Cottage & Family [Search results for summer

  • Signs of Summer in my Backyard

    Signs of Summer in my Backyard

    Yesterday the kids all came over to BBQ and swim ~

    It was so fun because it just felt like summer was here ~ I love

    the summer and all of the things that go along with it ~

    These are just a few signs of summer from my backyard yesterday~

    In the morning I tea dyed some linens to make more pillows ~ I love being able to hang them outside to dry and it took no time at all in the 90 degree weather we are having already ~

    I planted 5 peach trees a few years ago because I love peaches and they always seem to be yucky in the grocery store ~ This year 2 of the 5 have peaches and there are tons ! We are trying to get to them before the birds and the bugs ~ they are so sweet and delicious ~

    It is so fun to me to go out in my yard and pick my own herbs so every year I grow some ~

    Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and I love the color of this one so much ~

    This is Kirby after a swim ~ He loves loves the water and looks so cute all wet so I had to take a picture ~

    Well I am off to fold linens and lace ~

    Have a wonderful day !

  • Free Summer Charm

    Free Summer Charm

    I am giving away a free charm

    with every order

    from Katies Rose Cottage

    of $20 or more {pre shipping }~

    This sweet little summer charm

    comes on 24 inches of ribbon ~

    It will be through July 23rd

    or until they are gone ~

    Have an awesome summer day !

  • College Move In Day

    College Move In Day

    Last week we moved my youngest daughter, Stephanie, into her town house at college ~ it is her sophomore year at Dallas Baptist University ~ We all adore her school, it is just the best so she was pretty excited ~ all summer she has been going to flea markets collecting furniture and then the girls would come over and paint ~ they had to furnish the entire thing so they collected all summer long ~

    This is a picture of 4 of the 6 girls who will be living together ~

    I have shown the school in other blog posts but this is a picture of the outside of her town house ~ these are my baby girls all grown up ~ wow !! where does the time go ....

    We rented a U-Haul to get it there all in one trip ~ it is just about 45 minutes from us so it isn't far but it was alot easier to do it that way ~

    The day was sooooo stinking hot !!! It was 107 degrees not counting the humidity ~ I think it was like 112 degrees ~ thus the saggy pants I had on, I think they were melting off ~
    We recruited grandpa too but I was a little worried about him with working in the heat ~

    Stephanie was just a little overwhelmed with it all :O)

    After a few hours she was ready to have it all done .....

    I will have pics of it all decorated soon ~ they unpacked and decorated all the same day and grocery shopped ~ they cracked me up trying to get it all done in one day ~

    Ta ta for now ~

  • Summer Sale !

    Summer Sale !

    We are having a Summer Sale at
    Katies Rose Cottage Designs !!

    Get 15% off your entire order
    through midnight on July 8th ~

  • Currently Reading: Transformational Teaching

    Currently Reading: Transformational Teaching

    This summer has started off for me pretty well. The very beginning of the summer was a little stressful--- 90 teachers in my school district were unsure if we would be hired back. Luckily, everyone was hired back and I can get back to planning for the upcoming school year! I have started to plot out my plans for next year and collect new ideas from all the wonderful art blogs on the web. I am also collecting some fun ideas for one of my friends who will be teaching preschool ABA for the first time. If you have any good simple ideas for preschool students with a variety of special needs, pass them my way.

    I just started reading Transformational Teaching: Waldorf Inspired Methods in the Public School by Dr. Mary Goral. I will let you know what I discover!

  • Spring & Summer Clothing!!

    Spring & Summer Clothing!!

    We LOVE all of the beautiful feminine clothes that are
    available right now!! They are so very comfortable
    and perfect for your spring and summer wardrobe!

    So needless to say we decided to start carrying them
    on our website and are having alot of fun
    shopping for them and wearing them too!

    Make sure and stop by because
    we add something new a couple
    times a week!
    Stop by our facebook page
    or sign up on our mailing
    list for upcoming specials :)

  • Tattered Rose Hat & Tote

    Tattered Rose Hat & Tote

    I am loving these new hats for summer !!

