Cottage & Family:

  • Girl's Trip

    Girl's Trip

    I just got home from having a wonderful long weekend

    girl's trip to Southern California ~

    My two girls met my mom, sister and niece

    and we laughed, shopped

    and ate to our heart's content ~

    We all used to live in the same town

    but now my girls and

    I live in Texas and they all still live in California

    so it is great

    to get together and do trips like this ~

    This is Chelsey (my niece), Kristin (my oldest daughter), Kim (my sister),

    Sue (my mom), Stephanie (my youngest daughter) and me ~ We are

    at the Orange Coast Swap Meet ~

    What is a girl's trip without chocolate :)

    This is one of my new favorite shops ~ It is called the Daisy Shoppe ~

    Their website truly does not show how soooo yummy it was ~

    Their clothes were awesome, girly and lacey ~ I loved the decorations and

    accessories too ! It was me all over !! This is my daughter though in the picture :)

    This is my mom and my two girls at the Irvine Spectrum ~

    It was a glorious sunny day to shop at an outside mall ~

    This is my sister, Kim and I ~

    It was the end of the day and it looks like we should have

    been getting our makeup done with my mom :)

    My niece must have been hitting the shops since

    she wasn't in any more of these pictures ~

    It was a fun time and we can't

    wait to meet up again soon

    for more girl's weekends !!