So one of my biggest hang-ups
with taking the Chalk Paint plunge
was the fact
I really don't like to brush
paint furniture and it is kind
of pricey ~
(I do adore all of the gorgeous
pieces that everyone has done though!!)
Most everything I paint are little
pieces that I sell on my website ~
IF I ever paint furniture it is
in my paint booth with a huge
air compressor sprayer ~
But....after reading about it
pretty much everywhere I decided
to give it a try and see what all
of the hoopla is about ~
I went around and grabbed some little
pieces in my workshop and "played"
with my new paint ~
It is so fun to work with because it
truly feels different to me ~ It covers
very well and has the neatest look
pre-waxed and after the wax ~
The Annie Sloan book shows tons
of stuff you can do with it that
I am anxious to learn ~
Here are the steps and looks that I did
on an old frame ~
This is the first coat
of Duck Egg Blue
( I LOVE this color )
Then I did a coat of Old White
This is how it looked sanded
and waxed with clear ~
This is with the dark wax ~ I am not sure
which I like better with or without the
dark wax ~ I think they have their own
really pretty distinct looks ~
I actually love the look without
the wax too ~ but the wax brings out more
of the color and gives it a
wonderful feel ~
These are two other pieces I did ~
The Fleurs Pocket has a
Paris Grey base coat ~
I am pretty sure I will be doing
my kitchen cabinets but
has anyone used it in a sprayer ?
I am working on a frame that is
ready to be waxed ~
See ya soon!!