    Pair them with our Flea Market Mini Totes

    and you are ready to go ~

    {The hats come in black and khaki }

    You can find them here ~

  • Summer Lovin Junkin'

    Summer Lovin Junkin'

    It was one of my most favorite times of the month

    last weekend .......... Canton!!!

    What is it about junkin' that is

    sooooo much fun ???

    I LOVE it !!

    Canton is full of junk places to dig

    through stuff and

    full of places to get beautiful things that

    are displayed gorgeous!!

    This month I went with my two girls,

    Kristin and Stephanie

    and our friend, Bethany ~

    Our first stop was Laurieanna's Vintage Home

    which is always amazing !!

    She has such a wonderful talent of making

    her shop over the top gorgeous!

    I am kind of

    wondering why this guy

    never unloads his trailer ~

    I think I have taken the same

    picture before ..... like maybe 2 years ago ~

    See that fence gate wayyyyy on the bottom..... I want it !

    I am not thinking that this bike cuts

    it for my beach cruiser ~

    But there were tons of them

    and they would be super cute

    in the yard with flowers ~

    I bought some flowers here because she

    had them displayed in old stuff and they were so cute!!

    Two of the 3 girls ended up with puppies ~

    We wanted to "save" them all but couldn't ~

    I have been adding some of the things

    I got at Canton and to my shop and

    will continue to this week ~

    I already can't wait until next month !!

  • ~ Shabby Aqua Chic ~

    ~ Shabby Aqua Chic ~

    When I went to market last week I saw alot of wonderful things ! There were a ton more pink things ( which made me happy ) and the hot hot colors for the coming year are aqua and chocolate brown ~ I adore these colors too ! You should have seen all of the things done in aquas ~ I love the ocean and so it totally gave me that summer ocean breeze feel even though we are in Texas :o) Here are a few of the aqua things that I have just listed ~

  • More Disney World Fun

    More Disney World Fun

    Yesterday we spent the day at Animal Kingdom in our tie dye shirts that we made over the summer and posted a while back ~ We looked like such dorks but it was really easy to find each other ~ It was alot of fun seeing the animals on the Safari ride but Expedition Everest was our favorite ~

    Here we are even being bigger dorks with our It's a Bug's Life 3-D glasses ~ they are pretty darn cute ~

    It rained like crazy in the afternoon at Animal Kingdom ~ of course it was the one day we didn't bring our ponchos ~

    This is from the front, my daughter, niece and her fiance ~

    Today we went to Epcot and tasted foods from around the world at their wine and cheese festival ~ it was great today because the crowds were super light and there wasn't any rain ~ My favorite country to visit was Italy and Paris but they were all fun ~

    Our girls in Italy at Epcot ~

  • Canton Junkin' & HOT !!

    Canton Junkin' & HOT !!

    I LOVE going to First Monday

    Trade Days in Canton Texas!

    Every month it is something

    I so very much look forward to ~

    Even though I knew it was hot,

    I left my house with a good attitude

    and told myself that I would

    just stand the heat because

    I LOVE Junkin' !

    I hit the grounds with my

    trusty cart {a necessity there },

    my ginormous ice tea and anticipation

    of the treasures I would find ~

    I drove in and saw ohhhhh maybe

    5 vendors when there are usually 75 ~

    But....I knew there was cool stuff

    even with the 5 vendors and there

    was still another HUGE area to hit ~

    The next area had about half of

    the usual but still some neat things!

    I NEED a chicken coop and that cute

    little bicycle and all the awesome

    galvanized stuff, a gazillion

    old keys, a stack of drawers and

    birdcage ~


    Has anyone done anything awesome

    with a chicken coop ~ I want to see :)

    I didn't buy any of the big stuff

    because I was on a mission for my

    website and big stuff is expensive

    as craziness to ship ~

    After about 2 hours I thought

    I would die of heat stroke

    so I went to my most favorite

    place to eat because it looks healthy,

    you get free refills on ice tea

    and they have a HUGE fan!!

    Ohhhh and the buffalo head rocks!!

