Cottage & Family [Search results for studio

  • Yard Sales & Flea Markets

    Yard Sales & Flea Markets

    I have a confession to make ..... I am not a yard sale shopper ~

    A flea market shopper but not a yard sale shopper and it is all because I have already been there done that on the Little Tykes stuff ~ I have friends ( Pat and Lisa ) that live close to me that always find treasures at yard sales ~ not me though ~

    But ...... when Dorothy at the Shabby Y emails to say she is having a yard sale I am there with bells on (really flip flops) ~

    She has the most amazing studio in the back that she even opened up to the shopping gals ~I pretty much drooled over her neat as a pin studio stuffed with awesome treasures ~

    Here are the wonderful things that I got from her that will be on my website soon ~ well, except the oval frame ~

    I also went to a tiny little flea market and found these old photos and sweet baby shoes ~ I am going to use the pictures for pocket pillows ~ My daughter was with me and we just cracked up going through the boxes of pictures ~

    This girl's bow is so fun ! I can't imagine wearing a bow that ginormous :)

    People did call my girls bow heads though when they were little so maybe I can imagine it ..... hmmmm

  • She's Got Guts Challenge

    She's Got Guts Challenge

    So I told you a couple posts back

    about Funky Junk Interiors

    "She's Got Guts" challenge ~

    It was to take something random

    and do something with it that

    you might not normally think of ~

    Today is the link party day!!

    Remember the grain buckets that

    I got a couple of weeks ago ?

    I knew that my challenge had to be

    with those ~ So I went out to

    my workshop and just

    grabbed stuff that has been out

    there forever ~

    We have been redoing our bathroom

    and my studio ~ I needed some

    farmhouse style things for those

    rooms so that is where my brain was

    headed ~

    The first thing is this wayyyy awesome

    basket that I found at a flea market ~

    It is perfect for a

    studio organization piece ~

    I tied on two of the grain buckets

    and used them for buttons and pictures ~

    Now I love it even more than I did before!!

    The next thing was for

    a blank wall in our bathroom

    that I really couldn't figure

    out what to put on it ~

    This old frame worked great with

    hanging grain buckets ~ I put in chunky

    farmhouse soaps and a candle that

    is battery operated {I love those! }~

    Lastly was for our

    other bathroom ~ I took an old

    door front and repainted it with

    Old White Chalk Paint and put some

    dark wax and clear wax ~ Then attached

    the grain buckets to it for more

    soaps and another candle ~

    It was a great thing to

    stretch my imagination and do

    things that I really hadn't thought

    of before ~

  • Sweet Six Studio

    Sweet Six Studio

    Can you imagine going to a month long art retreat !!! I just think that would be the most fun and such a wonderful treat ~

    I am so excited to be part of the online art retreat that is offered at Sweet Six Studio ~ Having it online is perfect because it will be around my schedule and I can go back to go over the instructions as much as I want ~

    It starts on September 2 but I will be on vacation ~ sooo I will catch up when I get home ~ tooo perfect !

    Talk to you soon !

  • Bird Song

    Bird Song

    I am soooo excited to get to go to

    Karla's Cottage for Bird Song, a wonderful

    fun, craft filled weekend on April 30 and May 1st ~

    There are going to be awesome classes taught

    by Lisa McIlvain, Carol Spinski,

    Debbie Dusenberry and Karla herself ~

    It is going to be held at Karla's

    beautiful studio and cottage ~

    It is going to be "down home, comfy and casual" which

    is the way I just love to be !!

    There will only be 20 guests so spots are

    filling up fast ~

    Come join us !!

    These pictures make me want spring and to

    be there right now :)

    Click on the logo below to go to the

    Bird Song Blog ~

  • Craziness !!!

    Craziness !!!

    I am lost deep in the depths

    of cleaning my studio ~

    I figured since I had a trail from

    the door to my sewing machine

    and to my computer that it was

    time to clean and destash like


    I have so much stuff that I think

    I might use to create with ....

    Stuff to do photo vignettes with ....

    and just stuff I am not sure why with ~

    Anyway ... so I have been pulling things

    out and trying to list stuff in

    my flea market category that I won't use

    anymore ~ And also taking a bunch to

    the thrift store that I don't feel

    like listing because I am over it ~

    These pictures are to make you all

    feel really good about yourself and

    to keep me accountable to finish ~

    I am such a candidate for

    Where Women Create aren't I ~ Hahaha !!

    Alrighty I am back to burying myself

    in "STUFF" ~

    Update #1

    I need a gazillion plastic bins !!

    Update #2 ~ 8:08 p.m.

    Oh my gosh I can see the floor ~

    I need to stop and spend time with my hubby

    but just maybe it will be done in

    ohhhhh about a week !

  • Craft Night

    Craft Night

    Last night I got to go

    to Lisa's house for a

    Christmas crafting night ~ It is

    so much fun to get together with

    people who "get" the same stuff that

    you do ~

    Her house was recently in the

    Dallas Morning News with some

    beautiful pictures of her holiday decor ~

    Well needless to say I knew that

    I would pretty much not get any crafting

    done because I really wanted to

    look at all of her beautiful

    Christmas decorating and awesome

    vintage vignettes everywhere ~

    Here are just a few of them ~

    ~ this is above the bathtub ~

    ~ over a doorway ~

    ~ this is the top of her headboard

    with a mirror above it ~

    It ended up that everyone pretty

    much admired her home in awe, ate, chatted

    and watched Charlene make

    a necklace for Lisa out of some

    of Lisa's vintage finds ~

    ( Lisa, Charlene & Cindy )

    I have been wanting to make a

    necklace with an old coin purse

    for awhile so it was really fun to watch ~

    Lisa's studio is totally amazing!

