Cottage & Family [Search results for free

  • Free Romantic Homes Magazines !

    Free Romantic Homes Magazines !

    Well the closet is clean and I have

    moved on to more closets :)

    So since I don't do alot of pink anymore

    and that is what I have alot of in

    closets ~ I am listing it in my Flea Market

    category as well as some of the other

    categories on my website ~

    The Dallas Home & Gift Show is next

    week and I am dying to BUY stuff !!

    So I have to clear out the old

    to bring in more !

    Here are some Flea Market Category things ~

    Also I am not going to be carrying magazines

    anymore so .......

    We have buy a Romantic Homes

    Bedrooms and Bathrooms and get a Kitchens

    for free !

    And with a purchase of $30 or more you

    can get a free Romantic Homes February

    which is sooo gorgeous !!

  • Time for Earrings

    Time for Earrings

    We have just added more earrings to
    Katies Rose Cottage Designs and you can get a pair Free !
    With every necklace purchase you will get a free pair of
    earrings ~~
    This is through Sunday March 28th ~

    These are not included in the free earrings but

    I just adore them :)

  • ~Free Shipping ~

    ~Free Shipping ~

    Right now I am offering FREE SHIPPING on anything on my website made from fabric ~ The items are marked 0 weight so if you combine them with other things it won't up the total weight ~ this will be until Sunday night at midnight, August 13th ~

    I wanted to also let you know that I carry Romantic Homes magazines for $3.50 every month ~

  • Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Oh my goodness it has been tooo long since

    I have done a blog post !!

    I cannot believe how fast time flies !

    Yesterday I took all of the new stuff I have

    been working on and some of my recent Canton finds

    outside to take pictures ~

    I love to take them outside because there is about a half hour

    in the day when the sun is just right ~

    Well I am primping and clicking away and then

    came in to download my pictures ~

    AHHHHHH my camera died !! Not one of the pictures came out

    and of course I had not been checking them along the way ~

    I am not sure why ~

    Sooooo I have really loved my Canon Rebel but I am going to

    see if I can find a little camera that will take great close ups

    but that will also be handy to carry with me places ~

    I also wanted to let you know that

    we have free shipping right now

    with any order of $30 or more at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Start thinking Christmas gifts :)

  • Free Summer Charm

    Free Summer Charm

    I am giving away a free charm

    with every order

    from Katies Rose Cottage

    of $20 or more {pre shipping }~

    This sweet little summer charm

    comes on 24 inches of ribbon ~

    It will be through July 23rd

    or until they are gone ~

    Have an awesome summer day !

  • Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    I am getting there and it

    ROCKS my socks off!!

    My studio/office is getting clean ~

    In between organizing ... I am still

    painting, sewing and listing

    things on my website ~

    Here are just a few things that

    have been added ~

    Annie Sloan Chalk Paint not only

    works great for furniture but for

    small things too!

    I got these super cute

    linen bags in that I just love!

    For a limited time

    you can get a FREE cosmetic bag

    with every Linen bag purchased ~

    FREE !!!

    Next is a progress picture ~

    The top shelf needs done still

    but I can see the floor and

    the fabric and other stuff is all in bins ~

    I needed to use plastic bins

    so I can see what is in there ~

    It would be fun to use cute baskets

    but it would not be functional for me ~

    I am off to make some roses ~ Chat soon!

  • Free Romantic Homes

    Free Romantic Homes

    We are giving away a Free Romantic Homes magazine with any $30 purchase on both of our websites ~

    Make sure you visit Katies Rose Cottage for Feb. 2010 ~
    And Katies Rose Cottage Designs for March 2010 ~
    Read the home pages first to make sure there are some left ~

  • Jewelry 60% Off !!

    Jewelry 60% Off !!


    We just lowered all of our Jewelry category

    to 60% off !!

    Also you get a FREE charm with

    any jewelry purchase of $10 or more

    { not including shipping and

    while supplies last }

    { FREE CHARM }

    I am getting anxious to get our new

    Jewelry and Accessories category going ~

    So stock up now on our current things

    at an awesome price !!

  • ~Shabby Yard Sale ~

    ~Shabby Yard Sale ~

    Well there comes a time, especially after 6 years of collecting "stuff" that I just had to clean out !!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! is all that I can say ~ soooo.... we had a shabby and stuff yard sale today ~ it was alot of fun to get rid of things that I just was "over" ~ ya know that stuff that you couldn't live without and now it would be just fine to sell it for 10 cents or maybe for "free just please take it so I don't have to pack it back up again" stuff ~ well it was fun but I am really ready for a good relaxing bath ~ we are having it tomorrow too so I will talk to you soon!

  • Photoshop & Texture Classes

    Photoshop & Texture Classes

    I just love taking pictures and so very much

    have been wanting to learn how to

    use Photoshop Elements more ~

    That is why I decided to take

    Kim Klassen's Skini Mini E Course

    and it has been awesome !!

    Next will be her Photoshop Essentials class

    because I am hooked !!

    I first signed up on her mailing list

    to receive free textures ~

    She also sends some really great tips ~

    That is when I decided to take the time to

    really try and learn some more so I am

    going to take the

    Photoshop Essentials Class ~ YAYYY !! So fun !

    Here are some of Kim's pictures that

    she has taken and done with textures ~

    They look so gorgeous !!

    Make sure and stop by her website and see

    all of the cool stuff she has to offer !

    Just click on her logo to go there ~

  • Time for a SALE

    Time for a SALE

    It is time for a sale at Katies Rose Cottage ~
    Just visit our home page to get 10% off your entire order ~

    You will also get a free Handmade Gift Tag with every order ~

    This includes an additional 10% off the already reduced prices on some items like the NEW soldering supplies !

