Cottage & Family [Search results for vintage baby shoes

  • Baby Shoes & Randomness

    Baby Shoes & Randomness

    I just adore little vintage

    baby shoes ~ There is just

    something so very precious

    about them!

    Today I was trying to decide

    if I could actually part with

    any ~ I took some pictures and

    haven't listed them yet on my website

    because I am not sure if I can :)

    Do you ever get things to sell you just

    have a hard time parting with ?

    I am in love with Dawn's Baby Pincushions

    so maybe that is what I will do with them ~

    You can get a tutorial from her here ~

    On a totally different subject .....

    I have been playing around with my

    blog since Donna at Funky Junk Interiors

    told us about purchasing our own

    blog domain ~

    I went from a blogspot URL to my own

    and also added a favicon ~ I am

    so excited!! I have only changed the

    favicon about 6 times because I wanted

    a picture but they are really hard

    to see so tiny ~ It was stinkin' scary

    for me to switch to my own URL ~

    I am totally not computer saavy and

    was freaking out that I would lose

    my whole blog ~ It took about

    72 hours for the switch to take place

    but I think it is done now ~

    Do you see me at a blogspot URL

    or at ?

    Also do you see the BIG ORANGE BLOG favicon

    or just the letters KRC ? I am just

    curious since I really haven't a clue

    what I am doing ~

    Ohhhh I thought I was actually done

    blabbing but I wanted to let you know that

    I have 10% off my website from now

    until November 2 ~

    Okay I am done :)

  • Vintage Pocket Pillows and Baby Shoes

    Vintage Pocket Pillows and Baby Shoes

    Today I got a couple of pocket pillows made out of some vintage fabric ~ I used some of the photographs that I showed you yesterday to put in the pockets ~

    I just can't pass up baby shoes either ~ I actually used this oval frame just to take the picture for my website but I love them hanging in it ~

    Here are just a few things that I listed at Katies Rose Cottage from my recent finds ~

    I am off to Canton tomorrow to find more treasures ~ I cannot wait !!

  • My Scattered Creating Morning

    My Scattered Creating Morning

    Do you ever have those days where your brain is going a gazillion miles

    an hour with so many things you want to do and create that you

    can't focus on one ..... well that is me pretty much

    all of the time :)

    So this morning I got up and started dyeing my new stash of

    vintage laces and linens ~ Put out my sewing machine and spread

    it all out pretty much all over the place ~

    After I made one pillow I remembered the

    sweet little baby shoes that I got so I had to embellish them with some vintage yumminess ~

    Then I remembered the cute basket I got yesterday

    and decided to dye and stamp some tags and ribbon to pretty it up ~

    While I was taking pictures of all of this ( in the crummy rainy light ) I remembered the

    Dream sign that I just got and wanted to add it to the cute

    little vignette that I was photographing ~

    Ohhh and then as I was digging through my Canton treasures

    that held the linens and baby shoes, I remembered this

    awesome bracelet !

    All of this started by putting a whole day aside to work on pillows ~

    So what am I doing now ...... blogging about it because I got side tracked again :)

    BTW ~ these will all be on my website today .... that is my goal ~

    Afternoon update .....

    I got two more pillows done and listed and then got on an altered bottle side track ~ Gotta love rolled roses :)

  • Baby Shoes & Pocket Pillows

    Baby Shoes & Pocket Pillows

    It is time to get back to work after a long weekend so I have listed

    two little Altered Baby Shoes and some Vintage Cottage Pillows

    on my website, Katies Rose Cottage ~

    Tomorrow is Canton !! WOOHOO !! I love love Canton ~

    I am in need of more lace and always on the hunt for silver so that

    is my goal tomorrow ~

    I have been having a blast at Photofunia ~ it is kind of addicting !!

  • Somerset Life and The Feathered Nest

    Somerset Life and The Feathered Nest

    I love the publication, Somerset Life ~ it is always so much fun when a new one comes out and I rush down to Barnes and Noble to get it as soon as it does ~

    This issue was even better because one of the features was about an amazingly talented lady that I have met through her blog ~ I was blog surfing quite awhile ago and ran in to Dawn Edmonson's blog called The Feathered Nest ~ it is one that I visit every day because she always has such beautiful things whether it be something she has created or something just to show us ~ In Somerset Life she shows how she recreates vintage baby shoes in to sweet treasures ~

    Visiting blogs amazes me at all of the talent out there and can be quite addictive ~