I was inspired today by Rebecca at A Gathering of Thoughts to recover a lampshade ~
That has always been something that I have wanted to do but really never knew how to approach it ~
Her tutorial is super easy to follow ~
This is how mine turned out and it was so much fun ! Thank you Rebecca !

Today I was looking through some vintage ephemera that I have and found this wonderful fashion magazine ~
This is a scan of one of several pages from a magazine called Delineator that I have ~
It makes me smile because I would just love to wear the clothes that they wore ~ The magazine is from 1898 ~
These are pictures of bathing suits ~ It talks about how it is not made of wool because when wool is wet it "clings in a most unsightly way to the figure" ~ Can you even imagine wearing this swimming let alone in wool ~
There is another paragraph that says to wear a bonnet because that way "the summer suns cannot seek out the pretty, delicate skin and leave their imprint of tan or freckles upon it. The dweller in the country home - the city maid as well as her village sister - who would preserve her complexion in its pink - white purity " ~
Oh my goodness ! I just am having the most fun reading from these pages from the late 1800's in fashion ~
I will be posting some more pages for you to copy off soon ~
I don't know how to make them clickable so you can make them larger to copy so if anyone knows how please let me know ~