ~
This issue was even better because one of the features was about an amazingly talented lady that I have met through her blog ~ I was blog surfing quite awhile ago and ran in to Dawn Edmonson's blog called The Feathered Nest ~ it is one that I visit every day because she always has such beautiful things whether it be something she has created or something just to show us ~ In Somerset Life she shows how she recreates vintage baby shoes in to sweet treasures ~
Visiting blogs amazes me at all of the talent out there and can be quite addictive ~
I am on my way to Canton tomorrow for 2 days ~ I am hoping that I will find alot of treasures specifically more rose china ~ last month was awesome beyond belief !!! I am on the hunt for crinoline skirts, pink doilies, china ( of course ) and vintage mercury Christmas balls as well as anything else that catches my eye ~ they had the Christmas balls last month but they were $15 a box ~
I will leave you with some of the new soldered charms that have just been added in the Jewelry category ~ most of the charms have been embellished with German glass glitter ~ I just love the sparkle that it gives ~