Cottage & Family [Search results for treasures

  • How much China Can fit in a Carry-on ?

    How much China Can fit in a Carry-on ?

    I got a wild hair to go visit my friend in Kansas this week for a couple of days and do some antique shopping ~ they have wonderful shops there that I love to explore ~ I always feel like I am at Mayberry because the towns are like stepping back in time ~

    I just took a carry on suitcase with me and packed really light so I could carry my treasures home ~
    We hit the ground running from the time I got off the plane until the next evening when I flew home ~

    I found some gorgeous china and really could have left it for my next driving visit or ship it home but I wanted to see if I could carry it with me ~ I was so excited that I could put all of my fun treasures in my suitcase ~ It was sooo heavy, you should have seen me trying to lift it in the overhead ~

    I was thrilled with the pretty pink rose plates and also loved the blues too !

    On the way to the airport we stopped at a huge antique mall but only had a short amount of time to explore it ~ I will be headed there first next visit which has to be real soon !

    This is a picture of one of the booths ~ there was so much to look in this mall and each booth was jammed packed ~ it was kind of overwhelming ~

    It was a fun but quick trip so I have to go back soon ~

    I will be listing the new treasures on my website in the Vintage Finds category this weekend ~

  • Yard Sales & Flea Markets

    Yard Sales & Flea Markets

    I have a confession to make ..... I am not a yard sale shopper ~

    A flea market shopper but not a yard sale shopper and it is all because I have already been there done that on the Little Tykes stuff ~ I have friends ( Pat and Lisa ) that live close to me that always find treasures at yard sales ~ not me though ~

    But ...... when Dorothy at the Shabby Y emails to say she is having a yard sale I am there with bells on (really flip flops) ~

    She has the most amazing studio in the back that she even opened up to the shopping gals ~I pretty much drooled over her neat as a pin studio stuffed with awesome treasures ~

    Here are the wonderful things that I got from her that will be on my website soon ~ well, except the oval frame ~

    I also went to a tiny little flea market and found these old photos and sweet baby shoes ~ I am going to use the pictures for pocket pillows ~ My daughter was with me and we just cracked up going through the boxes of pictures ~

    This girl's bow is so fun ! I can't imagine wearing a bow that ginormous :)

    People did call my girls bow heads though when they were little so maybe I can imagine it ..... hmmmm

  • Treasures from the Past

    Treasures from the Past

    When you go out junkin' do you

    collect things to sell ~ to recreate

    something from the past that

    becomes a new treasure for someone else ~

    I love to get things for my home

    but I can only have so much before

    it becomes hoarder status ~

    So.....I am mostly on the hunt for

    things to put on my website ~

    While I was in Kansas I got

    two Bibles that I thought would be

    awesome to take the pages from

    and use in pocket pillows or for

    who knows what else but they are aged

    so perfectly!

    As I took them out and really looked at

    them (which I don't really do

    when I am on the search) .....

    I started to think about where they have

    been ... what stories they had to tell...

    Was this little Bible carried

    to a church like this ~

    or this ~

    Was this larger Bible in a families house

    out on a prairie somewhere ~ Did they

    find comfort in its pages during

    hard times ...

    Where have they been through the years

    to end up in a flea market in 2011 ~

    Precious treasures from the past

    are the things that we collect ...

    whether to recreate with or to

    cherish as they are ~

  • Vintage Farmhouse Tools

    Vintage Farmhouse Tools

    I am loving these vintage farmhouse tools!
    As I was packing up shipping boxes today,
    my mom rediscovered these amazing vintage tools
    in the depths of our workshop. What an awesome find!

    It is so much fun to find treasures, but it is even
    more rewarding to discover them for a second time!

    I have to admit, it was tempting to keep these for my own house!
    But, I couldn't keep these treasures to myself,
    they are just too vintage not to share.
    I hope you love them as much as we do!


  • Canton Treasures

    Canton Treasures

    Well I was so happy to get pictures of some of my favorite Canton shops and got back to my hotel, downloaded the pics and they were all blurry !!
    I was totally bummed but I am going to show you some of the treasures that I came home with ~

    This is just one of the things that I have been looking for forever and finally got ~ I am not sure if I am going to sell it but most likely I will ~

    After Canton I went to California for a couple of days soooo nothing is unpacked ~ I will add more treasure pictures as I unpack them ~

    Talk to you soon !

