Cottage & Family [Search results for shopping

  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Join us for a PINK Friday shopping experience at Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink! It's your exclusive invitation to " shopping with a twist." Each week, Katies Rose Cottage and the Boutiques at MMP will feature a well coordinated shopping experience with a theme - an all new approach to Internet shopping. Join us for "An English Tea" on Friday, June 20th .

    Boutique Participation is only open to Make Mine Pink Boutique members. This will assure that your shopping experience will be the very best from quality shopping to superior customer service.

    You can find the items at Katies Rose Cottage by clicking on the category button that shows the Pink Friday image on our website category list ~ that will take you to our Pink Friday products ~ every week will be a new theme for Fridays only ~

    Here are a couple of items that we will have available tomorrow ~

    Have fun shopping !

  • Make Mine Pink * Pink Fridays

    Make Mine Pink * Pink Fridays

    Join us for an all new PINK Friday shopping experience at Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink! It's your exclusive invitation to " shopping with a twist." Each week, Katies Rose Cottage and the Boutiques at MMP will feature a well coordinated shopping experience with a theme - an all new approach to Internet shopping. Join us for "Springtime in Paris" on Friday, May 30th.

    Indulge your Parisian style as you browse the participating boutiques.
    Join us for "Springtime in Paris" and shop from the comforts of your home. Best of all~ no gasoline needed. Boutique Participation is only open to Make Mine Pink Boutique members. This will assure that your shopping experience will be the very best from quality shopping to superior customer service.

    You can find the items at Katies Rose Cottage by clicking on the category button that shows the Pink Friday image on our website category list ~ that will take you to our Pink Friday products ~ every week will be a new theme for Fridays only ~

    Here is a sampling of what we have this week ~

    Have fun shopping !!

  • Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    We love to create things with
    vintage lace from Canton and other
    flea markets, but what if you
    don't have access to flea markets?

    {this is part of our vintage stash }

    We decided to see what we could
    find at local thrift stores and
    made a fun shopping day out of it!

    Digging through all the old clothes
    was such fun and we found some great
    dresses and shirts to create
    lace and ruffles ~

    This full lace dress was only $1.99!

    Isaac was worn out from all our shopping :)

    Here are some of our finds ~

    Next, we made black tea and tea dyed
    the white lace and dresses ~

    Just hang them in the sun to dry ~

    Once they were dry, we cut up
    the dresses to get the fabric
    we needed for our project ~

    We used a tea dyed muslin
    drawstring bag ~

    We pinned the lace to the bag
    and cut and gathered the skirt fabric
    to make a ruffle for the bottom of the bag.
    We then sewed the lace
    and the ruffle to the bag ~

    Afterwards, we chose buttons,
    a tattered rose, and lace to
    embellish the bag. This is where
    you want to get creative!
    *Click here for the rose tutorial ~

    Here is the final project!

    And another bag from a
    baby girl dress we found ~

    We had so much fun today!
    Go to your thrift store for inspiration :)

  • Blogger's Friday Flea Market

    Blogger's Friday Flea Market

    Make sure and visit us and also the other bloggers who participate in the Blogger's Friday Flea Market ~
    There is nothing like shopping at a flea market and it is even better when it is online !!

    Check out our Friday Flea Market Blog for a sample of what has been added this week and then from there you can visit all of the other participants ~

    Have fun shopping !!

  • Family Time

    Family Time

    My sister and niece have

    been visiting me in Texas for

    the last week ~ They live in California

    and so we try and go back and forth

    as much as we can ~

    We hit the road shopping all week

    starting with Canton's First Monday

    {never can get enough junk!! }

    Then as much shopping and

    crafting as we could squeeze in ~

    It was really cold and rainy most

    of the time so we spent one day in

    front of the fireplace watching movies

    and Chelsey ( my niece ) taught

    us all to crochet ~

    {below is my daughter Stephanie and above

    is a good friend Bethany, my niece Chelsey and

    daughter Kristin }

    Kristin added a rose and I just

    love it !!

    One day we decided to go

    to the Gaylord Texan Hotel because

    it is just gorgeous at Christmas ~

    { my sister Kim & I }

    {my niece Chelsey, sister Kim, son in law James

    daughters Kristin & Stephanie }

    It is always fun to have them come

    visit and sad when they leave!

    I miss my family in California like crazy!!

    I guess it is time for us to take

    a trip there again soon ~

  • Pink Friday * Nifty Nurseries

    Pink Friday * Nifty Nurseries

    It is time again to join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating members of Make Mine Pink for Pink Friday ~

    If you are new to my blog and website ~ Pink Friday is a themed shopping event where every Friday is a different theme ~ this Friday is "Nifty Nurseries"~

    You can find nursery goodies on my website here and you can also see a list of all the other Make Mine Pink websites who are participating here ~

    Have fun shopping !!

