Cottage & Family [Search results for muslin

  • Vintage Wedding Burlap & Muslin

    Vintage Wedding Burlap & Muslin

    It totally feels like it

    has been forever since

    I have blogged!

    We have been moving our daughter

    and son in law into their home

    and redoing our master bathroom

    and life just flies by ~

    In between that I have still

    been working on things

    for my website ~

    I have been LOVING

    all of the pictures of

    vintage weddings

    using burlap, lavender, muslin

    and old stuff ~

    So going along with that theme

    I decided to make a little

    flower girl basket and

    ring bearer pillow ~

    I just love the combination

    of burlap and muslin ~

    They are on my website here ~

  • Ruffled Muslin Pillow Tutorial

    Ruffled Muslin Pillow Tutorial

    I am almost done with my website transfer ~

    YAYYY !!!

    So right in the middle of it I decided it was time to make

    a pillow ~ my brain kind of works that way !! I think it is

    not being able to focus or something :)

    Anyway .... this pillow is super easy because the edges of

    the ruffle are raw it is just rip and sew ~

    First, I am using an 18 inch pillow form so I cut the front 19 inches

    and the back I am buttoning so cut 2 pieces 19 by 13.5 ~

    In the back fold over 4 inches and iron ~

    Next, pin and sew with right sides together

    overlapping the ironed

    back just a bit ~

    Then you make a button hole and sew on

    a button for your closure ~

    You can do the button hole before you

    sew it together if you would like ~

    Next I ripped muslin in strips of 6 inches wide ~

    The ruffle needs to be about 2.5 times

    the length of your side for ruffling ~

    I have a ruffle attachment that I did

    mini pleats with but you don't

    have to have one, you can just gather

    as you normally would ~

    Then I laid the pillow front side

    down and pinned the ruffle

    to the front and sewed it on just guiding

    my foot along the

    pillow edge ~

    I sewed ruffles to just two sides ~

    This is what it looks like from the front ~

    After it is all done you can leave it

    as it is or embellish the front

    with something ~ I added a big rose

    made out of the same

    muslin that is pinned on ~

    That is all and it is really quick !

    This is another pillow that I made ~ It is out of a tablecloth

    like the ones I have for sale on my website ~

    I ended up making 3 for my couch because they

    were so quick and easy !!

    Do you notice my tea stained couch is white again ?

    Well after spending Christmas and

    New Years with the whole

    family staying here along with 4 dogs with

    wet muddy feet (even though

    we wiped them off )

    the slipcovers got bleached a few times ~

    I love it this color but wow it is hard to keep clean !

  • Cutest Purse and Muslin Bags

    Cutest Purse and Muslin Bags

    The other day I was in at Lone Star Antique Mall

    and found (at Bountiful ) this most precious purse filled with

    shredded vintage paper and a sweet vintage photograph ~

    I just adore it so it is going in my bedroom that is

    going to be transformed after the hub bub of Christmas ~

    I am loving transferring images to fabric

    so today I washed some muslin bags to

    make them look wonderfully crinkly and then

    added some crowns ~

    Also the other thing that I just love lately

    is shredded vintage paper ~

    How cute it is in so many things just like the purse ~

    I will have some for sale soon .... just because it is fun !

    So I just looked at my clock on my

    computer and it is only 8:30 and

    I am sleepy ~ What is up with that !

    When does the time change again ??

  • Muslin Ball .... Project Fail

    Muslin Ball .... Project Fail

    Do you ever have those
    "project fail" days ?
    Oh my gosh I totally had
    one today!

    I got the bright idea
    to precut 40 yards of muslin
    to use for ruffles for
    some things ~ I love the
    washed look so I
    stuck it in the washer
    with lots of fabric softener ~

    It came out in a HUGE ball
    of a tangled unraveled
    scrunched up mess!!