  • Altered Skate

    Altered Skate

    A couple of weeks ago I went to Canton Texas for my favorite shopping at First Monday ~
    I always visit the "Girls Gone Junkin" shop and find some really fun and unique shabby cottage chic treasures ~
    This month I just had to get this skate because I thought it was so cute ~ of course it is pink, has glitter and is altered which I love ~ So now I am on the hunt for some treasures to alter ~
    Skate now for sale here ~

    I also started new packaging for the German glass glitter that I sell on my website ~ it matches some of the other jars that I have available for organizing craft goodies ~

  • New Treasures Being Added

    New Treasures Being Added

    I have been taking a few days off to be with family for Christmas but it is back to getting more treasures on my website today ~
    I just finished listing over 17 items including the new issue of Somerset Life ~
    If you haven't read the Somerset magazines, the pictures are wonderful and everything is so inspirational !!!
    Remember too, that we add new items daily unless we are out of town ~

    Here are just a few pics of some of the new listings at Katies Rose Cottage ~

  • Paris Flea Market

    Paris Flea Market

    I just think it would be a dream to go to the Paris Flea Markets !!! I have heard it is so much fun but I often wonder how I could possibly take large enough suitcases :o) ~ I can just imagine digging through all of the amazing treasures that could be found ~ things that are so old and have so much history ~ ahhhhh!!!!

    Some friends of mine, who own this fabulous antique store and travel agency, went recently and are planning another trip ~ the Red Shed girls and Riverside Travel will be taking a group in April 2008 ~ click on the banner for trip information ~

  • Flea Market Sunday

    Flea Market Sunday

    Well it looks like California won't be happening this vacation soooo when all else fails, the flea market is always fun ~ well.... for me at least ~ My husband doesn't think it is all that fun ~

    I just love to see what treasures that I can find ~ sometimes there are alot and sometimes there are just one or two ~ For the last 5 years I have gone to one of my favorites that was only 5 miles from my house ~ they sold the property so it isn't there any more but had been since the 1920's ~ I am so sad because it was so close to me and I always found tons of goodies ~

    The one I went to today is every weekend and is about 40 minutes away ~ but it does have all different kinds of things to dig through ~
    These are a few things I picked up today that will be on my website in the Vintage Finds category soon

  • Rose Bowl Flea Market

    Rose Bowl Flea Market

    I have always wanted to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market and finally got a chance to this weekend ~ The only bummer part was that I didn't realize it is Sunday only and my flight back home left Sunday afternoon ~ sooooo I only had about 3 hours there which is very much not enough time because it is HUGE ~
    It was alot of fun to see the difference in it and the Canton Texas Flea market that I go to ~
    I was thrilled to see alot of Shabby Cottage Chic since that is my favorite ~ I zoomed through there as fast as I could but was dying to go up and down every aisle and take in every space full of treasures ~

    I loved all of the whites, pinks and greens ~

    There were tons of chandeliers and I really wanted
    to take them home but not sure they would be an airline "carry-on" ~

    This frame was gorgeous !!!

    Well there is always next month and I won't be scheduling a flight home on Sunday ~~

  • ~Flea Market Tuesday !!!! ~ YAY! ~~~

    ~Flea Market Tuesday !!!! ~ YAY! ~~~

    I don't think I have told you that today is one of my favorite days of the week!!!~ LOL ~ Flea market day !!! It is so funny because when we moved here, I thought for sure I would get mugged at the flea market ~ I had no idea how awesome it was ~ Well...... needless to say I missed a couple of years of wonderful searching and getting to know some very sweet people ~ it looks really gross but the treasures abound ~You can find most anything you want from shabby cottage chic, antique and wonderful things to recreate ~

  • Pink Friday "Beautiful Blues"

    Pink Friday "Beautiful Blues"

    It is time for Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the shops at Make Mine Pink ~
    The theme this week is "Beautiful Blues" ~ Make sure and see what treasures we have added by visiting our Pink Friday category here ~
    You can also visit the participating shops at Make Mine Pink by clicking here~

    With every order of $50 or more of anything on the website you will get this sweet charm for free ~

  • ~Flea Market Day ~

    ~Flea Market Day ~

    Today is one of my favorite days because it is flea market day !!! I crawl out of bed, throw on some jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops, grab a huge bag and off I go (with a cup of coffee, of course) ~ It is so hot here that all of the vendors start leaving about 10 a.m. so I have to get there around 7 or 8 ~ It was definitely box day today which thrills me since I LOVE to find old boxes ~

    This is a picture of some of my treasures ~ I will be painting them tomorrow so check back to see how they have been recreated into something perfect for your shabby cottage decor ~

  • Canton ~ Fun Day Flea Marketing !!!