    Right before we left Cindy

    had Lisa autograph her copy

    of the newspaper ❤ ~

    We were totally goofing around

    with having her sign the paper

    just because it was too fun ~

    You've gotta love crafting with friends!

  • Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    I am getting there and it

    ROCKS my socks off!!

    My studio/office is getting clean ~

    In between organizing ... I am still

    painting, sewing and listing

    things on my website ~

    Here are just a few things that

    have been added ~

    Annie Sloan Chalk Paint not only

    works great for furniture but for

    small things too!

    I got these super cute

    linen bags in that I just love!

    For a limited time

    you can get a FREE cosmetic bag

    with every Linen bag purchased ~

    FREE !!!

    Next is a progress picture ~

    The top shelf needs done still

    but I can see the floor and

    the fabric and other stuff is all in bins ~

    I needed to use plastic bins

    so I can see what is in there ~

    It would be fun to use cute baskets

    but it would not be functional for me ~

    I am off to make some roses ~ Chat soon!

  • Attempting to Organize ~ ha !!

    Attempting to Organize ~ ha !!

    I am in serious need

    of organizing my office/studio ~

    Soooo.... I decided to add

    all of my "destash" stuff

    to the Flea Market category

    of my website ~

    I have so much "stuff" that I

    have been keeping to someday

    make things out of ~ Or maybe

    use for little photo shoot vignettes ~

    It isn't happening so it has to go

    {So I can get more....ahhhhh!!!}

    I think that may be a sickness of

    some sort ~ :)

    Here is the beginning and I will be

    adding more as I clean ~

  • All About Bags

    All About Bags

    Yesterday for some reason it

    was all about the bags !

    I have burlap bags and muslin bags

    that have been in my studio for a few months

    and for some reason

    all of a sudden they were calling my name ~

    These are what I worked on ~

    So seriously ............

    I am supposed to be organizing this closet

    that I have put off for ohhhh about 10 years ~

    We are getting new hardwood floors though

    so it is a necessity of life unless the workers

    want to get killed when they open it ~

    Why in the heck do I have this closet and

    how in the heck did it get like this !!

    Oh my gosh !

    Okay off to organize and toss !

    WAIT !! I have worked for 10 minutes and I am

    at a stand still ~

    For all of your organizy type gals out there ~

    What if I have something that

    I think is cute or pretty and I really like

    it but don't have a clue what to do with it ???

    Here is an example ... she is darling but I won't

    put her out because she doesn't go with

    my decor ~

    Do I save her for grandkids one day? ~

    Do I put her out on Easter? ~

    This is just one example of ..... ohhhh quite

    a few things ~

    (Oh my gosh, is this what hoarders think ??)

    What do I do ?

    AHHHHH !!!

  • Pretty Craft Kits

    Pretty Craft Kits

    I just received a package that I ordered from Angela Harris ~

    They are kits that I am supposed to create with but they came packaged

    so pretty I can't open them yet ~ Soooo I have them displayed

    in my studio just as sweet as can be ~

    I know I will have to open them soon though because

    I won't be able to stand it ~

  • Cooking or Crafting ??

    Cooking or Crafting ??

    I REALLY REALLY need to continue my purging quest

    but for some reason I have just quit ~

    That is totally how I am ......

    Anyway, so instead of purging I am creating more

    disasters all around me ~ I just want to antique shop

    and create !!

    Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing ???

    I actually have an office/studio and a big huge workshop outside

    but where do I end up ........ in the kitchen and dining room ~

    I really don't like to cook much

    so I guess this is a great thing to do

    in the kitchen :)

    See how the island has a cute apothecary full of flour ~ Well

    I am pretty sure it is just there because it is cute ~

    My dining room table is a full too !!

    I am thinking it is supposed

    to be a place to eat but my hubby is a pilot

    and not home much for

    dinner and my kids

    are married so it is a giant craft table ~

    Works for me !

    I do my Bible study here too :)

    I love to start my day with Jesus ~

    I have not gotten alot of cooking done

    over the last couple of days but I have

    had alot of fun crafting !!

    Okay I am really really going to clean these areas

    right now ~

    Chat soon !

  • Vintage Aqua Ball Jars

    Vintage Aqua Ball Jars

    I am soooo very much leaning

    toward painting my studio walls

    a soft creamy white and going

    with whites, creams (surprise, surprise)

    and Robin's Egg Blue ~

    I love Annie Sloan's Duck Egg Blue paint

    and I LOVE vintage aqua jars ~

    The color is so beautiful

    and I have never had anything blue

    in my home at all ~

    These are some jars I found

    yesterday and have a really hard time

    parting with them .... I guess I don't

    need to hoard them ~

    I am cleaning and

    destashing after all ....

    ( I am keeping some though )

    Janet at The Empty Nest has

    an awesome post on the

    history of the jars and

    how to figure out their age ~

    Thank you Janet!

    I love knowing the history of things!

    Alrighty I need to unload

    my car from junkin' ~

  • Artful Blogging Dress Form

    Artful Blogging Dress Form

    I was so excited when I received the Winter issue of Artful Blogging and saw a picture of my dress form ~ It is in an article about Tiffany's "Show Me Your Form" blog party ~ I had to include my dress form in the party because my family truly does not get the whole dress form thing ~ in fact my girls who are 19 and 21 think she is pretty scary ~

    It was alot of fun and really fun to be in one of my very favorite magazines ~ in fact all of the Somerset Studio magazines are pretty much to die for gorgeous ! I would love to carry some of them on my website so I will have to see if I can do that ~