My second grade students created these paintings last year for our annual art show. They were a huge hit with the parents! They took quite a while to complete, but were totally worth it. I found that breaking the project into small steps made they come out nicely.
First students chose an animal to create. I gave them tons of reference materials to choose from, and some students created imaginary animals. They sketched their animal onto a piece of tag board. We then spent a period painting the the fur/skin of the animal. I demonstrated how to paint an out line around the edge and then fill in the fur . Once their animals were dry, the students selected a blue, green, or purple tone of paint to the background. Some students had to do several coats of paint to the background. Lastly students used glittery paper to add vegetation. We worked on overlapping stems and leaves that wouldn't totally obscure the animal we worked so hard on.
I would definitely do this project again, as the came out so nicely!
Goal: Students will learn about themselves and their classmates by making a self portrait
Refine painting/color mixing skills
Learn about the use of the self portrait by artists
Learn about pattern
Refine drawing skills of the human face
Learn about the traditions of framing art
Materials- 8x10 in canvas board, masking tape, pencils, tempera paint, pictures of students or mirrors, found objects, glue, gold paint
Motivation: Students will be shown examples of self portraits by artists. We will discuss what a self portrait is (self portrait song) Students will then be shown techniques for drawing the human face
Motivating questions:
What does this painting tell you about this person?
What clues made you think of that?
Students will be given a gessoed panel with a taped off edge
Students will sketch their face and shoulder on sketch paper
Students will pencil in a background that tells something about their personality
The finished drawing can be redrawn onto the panel
Teacher will review color mixing – Students will learn how to combine two colors to make a third color. Students will learn how to make hues and tints. We will also discuss pattern and how a pattern can express something about a person.
Students can begin to paint their portrait. Color mixing will be addressed
Emphasis will be placed on creating an interesting background
Students will glue found objects to the perimeter of their portrait
Once dry the students will paint their frames gold
Conclusion: Students will display their finished masterpieces on small easels.
Students will be asked to evaluate their self portraits. So they capture the essence of their personality. Students will be asked to recall what self portraits are. A fine example of this project will tell the teacher something about the personality of the child. It will exhibit an interesting pattern in the background. The work will demonstrate an understanding of color mixing.
Ihad to share with you what I have been doing all day ~ I painted alot of the flea market finds that I got yesterday at Canton ~ It was 102 degrees and sooo hot out in my workshop, but I got alot done between diving in my pool and then painting awhile ~ Here are just a sample of some of the things I worked on today ~
Yay !!! We have had wonderful warm weather the last couple of days soooo I recruited my sweet husband to paint ~ he has been painting a bunch of wonderful things that I have found at flea markets and estate sales over the last couple of weeks ~ they would make awesome gifts for Christmas coming soon or they would be perfect for your shabby cottage chic decor ~ Here is an example of a few things we have added to Katies Rose Cottage but there is a bunch more there ~
Materials: White cotton fabric cut into approx 6 x 16 in strips, masking tape, white oil pastels, liquid water colors, drawing paper, 12x18 in construction paper, needles and thread or sewing machine, model magic.
Preparation: Tape the white fabric onto a piece of construction paper to make it easier for the students to draw their designs. The paper will also act as a blotter when they are painting.
Day 1: We begin this project by discussing different types of lines, and patterns. Students are asked to sketch 2 different patterns using lines only. The most interesting design is selected and transferred onto the white fabric using the oil pastels. Students should make their lines large--- small lines or complicated lines are difficult to draw with oil pastel.
Day 2: Students use liquid watercolors to paint their fabric strips. Encourage the students to create a pattern using color. Leave no white spots.
Day 3: Students can sew the bags by hand, or you can assist them with the sewing machine. If sewing by hand, they can use the attached paper to help the students with sewing stitches.
Day 4: Students will create small objects to put in their bags. Discuss symbols, and have students sketch small objects to symbolize them. Give each student a small ball of model magic to create their objects with. Paint the object with watercolor or liquid watercolor and place inside of special pouches.
Today is one of my favorite days because it is flea market day !!! I crawl out of bed, throw on some jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops, grab a huge bag and off I go (with a cup of coffee, of course) ~ It is so hot here that all of the vendors start leaving about 10 a.m. so I have to get there around 7 or 8 ~ It was definitely box day today which thrills me since I LOVE to find old boxes ~
This is a picture of some of my treasures ~ I will be painting them tomorrow so check back to see how they have been recreated into something perfect for your shabby cottage decor ~
I love to visit blogs !! It is so amazing what wonderful people that I have met through blog world ~
One of the blogs that I love to visit is LeAnn's at "For the Love of Cottage" ~
LeAnn was doing a blog giveaway and so I entered it not even thinking in a gazillion years that I would win ~ She was giving away a signed Christie Repasy framed painting ~ oh my gosh !!! I have always wanted one but have never gotten one ~
It is absolutely gorgeous and I thank you LeAnn for the wonderful and amazing gift !