    Canton ~ Fun Day Flea Marketing !!!

    I spent all day yesterday at one of my favorite places, Canton Texas ~ If you read my blog very often, you will see that I go every month because I LOVE to go through treasures !!! It is a giant flea market that has been there since the early 1900's or maybe even earlier ~ there are alot of new things in one huge area and flea market things in another GIGANTIC area ~

    These are pictures of of one treasure filled space called The Veranda ~

    This is one picture of just some of the pretty things I got that I will be listing on my website starting today ~

  • Vacation Part 3

    Vacation Part 3

    Today is Monday and I was supposed to be flying home but.... I am dropping our daughter off to do her internship at Disney World ~ she still had some checking in and figuring out stuff to do sooo... I am in Florida ~ I am hoping to be fly home tomorrow and get some fun treasures listed on my website that are just waiting ~

    This is a picture off the deck above the pool ~ the weather was gorgeous !!

    I will chat with you soon !!

  • ~ Another Peak at My Recent Treasures ~

    ~ Another Peak at My Recent Treasures ~

    I just wanted to show you some more pics of my treasure hunting over the last couple of weeks ~ the flea markets and antique shops were so much fun !

    I drove for about 30 minutes to get to this one town that was supposed to be fun for antique stores ~ well there was one shop open and the other ones were closed for one reason or another ~ one lady just needed to run some errands so she closed ~ this is a sign that was on another shop door ~ It felt like I had gone back in history about 50 years ~

  • Canton First Monday Flea Market in May

    Canton First Monday Flea Market in May

    There are times I am just amazed at how fast time flies and this is definitely one of them !! It seems like I was just showing you pics of the last Canton First Monday flea market and it was here again ~

    These are pictures of one of a gorgeous booth in one of the buildings called Willow Nest ~

    If you have visited my blog very often, you know it is one of my very favorite things to do !! I LOVE going to Canton ! Most months I go for 2 days and just spend the time browsing and digging through tons and tons of treasures !! Some of the spots are set up just gorgeous and some you literally have to dig through boxes ~

    These are pictures of one of my favorite artists Devonia ~

  • Vintage Rose China

    Vintage Rose China

    We got home from vacation late last night and are trying to get back in the swing of things ~ I don't know why it seems so hard to get back to normal life ~

    Before we left I went on a shopping trip for a couple of days to stock up on some treasures and found alot of them ~ It was soooo much fun !!
    I will be listing them over the next couple of days in between catching up on orders ~
    Here is a sneak peek of what is coming ~

  • Getting Ready for the Show

    Getting Ready for the Show

    Today I went out to find some displays to use at the Gift Show in Dallas in January ~

    Oh my goodness it is getting closer and closer !!

    I love Dorothy's treasures at the Shabby Y in Lone Star Antique Mall ~ I was really excited that she was there because she is so very talented and helped me with ideas ~

    I ended up getting some awesome frames that I will be using for displaying jewelry and a glittery pink Paris sign ~ My display spot is only 3 feet so I have to think creatively ~

    Make sure and visit The Vintage Rose Boutiques blog for updates on the gals progress getting ready for the show ~

    I have a new website called Katies Rose Cottage Designs that is just for our new line of jewelry debuting at the show ~ The website is there but will not have products for about a month ~

    These are some pictures of the Shabby Y ~

  • A Visit from my mom & dad ~

    I have been away for a week so I just wanted to let you know where I have been ~ My mom and dad are here from California for a visit for a couple of weeks ~
    We make it an annual tradition to go to the Canton flea market once a year ~ it is my dad, mom, my sister and I ~ we have a blast and stay for a few days just browsing the treasures, eating lots and laughing lots too ! We won't be going to Canton until the end of May ~

    They drive out early to stay with us ~ we have been planting flowers, talking, eating yummy pie my mom makes and watching movies ~ I am so blessed to be able to spend this time with them so I have been kind of away lately ~
    I am listing a little on my website, packing orders and answering emails and it will all pick up again at full speed at the beginning of June ~

    Talk to you soon !!!