  • Fredericksburg Texas, Girls Getaway

    Fredericksburg Texas, Girls Getaway

    Ohhhhh what a glorious weekend we had in Fredericksburg Texas ~ I have been there before but I forgot how much I love it ~ It was just a three day weekend road trip for 4 friends of laughing, shopping, eating way too much, flea marketing, perfect weather and wine tasting ~ what a blast we had !!!

    Fredericksburg is in the Hill Country of Texas and it is full of shops that are just the essence of Texas ~ we spent 4 hours just shopping on this one street there ~ it was so much fun !!!

    One of my favorite things is lavender so we had to stop by a lavender farm and winery called Becker Vineyards ~ next month is a huge lavender festival which I would love to got to but maybe next year !! ~

    We stayed at one of the friends in laws house and the view in the background is from their gorgeous backyard !! It is amazing !! Being from California, I had no idea that there are even hills tall enough to have views like that in Texas ~ It was a treat to stay there for the weekend !!! ~

  • Office Chic

    Office Chic

    It is time for the participating shops at Make Mine Pink's Friday Shopping Event where the theme is
    "Office Chic" ~

    We have added some feminine office items that have not been seen before
    on our website ~

    All items in our Friday Shopping Category are marked down 10% for tomorrow and you will also get a free bookmark with every order ~

  • Make Mine Pink * Pink Fridays

    Make Mine Pink * Pink Fridays

    This Friday join Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink for our Pink Friday shopping event ~

    This week's theme is "In the Hope Chest "

    I remember when I was a little girl going up to my Great Grandma's attic ~ it was filled with treasures from years and generations past ~ it was so much fun to hear the stories of each treasure lovingly put away in trunks and chests ~

    When I was in High School my mom and dad gave me a hope chest that I filled with special linens and other things that I would someday use in my own home ~ these were things that my grandmas and mom would pass down to me or things that I collected that I loved ~

    Have fun shopping and dreaming ~

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    I just had to share a few photos of our vacation we are on in California ~
    The first couple of days we spent going to Catalina Island on a friend's sailboat ~ It was so much fun because on the way over we took the Catalina Express that took us 1 hour to get there and then we spent the night on the boat ~

    The next day we hiked and hung out and then sailed home which took 5 hours because there wasn't any wind ~
    Both ways we saw Blue Whales really close ~ it was so cool !!! You see Grey Whales in California more often but rarely see Blue Whales so it was awesome ~

    Now we are visiting family in Templeton so we are going antique shopping and just BBQing and hanging out ~ I will take more pics along the way ~

    Talk to you soon !!!

  • Yard Sales & Flea Markets

    Yard Sales & Flea Markets

    I have a confession to make ..... I am not a yard sale shopper ~

    A flea market shopper but not a yard sale shopper and it is all because I have already been there done that on the Little Tykes stuff ~ I have friends ( Pat and Lisa ) that live close to me that always find treasures at yard sales ~ not me though ~

    But ...... when Dorothy at the Shabby Y emails to say she is having a yard sale I am there with bells on (really flip flops) ~

    She has the most amazing studio in the back that she even opened up to the shopping gals ~I pretty much drooled over her neat as a pin studio stuffed with awesome treasures ~

    Here are the wonderful things that I got from her that will be on my website soon ~ well, except the oval frame ~

    I also went to a tiny little flea market and found these old photos and sweet baby shoes ~ I am going to use the pictures for pocket pillows ~ My daughter was with me and we just cracked up going through the boxes of pictures ~

    This girl's bow is so fun ! I can't imagine wearing a bow that ginormous :)

    People did call my girls bow heads though when they were little so maybe I can imagine it ..... hmmmm

  • "The Secrets of Mother's Jewelry Box"

    "The Secrets of Mother's Jewelry Box"

    It is time for Make Mine Pink's Friday Shopping Event ~ This week's theme is
    "The Secrets of Mother's Jewelry Box" ~
    Come visit Katies Rose Cottage as well as the other participating shops ~

  • Tons of Vintage Roses

    Tons of Vintage Roses

    Please join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink for the Friday Shopping Event ~
    This week's theme is "Working Round the House" ~

    With fall just around the corner and school starting alot of women start to "nest" ~ it is time to get our homes all cozy and fill them with what makes us happy and content ~
    On my recent Flea Market trip I found some beautiful things to do just that ~
    Just click on the picture to be taken to them ~

    And for Friday only, you will receive a FREE pink vintage style brooch with
    every purchase of $20 or more ~

  • Pink Friday "Gotta Have Bling"

    Pink Friday "Gotta Have Bling"

    I am so excited for this week's Pink Friday !! The theme is "Gotta Have Bling" and we have alot that will be launched in the Pink Friday category at midnight tonight ~

    When you go there make sure and see the free giveaway with purchase too !

