Cottage & Family + Hawaii

Hawaii Fun

My son in law took this picture of my hubby and me ~ he does such a great job !! You can visit his blog at James Brandon Photography ~

Today we drove across the island to an area that they said you have to be invited to go to ~ I am not sure I understood that since we just drove there with no invitation but there was a guy giving us permission to go in once we got there ~ It was this really really huge valley that you had to have 4 wheel drive to go down ~ The road was soooo incredibly steep that it freaked me out being afraid of heights ~ At the bottom of the hill we passed several cars that didn't make it many years ago and rolled down the hill ~ it was sort of disturbing !
The kind of yellow thing is a car ~

We went to this one area and James took his mega buck camera in the river to get some shots ~

All of a sudden a couple of horses just came up and walked across the river ~ We found out later that they are wild there ~ We could not figure out why horses would just be roaming around like dogs ~

Later we drove to different beaches ~ the first one the sand was black ~ it was really beautiful ~

Until tomorrow.....

Beach, beautiful, Blog, and more:

Hawaii Fun + Hawaii