Cottage & Family [Search results for bags

  • 12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    We had fun today working
    on a tutorial that is
    super easy ~ We have made
    it even easier with kits
    available on our website :)

    This project we are showing
    early so that you have
    plenty of time to work
    on it before Christmas ~

    These 12 days before
    Christmas bags can be hung
    as we have shown or
    you could put them on
    your Christmas tree ~
    We thought it would be fun
    for children to find the
    number and open a little
    gift for that day ~
    You could fill the bags
    with candy canes
    or a hand written fun
    thing for the day ~
    Use your imagination ~

    1. We have tea dyed the
    bags so the first
    step is to use the citra
    solv method to transfer
    the numbers on the bags ~
    You could also stencil
    numbers on ~

    2. Glue strips of lace
    across the top of the bag ~

    3. Cut a piece of tea dyed
    cheesecloth into a
    2 x 2.5 inch square ~
    Scrunch it in the middle
    and glue it on the lace ~

    4. Glue on a button ~

    Next just fill with
    fun things that can
    be opened each of the
    12 days before Christmas ~

    You can use string with
    clips to hang them
    or you can hang them on
    your tree ~

    If you would like to
    purchase a kit to make
    your own they are
    available here ~

    Have fun!!

  • All About Bags

    All About Bags

    Yesterday for some reason it

    was all about the bags !

    I have burlap bags and muslin bags

    that have been in my studio for a few months

    and for some reason

    all of a sudden they were calling my name ~

    These are what I worked on ~

    So seriously ............

    I am supposed to be organizing this closet

    that I have put off for ohhhh about 10 years ~

    We are getting new hardwood floors though

    so it is a necessity of life unless the workers

    want to get killed when they open it ~

    Why in the heck do I have this closet and

    how in the heck did it get like this !!

    Oh my gosh !

    Okay off to organize and toss !

    WAIT !! I have worked for 10 minutes and I am

    at a stand still ~

    For all of your organizy type gals out there ~

    What if I have something that

    I think is cute or pretty and I really like

    it but don't have a clue what to do with it ???

    Here is an example ... she is darling but I won't

    put her out because she doesn't go with

    my decor ~

    Do I save her for grandkids one day? ~

    Do I put her out on Easter? ~

    This is just one example of ..... ohhhh quite

    a few things ~

    (Oh my gosh, is this what hoarders think ??)

    What do I do ?

    AHHHHH !!!

  • "Batik" Bags

    "Batik" Bags

    Batik Pouches

    Materials: White cotton fabric cut into approx 6 x 16 in strips, masking tape, white oil pastels, liquid water colors, drawing paper, 12x18 in construction paper, needles and thread or sewing machine, model magic.

    Preparation: Tape the white fabric onto a piece of construction paper to make it easier for the students to draw their designs. The paper will also act as a blotter when they are painting.

    Day 1: We begin this project by discussing different types of lines, and patterns. Students are asked to sketch 2 different patterns using lines only. The most interesting design is selected and transferred onto the white fabric using the oil pastels. Students should make their lines large--- small lines or complicated lines are difficult to draw with oil pastel.

    Day 2: Students use liquid watercolors to paint their fabric strips. Encourage the students to create a pattern using color. Leave no white spots.

    Day 3: Students can sew the bags by hand, or you can assist them with the sewing machine. If sewing by hand, they can use the attached paper to help the students with sewing stitches.

    Day 4: Students will create small objects to put in their bags. Discuss symbols, and have students sketch small objects to symbolize them. Give each student a small ball of model magic to create their objects with. Paint the object with watercolor or liquid watercolor and place inside of special pouches.

  • Leather & Lace Bags

    Leather & Lace Bags

    I have done a post before on

    leather and lace but I just

    wanted to inspire you again on

    finding vintage leather bags

    and embellishing them with doilies

    and lace ~

    I found these at a flea market

    recently but I have to say,

    here in Texas, vintage leather

    bags are very few and far between ~

    I think they are kind of sought after!

    It is fun to grab a pile of

    doilies and just play around

    with placement until you like

    how they look ~

    I glued mine on with Fabri Fix

    that works great with fabric and leather ~

    I also added a flower to the front

    that was also created using

    vintage laces and doilies ~

    Here is how they looked

    before ~

  • Animal Print Bags

    Animal Print Bags

    Besides crowns, skeleton keys and chandeliers, it was all about animal print bags at the Dallas market this year ~

    At first I didn't really like them but they kind of grew on me after seeing them everywhere ~ This is a carry on bag for the airlines that I got that rolls, I really like it !