    Sooooo I am going
    to make a gazillion
    rolled roses ~ There
    are going to be rolled
    roses on everything I
    am thinking :)

    I am off to roll away ~

    Chat soon ~

    post signature

  • Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    A sweet lady wrote to me and

    asked me if I could do a

    tutorial on the roses that

    are on my Flower Girl Baskets

    and Ring Bearer Pillows ~

    I actually bought those at a

    scrapbooking store and hadn't even

    tried making them ~

    But today I wanted to give it a

    whirl and make a larger size one ~

    So here goes a quick tutorial

    on what I did ~

    Remember nothing is set in stone

    so you can play around with

    the sizes ~

    1. Tear a strip of muslin 2 x 38 inches ~

    2. Fold it into fourths and cut

    scallops ~

    3. Gather one side close to the edge ~

    4. Roll in one side about 2 times

    and glue it down ~

    5. Glue it standing upright on to

    a piece of felt ~

    6. Glue it around and around

    the base until all of your

    muslin is used up ~ Tuck it

    as close as possible to the base

    piece as you go around ~

    7. Cut the back of the felt off

    in a circle to your glue ~

    I rubbed mine with my hand

    to give it a tattered look ~

    If you want it tea dyed then

    just dip it in tea and squish out

    the excess ~

    Sit it out in the sun

    until it is dry ~

    I kind of separate the petals

    to lay them out a bit ~

    I LOVE this look alot !!

    I think

    it is my favorite !

    Just a little FYI ...

    There is a sale going on

    at my website until October 14th ~

    Come on over !

  • Burlap Banner Tutorial & Baby Shower Things

    Burlap Banner Tutorial & Baby Shower Things

    I just wanted to share with you

    a little bit more of my girls baby shower

    things I am working on ~

    They are going to have a combined

    shower so that will be fun!

    I showed you Kristin's invitations

    in a previous post and here

    are Stephanie's too ~

    It is going to be all vintage and

    creamy tones ❤ ~

    Today I worked on some little

    burlap banners with their babies names

    and wanted to show you the steps to

    make them ~

    They are super easy and can be

    done any size ~

    First I use Avery brand white

    shipping label sheets ~


    of the backing and stick it on to

    a piece of muslin ~

    Cut right on the edge of the sheet

    and run it through your printer

    (print on the muslin)

    I just did the name in photoshop ~

    Next cut out each letter and peel

    off the backing ~

    Cut out burlap triangles and pin

    and sew the letters to them ~

    Fold down the top and sew down

    leaving the ends open to run a

    piece of jute through it ~

    I also zig zagged the edges all

    the way around because I didn't want

    them to fray away ~

    That is it !

    Here are some tissue pompoms that

    I am also making but need to make

    a few more ~ They are fun !

    More shower pics coming soon!

  • Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    We love to create things with
    vintage lace from Canton and other
    flea markets, but what if you
    don't have access to flea markets?

    {this is part of our vintage stash }

    We decided to see what we could
    find at local thrift stores and
    made a fun shopping day out of it!

    Digging through all the old clothes
    was such fun and we found some great
    dresses and shirts to create
    lace and ruffles ~

    This full lace dress was only $1.99!

    Isaac was worn out from all our shopping :)

    Here are some of our finds ~

    Next, we made black tea and tea dyed
    the white lace and dresses ~

    Just hang them in the sun to dry ~

    Once they were dry, we cut up
    the dresses to get the fabric
    we needed for our project ~

    We used a tea dyed muslin
    drawstring bag ~

    We pinned the lace to the bag
    and cut and gathered the skirt fabric
    to make a ruffle for the bottom of the bag.
    We then sewed the lace
    and the ruffle to the bag ~

    Afterwards, we chose buttons,
    a tattered rose, and lace to
    embellish the bag. This is where
    you want to get creative!
    *Click here for the rose tutorial ~

    Here is the final project!

    And another bag from a
    baby girl dress we found ~

    We had so much fun today!
    Go to your thrift store for inspiration :)

  • Hymnal Music Banner Tutorial

    Hymnal Music Banner Tutorial

    I just wanted to show you an

    idea that my daughter, Stephanie, had

    and a quick tutorial on how to do it ~

    She took old hymnal music and

    photoshopped {to the

    correct size for her paper }

    a font to print on it ~

    She used the Broadway font

    and downloaded it for free ~

    Just click on the name ~

    Then we used these cute clips from

    Tim Holtz ~

    We clipped them to twine ~

    After that she added a tattered

    muslin rose with a vintage

    black button in the middle ~

    It came out so cute and so easy to do!!