  • Soldered Charm Sale

    Soldered Charm Sale

    I just wanted to let you know that we have some new Halloween and Thanksgiving soldered charms in our Jewelry category ~

    But the best news is that we are going to have a sale like we have not had before on the charms ~ For every charm you order you will get 10% off PLUS a FREE ball chain ~

    This would be a wonderful time to stock up on charms for Christmas gifts ~ Each one always comes with an organza bag ~

    The sale will run through midnight on September 8th ~

  • Pink Friday "Beautiful Blues"

    Pink Friday "Beautiful Blues"

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the shops at Make Mine Pink ~
    The theme this week is "Beautiful Blues" ~ Make sure and see what treasures we have added by visiting our Pink Friday category here ~
    You can also visit the participating shops at Make Mine Pink by clicking here~

    With every order of $50 or more of anything on the website you will get this sweet charm for free ~

  • Tons of Vintage Roses

    Tons of Vintage Roses

    Please join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink for the Friday Shopping Event ~
    This week's theme is "Working Round the House" ~

    With fall just around the corner and school starting alot of women start to "nest" ~ it is time to get our homes all cozy and fill them with what makes us happy and content ~
    On my recent Flea Market trip I found some beautiful things to do just that ~
    Just click on the picture to be taken to them ~

    And for Friday only, you will receive a FREE pink vintage style brooch with
    every purchase of $20 or more ~

  • Pink Friday

    Pink Friday

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink !!

    I love January because after taking down the Christmas decorations I am always ready to have a fresh start with decorating ~ this week's theme for Pink Friday is "In With the New" where the shops are debuting some beautiful new products ~

    Make sure and visit our Pink Friday category to see some new things as well as there is a free gift with purchase ~

  • Pink Friday "Gotta Have Bling"

    Pink Friday "Gotta Have Bling"

    I am so excited for this week's Pink Friday !! The theme is "Gotta Have Bling" and we have alot that will be launched in the Pink Friday category at midnight tonight ~

    When you go there make sure and see the free giveaway with purchase too !

    Take a peek at the other Make Mine Pink participating shops for this week's Pink Friday ~

    Have fun shopping and get ready for glitz ~

  • Victoria Magazine

    Victoria Magazine

    One of my favorite magazines has always been Victoria ~ I am so excited to be able to offer it on my website now !! You can find it in the Paperie category at 10% off the newsstand price ~

    Also, if you sign up on our mailing list, you can find out how to get one for free ~ this will be for June 7th and June 8th only ~

  • Pink Friday

    Pink Friday

    Please join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops
    at Make Mine Pink for Pink Friday ~

    The theme this week is "Tea for Two and Two for Tea" ~

    All tea related soldered charms come with a FREE ball chain ~
    All other tea items are marked down ~

  • Hymnal Music Banner Tutorial

    Hymnal Music Banner Tutorial

    I just wanted to show you an

    idea that my daughter, Stephanie, had

    and a quick tutorial on how to do it ~

    She took old hymnal music and

    photoshopped {to the

    correct size for her paper }

    a font to print on it ~

    She used the Broadway font

    and downloaded it for free ~

    Just click on the name ~

    Then we used these cute clips from

    Tim Holtz ~

    We clipped them to twine ~

    After that she added a tattered

    muslin rose with a vintage

    black button in the middle ~

    It came out so cute and so easy to do!!

    I love it!

  • Canton Junkin' & HOT !!

    Canton Junkin' & HOT !!

    I LOVE going to First Monday

    Trade Days in Canton Texas!

    Every month it is something

    I so very much look forward to ~

    Even though I knew it was hot,

    I left my house with a good attitude

    and told myself that I would

    just stand the heat because

    I LOVE Junkin' !

    I hit the grounds with my

    trusty cart {a necessity there },

    my ginormous ice tea and anticipation

    of the treasures I would find ~

    I drove in and saw ohhhhh maybe

    5 vendors when there are usually 75 ~

    But....I knew there was cool stuff

    even with the 5 vendors and there

    was still another HUGE area to hit ~

    The next area had about half of

    the usual but still some neat things!

    I NEED a chicken coop and that cute

    little bicycle and all the awesome

    galvanized stuff, a gazillion

    old keys, a stack of drawers and

    birdcage ~


    Has anyone done anything awesome

    with a chicken coop ~ I want to see :)

    I didn't buy any of the big stuff

    because I was on a mission for my

    website and big stuff is expensive

    as craziness to ship ~

    After about 2 hours I thought

    I would die of heat stroke

    so I went to my most favorite

    place to eat because it looks healthy,

    you get free refills on ice tea

    and they have a HUGE fan!!

    Ohhhh and the buffalo head rocks!!

    {not really, I don't like dead animals

    but it is so Texas }~

    After I ate I was revitalized

    and ready to hit the junkin' trail for

    HOURS more ~

    Well I lasted about one more hour,

    saw sweet Daphne and Dorothy that were fun

    to chat with and decided heat stroke

    was definitely setting in ~

    Dang it!! I so wanted to last

    for sooo much longer but

    it was kind of miserably hot ~

    {110 degrees and it is humid...bleh!!}

    Next month I am definitely going

    on Thursday so I can visit

    LaurieAnna's Vintage Home,

    Girls Gone Junkin and some of

    my other favorite shops that aren't open

    on Wednesday and have air conditioning ~

    I talked to my mom, in California,

    while driving home and she

    told me that she was kind of chilly

    because the ocean breeze was blowing

    in and it didn't feel like summer

    {which she loves }~

    I would be loving some ocean breeze

    right now :)