Cottage & Family [Search results for tattered strip rose

  • Tattered Strip Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Strip Rose Tutorial

    I was making some
    tattered strip roses
    today and thought
    I would take some pictures
    along the way to
    show you how to do them ~

    1. Tear a strip of muslin
    4 inches wide by 2 yards ~
    This will make 2 small roses
    or one large ~

    2. Sew the strip in half
    and then cut in about half
    inch sections ~ I sewed
    mine with a serger but
    any machine will do ~

    3. Tea dye and let dry in the
    sun ~
    When dry kind of scrunch it
    in your hands to make
    it all tattered ~

    4. Gather either by hand
    or on a machine ~ I used
    a gathering foot so it
    looks pleated but doesn't
    have to be ~

    5. Glue on to a piece of
    felt or canvas using
    the instructions here~

    6. Glue a jewel or pearls
    in the center and
    that is it!!

    Have fun!!

  • Tattered Layered Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Layered Rose Tutorial

    Then gather the each fabric strip
    right on one edge
    ( don't gather the sheer strip )
    ~ I used my ruffler foot
    which I pretty much love!

    After they are gathered I cut snips
    about every 1.5 inches randomly
    and ripped each snip
    almost to the gathered edge ~

    Next stack all the layers with
    the shear on top and stitch through all ~

    Then cut a circle to fit out of canvas and
    glue it on top of the ribbons ~

    After that I tied a vintage skeleton key
    to one of the ribbons and glued a pin on the back ~

    That is it!
    A fluffy tattered rose ❤

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  • Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    A sweet lady wrote to me and

    asked me if I could do a

    tutorial on the roses that

    are on my Flower Girl Baskets

    and Ring Bearer Pillows ~

    I actually bought those at a

    scrapbooking store and hadn't even

    tried making them ~

    But today I wanted to give it a

    whirl and make a larger size one ~

    So here goes a quick tutorial

    on what I did ~

    Remember nothing is set in stone

    so you can play around with

    the sizes ~

    1. Tear a strip of muslin 2 x 38 inches ~

    2. Fold it into fourths and cut

    scallops ~

    3. Gather one side close to the edge ~

    4. Roll in one side about 2 times

    and glue it down ~

    5. Glue it standing upright on to

    a piece of felt ~

    6. Glue it around and around

    the base until all of your

    muslin is used up ~ Tuck it

    as close as possible to the base

    piece as you go around ~

    7. Cut the back of the felt off

    in a circle to your glue ~

    I rubbed mine with my hand

    to give it a tattered look ~

    If you want it tea dyed then

    just dip it in tea and squish out

    the excess ~

    Sit it out in the sun

    until it is dry ~

    I kind of separate the petals

    to lay them out a bit ~

    I LOVE this look alot !!

    I think

    it is my favorite !

    Just a little FYI ...

    There is a sale going on

    at my website until October 14th ~

    Come on over !