    I love it!

  • All About Bags

    All About Bags

    Yesterday for some reason it

    was all about the bags !

    I have burlap bags and muslin bags

    that have been in my studio for a few months

    and for some reason

    all of a sudden they were calling my name ~

    These are what I worked on ~

    So seriously ............

    I am supposed to be organizing this closet

    that I have put off for ohhhh about 10 years ~

    We are getting new hardwood floors though

    so it is a necessity of life unless the workers

    want to get killed when they open it ~

    Why in the heck do I have this closet and

    how in the heck did it get like this !!

    Oh my gosh !

    Okay off to organize and toss !

    WAIT !! I have worked for 10 minutes and I am

    at a stand still ~

    For all of your organizy type gals out there ~

    What if I have something that

    I think is cute or pretty and I really like

    it but don't have a clue what to do with it ???

    Here is an example ... she is darling but I won't

    put her out because she doesn't go with

    my decor ~

    Do I save her for grandkids one day? ~

    Do I put her out on Easter? ~

    This is just one example of ..... ohhhh quite

    a few things ~

    (Oh my gosh, is this what hoarders think ??)

    What do I do ?

    AHHHHH !!!

  • Tattered Strip Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Strip Rose Tutorial

    I was making some
    tattered strip roses
    today and thought
    I would take some pictures
    along the way to
    show you how to do them ~

    1. Tear a strip of muslin
    4 inches wide by 2 yards ~
    This will make 2 small roses
    or one large ~

    2. Sew the strip in half
    and then cut in about half
    inch sections ~ I sewed
    mine with a serger but
    any machine will do ~

    3. Tea dye and let dry in the
    sun ~
    When dry kind of scrunch it
    in your hands to make
    it all tattered ~

    4. Gather either by hand
    or on a machine ~ I used
    a gathering foot so it
    looks pleated but doesn't
    have to be ~

    5. Glue on to a piece of
    felt or canvas using
    the instructions here~

    6. Glue a jewel or pearls
    in the center and
    that is it!!

    Have fun!!

  • Drop Cloth Ruffle Bag

    Drop Cloth Ruffle Bag

    I have been ruffling the world lately with

    my awesome ruffler for my Bernina (which I love too ! )

    There have been some wonderful tutorials

    and ideas for drop cloths because

    it is the coolest fabric with such a vintage look

    and a great price !

    Who would have known that drop cloths were good

    for bags too !

    Although I love it, I am not thinking I will do

    more of these in drop cloth fabric just because

    I kind of felt sorry for my little ruffler trying to ruffle it ~

    But.... I know I want to make more

    of these in muslin soon ~

  • Ticking Christmas Stocking Tutorial

    Ticking Christmas Stocking Tutorial

    Today was one of those

    random days where I go from

    one project to another and

    create a disaster everywhere I go ....

    Actually most days are like that :)

    While I was creating I took some

    pictures along the way to show

    you a quick and easy

    Christmas stocking ~

    I tea dyed the stocking first ~

    If you don't have one I have

    blank tea dyed ones here for sale ~

    Then ripped two 2.5 inch

    strips of ticking ~

    I gathered mine on my sewing

    machine but you can also gather

    by hand ~

    Next use a fabric glue

    ( my ultimate favorite is

    Fabri Fix ) to glue the

    gathered ticking strips on to the

    cuff of the stocking ~

    Just glue them where you like the

    way they look ~

    Next I made some rolled roses

    out of tea dyed muslin and also

    a tea dyed tag for a name ~

    I tied the tag with jute and then

    glued it on with the roses on top ~

    That is it !!

    This stocking is for sale on my

    website if you don't want to make one ~

    Chat soon!

  • Ruffle Bag Pattern

    Ruffle Bag Pattern

    I have had quite a few

    questions on the pattern for the

    bag that is in my blog and

    website headers

    so I wanted to show you

    which one I used ~

    It is super easy!! I used

    muslin for that one but I also

    love it in drop cloth fabric too!!

    This bag below I just made up the pattern

    but it shows you what it can look

    like with just a ruffle of

    lace in between~

    Here is the pattern I used ~

    I am pretty sure it is still available

    because it has not been that long

    since I made it ~