    {not really, I don't like dead animals

    but it is so Texas }~

    After I ate I was revitalized

    and ready to hit the junkin' trail for

    HOURS more ~

    Well I lasted about one more hour,

    saw sweet Daphne and Dorothy that were fun

    to chat with and decided heat stroke

    was definitely setting in ~

    Dang it!! I so wanted to last

    for sooo much longer but

    it was kind of miserably hot ~

    {110 degrees and it is humid...bleh!!}

    Next month I am definitely going

    on Thursday so I can visit

    LaurieAnna's Vintage Home,

    Girls Gone Junkin and some of

    my other favorite shops that aren't open

    on Wednesday and have air conditioning ~

    I talked to my mom, in California,

    while driving home and she

    told me that she was kind of chilly

    because the ocean breeze was blowing

    in and it didn't feel like summer

    {which she loves }~

    I would be loving some ocean breeze

    right now :)

  • Clings in a most unsightly way to the figure

    Clings in a most unsightly way to the figure

    I was inspired today by Rebecca at A Gathering of Thoughts to recover a lampshade ~

    That has always been something that I have wanted to do but really never knew how to approach it ~

    Her tutorial is super easy to follow ~

    This is how mine turned out and it was so much fun ! Thank you Rebecca !

    Today I was looking through some vintage ephemera that I have and found this wonderful fashion magazine ~

    This is a scan of one of several pages from a magazine called Delineator that I have ~

    It makes me smile because I would just love to wear the clothes that they wore ~ The magazine is from 1898 ~

    These are pictures of bathing suits ~ It talks about how it is not made of wool because when wool is wet it "clings in a most unsightly way to the figure" ~ Can you even imagine wearing this swimming let alone in wool ~

    There is another paragraph that says to wear a bonnet because that way "the summer suns cannot seek out the pretty, delicate skin and leave their imprint of tan or freckles upon it. The dweller in the country home - the city maid as well as her village sister - who would preserve her complexion in its pink - white purity " ~

    Oh my goodness ! I just am having the most fun reading from these pages from the late 1800's in fashion ~

    I will be posting some more pages for you to copy off soon ~

    I don't know how to make them clickable so you can make them larger to copy so if anyone knows how please let me know ~

  • Sneak Peeks!

    Sneak Peeks!

    Donna from Funky Junk Interiors is doing

    "31 Days Blog to Biz" and on Day 14

    she gave a Gutsy Junk Challenge ~

    Here is what she said to do ~

    "1. Choose an unlikely something or other.

    2. Walk around the house with it.

    3. Then put it to work in a way you've never seen done before.

    Don't worry if it isn't a prize winner.

    That's not the point.

    The point is YOU stretching your OWN imagination

    and not fearing what someone else will say."

    Then there is going to be a

    'She's Got Guts!' link party
    Wed Oct 19

    Got the guts to link up? :)

    The whole point is stretching beyond

    our comfort zone ~

    So back to the grain buckets that I

    didn't even know what they were when

    I got them ~

    I wayyy stretched and am working

    on some things with them that I am

    going to be adding to the link ~

    It has been a fun challenge!

    Here is just a sneak peek :)

    Ohhh and while I am at sneak peeks ~

    Here is a Christmas stocking I

    will be putting on my website ~

    I am really really denying the reality

    that summer is over ~

    I love sunshine and warm weather

    ( not the hot we had in Texas though

    I have to say ) ~

    Check back on the 19th to see the

    whole grain bucket projects ~

  • Vintage with Color !

    Vintage with Color !

    With summer upon us
    in full force Kristin and I
    have been inspired by color ~

    We didn't want to add
    our new colorful things
    to the creamy categories
    so we created a category
    just for them!

    It is called
    "Vintage Colour" ~

    We still want the
    tattered vintage look but
    with splashes of color ~
    We will be using
    drop cloth fabrics,
    tea dyed fabrics, vintage laces
    and tattered roses in
    our new creations ~

    We also have a sale
    going on now for
    our entire website ~
    Visit Katies Rose Cottage Designs
    to find out more :)

  • Covered Lampshades & Vintage Bathing Suits

    Covered Lampshades & Vintage Bathing Suits

    I was inspired today by Rebecca at A Gathering of Thoughts to recover a lampshade ~

    That has always been something that I have wanted to do but really never knew how to approach it ~

    Her tutorial is super easy to follow ~

    This is how mine turned out and it was so much fun ! Thank you Rebecca !

