Cottage & Family + vintage purse

Cutest Purse and Muslin Bags

The other day I was in at Lone Star Antique Mall

and found (at Bountiful ) this most precious purse filled with

shredded vintage paper and a sweet vintage photograph ~

I just adore it so it is going in my bedroom that is

going to be transformed after the hub bub of Christmas ~

I am loving transferring images to fabric

so today I washed some muslin bags to

make them look wonderfully crinkly and then

added some crowns ~

Also the other thing that I just love lately

is shredded vintage paper ~

How cute it is in so many things just like the purse ~

I will have some for sale soon .... just because it is fun !

So I just looked at my clock on my

computer and it is only 8:30 and

I am sleepy ~ What is up with that !

When does the time change again ??

Christmas, crowns, love, muslin bags, Room, shredded paper, TIME, and more:

Cutest Purse and Muslin Bags + vintage purse