I was making some
tattered strip roses
today and thought
I would take some pictures
along the way to
show you how to do them ~

1. Tear a strip of muslin
4 inches wide by 2 yards ~
This will make 2 small roses
or one large ~

2. Sew the strip in half
and then cut in about half
inch sections ~ I sewed
mine with a serger but
any machine will do ~

3. Tea dye and let dry in the
sun ~
When dry kind of scrunch it
in your hands to make
it all tattered ~

4. Gather either by hand
or on a machine ~ I used
a gathering foot so it
looks pleated but doesn't
have to be ~

5. Glue on to a piece of
felt or canvas using
the instructions here~

6. Glue a jewel or pearls
in the center and
that is it!!

Have fun!!