    Today I was looking through some vintage ephemera that I have and found this wonderful fashion magazine ~

    This is a scan of one of several pages from a magazine called Delineator that I have ~

    It makes me smile because I would just love to wear the clothes that they wore ~ The magazine is from 1898 ~

    These are pictures of bathing suits ~ It talks about how it is not made of wool because when wool is wet it "clings in a most unsightly way to the figure" ~ Can you even imagine wearing this swimming let alone in wool ~

    There is another paragraph that says to wear a bonnet because that way "the summer suns cannot seek out the pretty, delicate skin and leave their imprint of tan or freckles upon it. The dweller in the country home - the city maid as well as her village sister - who would preserve her complexion in its pink - white purity " ~

    Oh my goodness ! I just am having the most fun reading from these pages from the late 1800's in fashion ~

    I will be posting some more pages for you to copy off soon ~

    I don't know how to make them clickable so you can make them larger to copy so if anyone knows how please let me know ~

  • New Creations !

    New Creations !

    Oh my goodness I kind
    of feel like we have fallen
    off the face of
    blog world lately ~

    This has been such a fun
    summer with a new baby
    in June and a new
    baby in August ~
    What precious precious
    blessings they are!

    Our family came from
    California to meet
    the babies ~ We have
    made some wonderful memories!

    While family was here
    Kristin and I did a
    little creating ~

    Here are some of the
    new things that
    we added to the
    Vintage & Handmade Category ~

    We are on a roll!

    Chat with you soon!

  • I've Been Tagged

    I've Been Tagged

    I was tagged by Priscilla of Flea Market Queen to tell you 7 weird things about myself ~ hmmmm..... okay here it goes ....

    1. If I see some great trash in someones trash pile, I will stop or make my family stop ~ they get so mad at me :o)

    2. I would rather shop at a flea market than a mall

    3. I fall asleep in movie theatres almost every time I go

    4. I love spring and hate winter and really don't like the hot summer either ~ I kind of like just that perfect weather, I need to live in Hawaii

    5. I can count on my fingers how many times I have worn high heals

    6. I adore traveling !!! I guess that isn't so weird .... but I would be thrilled to hit thrift stores or flea markets no matter where I am and I usually do

    7. I am almost always freezing cold ~ I think I might be looking forward to hot flashes ~ remind me I said that when I am going through them ~ :O)

  • Artful Blogging

    Artful Blogging

    We are so grateful to Artful Blogging
    for featuring us in their Summer issue ~

    Check out our article on what
    inspires creativity on our blog ~

    We greatly appreciate all of our
    followers and our fellow bloggers
    for their support and inspiration!

    We are working on a series
    of video tutorials, so keep a look out!

  • Dallas Gift Market

    Dallas Gift Market

    I look so forward to going to the Dallas gift markets that are a couple times a year ~ the Jan. market started today ~ I was ready to go bright and early this morning although I was kind of stressed a little bit when the news this morning said that over 50,000 people have come to Dallas to go ~ I am not much for huge crowds, I am a "find the hidden treasure kind of gal" ~ but..... off I went to see what the new trends are ~

    It was tons of fun and I am ready to go back on Friday, I can't wait !!! There is so much to see !! I saw alot of soft pink Christmas trees so that made me happy ~ this show shows alot of holiday for next Christmas ~ ahhhh!!! next Christmas... I need spring and summer first, my Christmas isn't even up in the attic yet ~

    This is a picture of one of the three buildings and this is just a teeny tiny portion ~

    I will show you more on Friday when I get home ~ I am bound and determined to be there at 7:00 in the morning so I can park somewhat closer than the top floor of the parking complex that is way too far away ~ I also want the Starbucks coffee and Krispy Kreme donuts that they have ~ I am thinking I will hopefully walk of the million calories of the donut ~