    Take a peek at the other Make Mine Pink participating shops for this week's Pink Friday ~

    Have fun shopping and get ready for glitz ~

  • Pink Friday & Friday Flea Market

    Pink Friday & Friday Flea Market

    It is time for Pink Friday with Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink ~
    The theme this week is "Coming Up Roses" ~ I was so excited about this theme because I love roses (obviously) ~

    We are also part of the Blogger's Friday Flea Market ~ you can see a preview of our flea market items here and all of the items here ~

    Have fun shopping !

  • Vintage Rose China

    Vintage Rose China

    We got home from vacation late last night and are trying to get back in the swing of things ~ I don't know why it seems so hard to get back to normal life ~

    Before we left I went on a shopping trip for a couple of days to stock up on some treasures and found alot of them ~ It was soooo much fun !!
    I will be listing them over the next couple of days in between catching up on orders ~
    Here is a sneak peek of what is coming ~

  • Make Mine Pink Chicago Bound

    Make Mine Pink Chicago Bound

    I am sooo excited to be on my way to Chicago to attend the Country Living Women Entrepreneur of the Year conference ~ Joyce Lucas, who is the founder of Make Mine Pink is one of the women being honored !!

    It is going to be a blast to get to meet all of the ladies that I talk to at Make Mine Pink everyday ~ I have been a member for over 3 years and have talked to Joyce and the other ladies on the Make Mine Pink forum since then ~ We are going to have a few days to laugh, chat, eat Chicago pizza and just have so much fun as well as learn some wonderful things at the conference ~

    On March 15, 2008, in Chicago, at the annual Country Living WE aftenoon, Joyce Lucas will recognized as one of Honorees of 2008's The Country Living Women Entrepreneurs. She will join the other deserving Honorees on stage for accolades and a question and answer session. All the Honorees are featured in the March issue of Country Living, currently on the newsstands.

    Her her own words, Joyce says:
    "This year I am so proud to announce that I have been honored along with 9 other women, the "Country Living Women Entrepreneur of the Year award for 2008 ". Grateful for such an honor, I am also very humbled. It is because of the amazing group of women that collectively make up Make Mine Pink, that I have received this honor. I will proudly accept this honor for all of the members at MMP."

    Joyce founded in Make Mine Pink 2004, from a personal need to find other like- minded women who, like herself, were struggling to not only get their businesses started, but to gain the recognition businesses needed to succeed. Not only did she create Make Mine Pink as an online shopping mall, but she added a forum for the business women to exchange ideas and build friendships.

    To read more about Joyce, check the March issue of Country Living, the Country Living website and especially check Make Mine Pink.

  • Friday Flea Market Clearance Sale

    Friday Flea Market Clearance Sale

    We are having a Christmas Clearance Sale for the Blogger's Friday Flea Market ~
    You can see just a sample of our sale going on today here ~

    Have fun shopping !

  • ~ My Current BLUE Obsession ~

    ~ My Current BLUE Obsession ~

    I am not sure what it is but I love the color blue lately ! It seems like I am drawn to it at flea markets just as much as I am pink ( well, almost as much ) ~ I LOVE it ! Here is a little sneak peak at some of the blue things that I found this last couple of weeks on my shopping trip that I have been telling you about ~

    This is my banner from my new etsy site ~ I will be adding more on there soon ~ See it is blues and pinks too...... :o)

  • Recreating for Make Mine Pink "Pink Friday"

    Recreating for Make Mine Pink "Pink Friday"

    Today I spent the day getting ready for the Make Mine Pink, "The Garden Path", Pink Friday event ~

    I wanted to take you along so that you could see the journey of recreating a flea market find into something special for your cottage home ~

    The first thing you do is find what you want to work on ~ it is getting harder and harder to find these awesome totes like the large one that I have shown ~ It is very old so the wood is rough and weathered ~ I really don't know what it was used for but I think it would be perfect for putting your flowers in as you cut them and get ready for a bouquet ~

    The next step is to glue on embellishments if you want to ~ I love them because they add such a shabby chic look ~

    Then you prime your piece with a good primer ~ my very favorite is Kilz oil based because it covers so well ~

    After that is dry, which takes a few steps to do all sides, you paint on whatever color you would like and when that dries you distress it with sandpaper ~ I use flat paint because I like the look of it ~

    I love it when the weather is sunny because it makes the best painting days !!

    The items that I have shown you, along with other garden treasures, will be available on my website for Pink Friday ~

    Have fun shopping or creating !!