I have always wanted to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market and finally got a chance to this weekend ~ The only bummer part was that I didn't realize it is Sunday only and my flight back home left Sunday afternoon ~ sooooo I only had about 3 hours there which is very much not enough time because it is HUGE ~
It was alot of fun to see the difference in it and the Canton Texas Flea market that I go to ~
I was thrilled to see alot of Shabby Cottage Chic since that is my favorite ~ I zoomed through there as fast as I could but was dying to go up and down every aisle and take in every space full of treasures ~

I loved all of the whites, pinks and greens ~

There were tons of chandeliers and I really wanted
to take them home but not sure they would be an airline "carry-on" ~

This frame was gorgeous !!!

Well there is always next month and I won't be scheduling a flight home on Sunday ~~