Today I spent the day getting ready for the Make Mine Pink, "The Garden Path", Pink Friday event ~
I wanted to take you along so that you could see the journey of recreating a flea market find into something special for your cottage home ~
The first thing you do is find what you want to work on ~ it is getting harder and harder to find these awesome totes like the large one that I have shown ~ It is very old so the wood is rough and weathered ~ I really don't know what it was used for but I think it would be perfect for putting your flowers in as you cut them and get ready for a bouquet ~
The next step is to glue on embellishments if you want to ~ I love them because they add such a shabby chic look ~
Then you prime your piece with a good primer ~ my very favorite is Kilz oil based because it covers so well ~
After that is dry, which takes a few steps to do all sides, you paint on whatever color you would like and when that dries you distress it with sandpaper ~ I use flat paint because I like the look of it ~
I love it when the weather is sunny because it makes the best painting days !!
The items that I have shown you, along with other garden treasures, will be available on my website for Pink Friday ~
I haven't painted in forever it seems so I decided I better do a few days before the cold weather sets in ~
It is fun to find treasures at flea markets and then bring them home to recreate into something sweet for your cottage home ~ This is a really popular vendor, obviously :)
My favorite colors are any shade of white and pinks so today I mostly painted white with some pink~
The first step of the process is priming the entire piece ~ I use Kilz just because I like it the best ~
The next step is to let that dry and then apply the color and then I like to distress my pieces ~ The final step is a matte sealer coat ~
I am working on listing the items you see being painted ~ most are in our Vintage category but some are in the Romantic Home category ~
I finished painting a bunch of pink today ~ All of the boxes that I got at the flea market yesterday have been made sooo shabby cottage chic ~ I LOVE them !!! ~ I am going to list them on my website right now ~
I have done this project with both Kindergarten and First Graders. The key is to take it slow and do one part of the project at a time. I like to have the students paint these with glitter paint, but I also like to use Crayola Pearl it Mixing Medium mixed with Glitter paint or mixed with liquid watercolors for a truly sparkly experience. Sometimes I mix in something called "glitter chip glue" which is basically glitter glue with extra big sparkly flakes.
Goal: Students will refine their painting/drawings skills while drawing the human form.
Materials: 12x18 in paper, black crayons, skin tone crayons, Glitter paint, jewels, metallic paint or metallic card stock, fancy collage scraps, yarn, glue.
We will discuss characteristics of Kings and Queens--- we will talk about what type of clothing they wear etc. Teacher will do a quick demonstration on drawing the human form
Students will go back to their seats—We will do a step by step drawing of a standing person using a black crayon. Students will work carefully to add details.
Skin color crayons will be used to color in the face, neck and hands.
Day two:
Glitter paints can be used to paint the picture. Limit students to one color for the background.
Students will paint the clothing using a contrasting color. Separate colors can be used for shirt and pants if desired. Do not use the same color for the clothing and background.
Day three:
Add yarn for hair, 1-2 jewels per person, fancy scraps etc. to decorate your king or queen.
A small piece of metallic card stock can be used to create a crown. Show students how to make small v-shaped cuts along the top of a rectangle to make a pointy crown. Glue crown to top of the head.
This year the Kindergarten students worked really hard to create these beautiful collage castles for our annual art show. The project was broken down into several smaller one day projects and then put together into a finished product.
Students first began by painting and stamping a piece of paper for their grass. The students were given several colors of green paint and asked to paint their entire paper with one color. Next they used found objects to dip in green, blue, and white paint and printed on top of their painted papers. We let these papers dry and moved onto the next step.
Students then created a beautiful sparkly sky. We began the lesson by talking about cool colors. The kindergartners were given Glitter paint (Sargent Brand) and had to paint their entire paper with plenty of sparkly paint. They used notched cardboard scrapers to add swirls and designs to their sky.
We then created a castle on a small piece of tag board and painted them with silver paint. The castles were cut out-- with some help from me and volunteers.
The collage was put together on the last day. The students drew a wavy "ground line" on the back of their green paper and cut it out. They attached their ground to the sky, being careful to line up the bottom, and then glued on their castle. Students added clouds and used oil pastels to add details to their fabulous creations.
These castles took awhile to create, but the result was outstanding!!! They looked great when displayed alongside their clay kings and queens.
Tiffany at Shabby Scraps is having a "Show me your Form" party today !! I am so glad because I love my dress form (not named yet) and my family just does not get it at all ~
Tiffany has the funniest story on how this all came about ~ you can read her blog post here ~
One of my favorite things is vintage swirly skirts like she has on ~ I also use her to display jewelry and other treasures for my website ~
This is a picture of her before I painted her and then after she was given a more antique look ~ now I need to do some painting and distressing of the wood parts to get them more vintage looking ~
I went to Canton Trade Days yesterday ~ it is a HUGE, 3,000 vendors, craft show, flea market fun place to go ~ I just listed some awesome signs and also added some wonderful pillow shams to my website ~ I am going to be painting alot of my finds today ~ It was sooooo hot but tons of fun!!!