Cottage & Family [Search results for new stuff

  • New ( Old ) Living Room Decor

    New ( Old ) Living Room Decor

    I have been in love with creams for quite awhile now,

    which you can probably tell by my website

    and blog if you have been following me :)

    For awhile we have had a pretty much

    pinky and white shabby chic style home but I wanted

    to redecorate so we are slowly

    but surely taking room by room ~

    I have always loved to change stuff!!

    Anyway, so I decided to go from my complete

    white white things

    to creams but still keep some white here and there ~

    I got a wild hair to tea dye

    our white slipcovered sofa and chair in the bathtub ~

    It came out cool but truly, a whitish couch with dogs and

    well ..... pretty much people too, doesn't work too well ~

    I also took some white wood pieces that I had and made

    them a creamy color and

    really love how they came out!!

    Then I wanted to change my wall decor

    behind my couch but am kind of

    on a personal challenge to not spend alot of money ~

    Sooo.... I dug in my own stash

    of stuff I have had around waiting for a new home

    and created something completely new with

    stuff getting really dusty out in my shop ~

    It has been so much fun and even more fun

    recreating with what I already had!!

    After Christmas is over and my decorations are down

    I will show you

    my new mantel decor and other things ~

  • My New Blog ~~~ I love it !!!!

    My New Blog ~~~ I love it !!!!

    I love my new blog that Shawn at Eclectic Whimsy Designs created for me !!! I think blogging is so much fun because it is a great way to share places, thoughts and people that I love and want you to see too ~ soooo..... it was definitely time for a blog makeover ~ along with the new banner and fun sidebar titles, she also made my blog in to 3 columns which I have been wanting to do forever ~ I will be playing around with the new 3 column format for a couple of weeks because I want to add some stuff :o) ~
    You can visit Shawn here ~

  • Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Oh my goodness it has been tooo long since

    I have done a blog post !!

    I cannot believe how fast time flies !

    Yesterday I took all of the new stuff I have

    been working on and some of my recent Canton finds

    outside to take pictures ~

    I love to take them outside because there is about a half hour

    in the day when the sun is just right ~

    Well I am primping and clicking away and then

    came in to download my pictures ~

    AHHHHHH my camera died !! Not one of the pictures came out

    and of course I had not been checking them along the way ~

    I am not sure why ~

    Sooooo I have really loved my Canon Rebel but I am going to

    see if I can find a little camera that will take great close ups

    but that will also be handy to carry with me places ~

    I also wanted to let you know that

    we have free shipping right now

    with any order of $30 or more at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Start thinking Christmas gifts :)

  • Craziness & Picnik Closing ....

    Craziness & Picnik Closing ....

    Life has been craziness the last 2 months

    with some family things that have

    taken my attention ~

    Times like these completely make me

    realize what truly are

    the most important things !

    On another subject though ......

    So I kind of freaked out a bit when I heard

    Picnik is closing !! Oh my goodness !!

    I am a total computer

    goofball and learn my thing

    to do on my computer and

    once I get it that is it .....

    don't throw new stuff in there

    because my brain freezes!!

    I have been using Picnik since

    the beginning of Picnik

    ( however long that is ) and now

    I have been trying to teach

    myself how to do my photos in

    Photoshop Elements ~

    I have been doing the pictures with

    the frame thing forever ~

    and now they are frame-less .........

    which I kinda like !

    I am all about a clean look and it makes

    my website look less cluttered ~

    Haha.... you wouldn't know that I don't have

    a drop of A type personality

    in my body by that statement!

    Anyway today I added more things to my website

    and am trying to transition my brain and website

    over to Photoshop Elements pictures ~

    I am going to kind of miss the

    collage thing though !!

    Does anyone know how to do collages with

    anything else besides Picnik ?