    This is a picture of my daughters and niece eating ice cream with their new animal prints ~ don't they look so thrilled :o)
    It was about 100 degrees and the humidity was high so by then we were all melting and tired ~

    Until next time have a super day !

  • Cutest Purse and Muslin Bags

    Cutest Purse and Muslin Bags

    The other day I was in at Lone Star Antique Mall

    and found (at Bountiful ) this most precious purse filled with

    shredded vintage paper and a sweet vintage photograph ~

    I just adore it so it is going in my bedroom that is

    going to be transformed after the hub bub of Christmas ~

    I am loving transferring images to fabric

    so today I washed some muslin bags to

    make them look wonderfully crinkly and then

    added some crowns ~

    Also the other thing that I just love lately

    is shredded vintage paper ~

    How cute it is in so many things just like the purse ~

    I will have some for sale soon .... just because it is fun !

    So I just looked at my clock on my

    computer and it is only 8:30 and

    I am sleepy ~ What is up with that !

    When does the time change again ??

  • Cosmetic Bags & Rose Cuff Bracelets

    Cosmetic Bags & Rose Cuff Bracelets

    I am so excited the Fed Ex guy delivered
    ( after ice delay ) a much
    anticipated box of beautiful cosmetic bags
    and rose cuff bracelets ~

    Here is just a peek of a few of what I will be

    putting on my website tonight and tomorrow ~

    They are all handmade and I adore them !

    You can find them at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

  • Burlap Totes for Vintage Country Weddings

    Burlap Totes for Vintage Country Weddings

    I have been making these
    burlap totes for quite awhile
    and just finished another
    one for my shop ~

    The other day someone purchased
    one to use as a bag for
    the money dance at
    her vintage country wedding ~

    I LOVE that idea
    and they are just the
    perfect size!

    I am loving all the
    burlap and rustic things
    being used at weddings
    right now ❤

    You can find these totes
    on our website ~

    We create things for
    Save on Crafts which
    has great wedding
    decorations ~

    We are in the process of
    making these bags for
    them which will be
    for sale soon ~

    They are perfect for
    alot of different wedding
    and shower ideas ~
    I love them as
    flower holders for the
    end of pews,they
    can be hung on the backs
    of chairs or ladders or
    use as gift bags ~

    Have a wonderful week!

  • Precious Gifts

    Precious Gifts

    Yesterday I was so very blessed with a package from

    a sweet friend that I have never met in person :)

    I was in awe at how well she knew me in the gifts that

    she made ~ They brought tears to my eyes !

    She made 2 cosmetic bags because she wasn't sure

    which I would like the best ( I love them both !! )

    and a rose cuff bracelet that is beautiful ! ~

    They are just gorgeous gorgeous !! She even handmade

    the embellishment on the top of the bags and put

    a little mirror on the inside flap ~

    I am thrilled because she is going to make some for

    my online boutique !!!

    They will be coming soon !

    Thank you so very much sweet Becky !

  • Vintage Leather & Lace

    Vintage Leather & Lace

    When I was at the flea market

    last week I found these really

    cool old leather camera bags ~

    I am loving the look of leather

    and lace right now so wanted to

    embellish them with some vintage

    lace ~

    I think the two larger ones would

    work perfect as purses and the little

    one is just cute!

    This is what they looked like

    when I bought them ~

    I can tell I will be on the

    hunt for old leather bags more often now :)

  • Creamy Fabric Bags

    Creamy Fabric Bags

    I am just loving soft whites and creamy colors so much lately ~ I am not sure what it is ~

    Tonight I decided to make some more of these sweet little bags ~ they are tea stained, stamped and have some vintage lace along the top and bottom ~

    They are stuffed with vintage crumpled paper that I got from Lisa at Tarnished and Tattered ~

    You can find them on our website ~

  • Ruffles & Roses

    Ruffles & Roses

    I have been running around in

    circles and not feeling real accomplished

    this week for some reason and I

    am not sure why ~

    But... after spending the day out

    getting nothing accomplished ~

    I got home to some wonderful boxes

    on the porch ( I love coming

    home to boxes on the porch )~

    The first thing I did was open them

    up and grab my camera to give you

    a sneak peek of what I will be adding

    to my website tomorrow ~

    Ruffle Tote Bags, Ruffle Laundry Bags,

    Ruffle Shower Curtains ~

    Alot of roses with some new colors ~

    Ruffles and Roses ....

