Yesterday the kids all came over to BBQ and swim ~
It was so fun because it just felt like summer was here ~ I love
the summer and all of the things that go along with it ~
These are just a few signs of summer from my backyard yesterday~
In the morning I tea dyed some linens to make more pillows ~ I love being able to hang them outside to dry and it took no time at all in the 90 degree weather we are having already ~

I planted 5 peach trees a few years ago because I love peaches and they always seem to be yucky in the grocery store ~ This year 2 of the 5 have peaches and there are tons ! We are trying to get to them before the birds and the bugs ~ they are so sweet and delicious ~

It is so fun to me to go out in my yard and pick my own herbs so every year I grow some ~

Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and I love the color of this one so much ~

This is Kirby after a swim ~ He loves loves the water and looks so cute all wet so I had to take a picture ~

Well I am off to fold linens and lace ~
Have a wonderful day !