  • Junkin' Day

    Junkin' Day

    Today was my monthly trip to Canton Texas where I junk to my heart's content ~

    If you are a junkin gal at heart you would just love First Monday Trade Days because people come from all over to sell ~ There is alot of wonderful new things but my very favorite is the old vintage stuff and there is tons of it ~

    Sometimes it can get kind of stressful because everyone knows where to find the "good" junk ~ Junkers mean business when they want something :)

    One thing I learned pretty darn quick is that you have to have a cart ~ I use to carry arm loads of stuff back and forth to my car ~ that did not last long before I sprung for my handy dandy cute pink lined cart ~

    You would not believe how many sellers drive up like this ~ I crack up when I picture them driving down the road, stuff has to fly off ~ Seriously how does it all stay on ???

    Until later .....

  • Dallas Home & Gift Show

    Dallas Home & Gift Show

    It is the Dallas Home & Gift Show time again and I was so anxious to see what the new stuff is going to be for next year ~

    "Market" is only twice a year in Dallas ~ once in January and then in June ~ We displayed in January but aren't this time ~ We will be back there in January again though :)

    There were alot of bright colors but my favorite were the creamy items ~ They were everywhere which thrilled me because I LOVE them ~

    Here are just a few pictures of some yummy things ~ some of which we will have in our shop ~

    I want this sofa ~ It had a print on it too which is hard to see ~

    This is a lamp that was beyond amazing !

    There is free food and drinks everywhere ~ this is at one of the showrooms for a Mexican lunch ~ You definitely do not leave hungry at the end of the day ~

    Well I am off to scour my catalogs that I collected and hit it again tomorrow and Sunday

    I am supposed to be in Las Vegas with my hubby but the flights were packed full so market it is ~

    It is fun though !

  • Disney World Vacation

    Disney World Vacation

    We are sitting in the airport and I decided to blog while we

    wait for the plane ~ It is the first internet service we have had all week ~

    We just spent the week at Disney World which was a blast !! I think

    we need a vacation from our vacation and definitely

    a diet plan when we get home ~ We did the food plan at

    Disney and they feed you sooo much and it was all yummy !

    This is Germany at Epcot ~ I love Epcot pretty much because I love

    to travel and want to visit all of the countries represented there ~

    This is our daughters Kristin and Stephanie at the Boardwalk ~

    We always have to get our toes in the sand somewhere ~

    This is our daughters and their hubbies and my hubby at Epcot ~

    We also love love Animal Kingdom ~ It is awesome !

    I had to get a pic of this trailer because I wanted to take it home with me ~

    Of course the Dino thing would have to go but it would be so cute !

    The boys were so excited to get their pix taken ..... again ~

    Well it is back to listing tons of new stuff on my website ~

    I am glad that I love what I do !!

  • Stuff


    This is a crazy busy time of year for our family and

    just with life ~ fun stuff though !!

    I wanted to do a quick blog post to let you know that I haven't

    fallen off the face of the earth and to show you a few

    of the new things on my website ~

    Jewelry is now 50% off too !!

    Think of Mother's Day coming up :)

  • Chalk Paint Little Projects

    Chalk Paint Little Projects

    So one of my biggest hang-ups

    with taking the Chalk Paint plunge

    was the fact

    I really don't like to brush

    paint furniture and it is kind

    of pricey ~

    (I do adore all of the gorgeous

    pieces that everyone has done though!!)

    Most everything I paint are little

    pieces that I sell on my website ~

    IF I ever paint furniture it is

    in my paint booth with a huge

    air compressor sprayer ~

    But....after reading about it

    pretty much everywhere I decided

    to give it a try and see what all

    of the hoopla is about ~

    I went around and grabbed some little

    pieces in my workshop and "played"

    with my new paint ~

    It is so fun to work with because it

    truly feels different to me ~ It covers

    very well and has the neatest look

    pre-waxed and after the wax ~

    The Annie Sloan book shows tons

    of stuff you can do with it that

    I am anxious to learn ~

    Here are the steps and looks that I did

    on an old frame ~

    This is the first coat

    of Duck Egg Blue

    ( I LOVE this color )

