Batik Pouches
Materials: White cotton fabric cut into approx 6 x 16 in strips, masking tape, white oil pastels, liquid water colors, drawing paper, 12x18 in construction paper, needles and thread or sewing machine, model magic.
Preparation: Tape the white fabric onto a piece of construction paper to make it easier for the students to draw their designs. The paper will also act as a blotter when they are painting.
Day 1: We begin this project by discussing different types of lines, and patterns. Students are asked to sketch 2 different patterns using lines only. The most interesting design is selected and transferred onto the white fabric using the oil pastels. Students should make their lines large--- small lines or complicated lines are difficult to draw with oil pastel.
Day 2: Students use liquid watercolors to paint their fabric strips. Encourage the students to create a pattern using color. Leave no white spots.
Day 3: Students can sew the bags by hand, or you can assist them with the sewing machine. If sewing by hand, they can use the attached paper to help the students with sewing stitches.
Day 4: Students will create small objects to put in their bags. Discuss symbols, and have students sketch small objects to symbolize them. Give each student a small ball of model magic to create their objects with. Paint the object with watercolor or liquid watercolor and place inside of special pouches.