    Some of my favorite things!!

  • Friends and Other Stuff

    Friends and Other Stuff

    I was so very excited last night to get to meet

    Dawn in person ! It is funny how we meet people through

    blogs and then when we get to meet in real life it feels

    like we already know each other ~

    She is visiting Lisa and so last night Lisa, Dawn, Pat and I got

    together just to chit chat for awhile before they were off

    on their weekend of adventure ~

    I have had company this week so haven't been

    doing a whole lot of creating but the bug has gotten

    me really badly !

    One thing that I did was play around with Citra Solv

    and printing images ~ it is soooo cool and washable which rocks !!

    I just love the faded worn look that it gives ~

    I was also trying different techniques for tattered roses

    and really had fun making those too ~

    The roses are on bags that I sell and the bags and pillows

    are on my website too ~

  • Drop Cloth Ruffled Bag

    Drop Cloth Ruffled Bag

    I am reposting this from January because

    I LOVE Drop Cloth fabric and am participating in

    My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia's

    Blogger Block Party !

    I have been ruffling the world lately with

    my awesome ruffler for my Bernina

    (which I love too !)

    There have been some wonderful tutorials

    and ideas for drop cloths because

    it is the coolest fabric with such a vintage look

    and a great price !

    Who would have known that drop cloths were good

    for bags too !

  • Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    I am getting there and it

    ROCKS my socks off!!

    My studio/office is getting clean ~

    In between organizing ... I am still

    painting, sewing and listing

    things on my website ~

    Here are just a few things that

    have been added ~

    Annie Sloan Chalk Paint not only

    works great for furniture but for

    small things too!

    I got these super cute

    linen bags in that I just love!

    For a limited time

    you can get a FREE cosmetic bag

    with every Linen bag purchased ~

    FREE !!!

    Next is a progress picture ~

    The top shelf needs done still

    but I can see the floor and

    the fabric and other stuff is all in bins ~

    I needed to use plastic bins

    so I can see what is in there ~

    It would be fun to use cute baskets

    but it would not be functional for me ~

    I am off to make some roses ~ Chat soon!

  • Canton & LaurieAnnas

    Canton & LaurieAnnas

    Last Thursday I got to do one of my

    very favorite things and that is to go to Canton, Tx

    to First Monday ~ It is soooo much fun because it is

    a treasure trove of junk and also of

    gorgeous shops and booths ~

    I love to visit LaurieAnnas shop when I am there ~

    I have said before that it is so gorgeous

    it takes my breath away

    and brings tears to my eyes literally!

    Every single thing she sells

    and every piece of display she has is beyond beautiful!

    I got to chat with her a little this month,

    she is such a sweetheart and is beyond talented!

    I wanted to come back and get some pictures

    but we had to leave earlier than expected

    so sweet Daphne let me use some of hers ~

    Daphne has beautiful pillows and bags

    in Laurie Annas shop and

    also on her own website ~

    So while I am waiting for flooring and not decorated yet

    I will continue to dream through

    beautiful shops and photographs ~

  • Drop Cloth Ruffle Bag

    Drop Cloth Ruffle Bag

    I have been ruffling the world lately with

    my awesome ruffler for my Bernina (which I love too ! )

    There have been some wonderful tutorials

    and ideas for drop cloths because

    it is the coolest fabric with such a vintage look

    and a great price !

    Who would have known that drop cloths were good

    for bags too !

    Although I love it, I am not thinking I will do

    more of these in drop cloth fabric just because

    I kind of felt sorry for my little ruffler trying to ruffle it ~

    But.... I know I want to make more

    of these in muslin soon ~

  • Creativity Kits

    Creativity Kits

    I have seen creativity or inspiration kits

    quite a bit lately and just love them !

    I decided to play around with some cute little burlap bags

    that I got and make some ~

    This is the first one that I did but they are

    so much fun to do that there will be more coming soon ~

    This one can be found at Katies Rose Cottage here ~