    Then I did a coat of Old White

    This is how it looked sanded

    and waxed with clear ~

    This is with the dark wax ~ I am not sure

    which I like better with or without the

    dark wax ~ I think they have their own

    really pretty distinct looks ~

    I actually love the look without

    the wax too ~ but the wax brings out more

    of the color and gives it a

    wonderful feel ~

    These are two other pieces I did ~

    The Fleurs Pocket has a

    Paris Grey base coat ~

    I am pretty sure I will be doing

    my kitchen cabinets but

    has anyone used it in a sprayer ?

    I am working on a frame that is

    ready to be waxed ~

    See ya soon!!

  • Vintage Lace Flea Market Totes

    Vintage Lace Flea Market Totes

    Today I piled my dining room

    table full of vintage lace,

    ribbons, buttons and just stuff ~

    It is so relaxing to me to just

    sit and create ❤

    This is a new rendition of my

    Flea Market Tote that I did last year

    and I LOVE it!! There is something

    about laces all arranged together

    that is so pretty ~

    I am trying to play around with

    PicMonkey too :) I am really liking

    it alot!!

    Pre PicMonkey~

    and after PicMonkey ~

  • Creatively Made Home

    Creatively Made Home

    We are so excited to start the
    Creatively Made Home
    e-course and wanted to share it with you!!

    Creatively Made Home is an all new e-course about creating a home that reflects your heart in everyday living. It is about inspiring and encouraging you to create and style a home that you and your family love to live in...

    This five week online course is hosted by 5 friends who want to help you to define your decorating style so that it is a true reflection of your heart.

    Creatively Made Home is hosted by:

    Tracey Leber

    Sara Duckett

    Kimberly Taylor

    Jennifer Rizzo

    and.....Jeanne Oliver

    Here is the jam-packed schedule for the course:

    * Each week you will have amazing truthful videos from not only the five teachers but other creative women.

    * Each week we will take a room from one of YOU and all five women will give their suggestions telling you how they would transform the room with their style.

    * There will be 50+ project videos.
    These will be incredible videos that include everything from gardening, cooking, gift giving and decorating.

    * There will be written tips from each woman telling you how she starts a room, picks paint, fabrics, etc. You will learn where to start when putting your own home together.

    * Tons of beautiful house photos from each of the five women.

    * Videos that truly reflect what life is like in each of their homes. The stuff that life is really about.

    * Each woman will share their own truthful journey about how they started making their home a reflection of their hearts.

    * Each person registered will get an easy entertaining e-book to download.

    It will contain go to recipes for beautiful and easy entertaining (they do go together), photos of table settings that take the stress out of having people over, favorite drinks and so much more (and their funniest entertaining story).

    * There will be a private Facebook group to connect with other class members.

    * There will be a once a week live discussion with one of the teachers!

    * You will get printables and pdfs to keep and use again and again.

    This course is about loving your home, loving your family and blessing those around you....and having fun doing it.

    This course will lavish you with ideas, beauty, inspiration, joy and encouragement!
    Come and play house with us.

    Class begins October 22.
    Registration is now open!

    The price of the course is $58 for all 5 weeks!

    To sign up for Creatively Made Home, go *HERE*

    We can't wait !!

  • Stuff I Created in the Ice

    Stuff I Created in the Ice

    Alaska is beautiful but thank you Jesus
    that I don't live there !

    I tried to venture out today for the first time

    since Monday and didn't make it to the neighbors

    without almost sliding in a ditch

    and then into a mailbox ~

    soooo..... I backed my hiney ( and car ) home ~

    I can't wait to see the sunshine melt this ice away !

    I wasn't going to show you more ruffles but

    well .......... hmmmm ~

    There is not a whole lot new in my world ;)

    This is what I have been working on this week ~

    When I can get out and the warm weather hits I will be

    doing a happy dance and singing !!

    That is a scary thought but that is okay !