Goal: Students will learn about themselves and their classmates by making a self portrait
Refine painting/color mixing skills
Learn about the use of the self portrait by artists
Learn about pattern
Refine drawing skills of the human face
Learn about the traditions of framing art
Materials- 8x10 in canvas board, masking tape, pencils, tempera paint, pictures of students or mirrors, found objects, glue, gold paint
Motivation: Students will be shown examples of self portraits by artists. We will discuss what a self portrait is (self portrait song) Students will then be shown techniques for drawing the human face
Motivating questions:
What does this painting tell you about this person?
What clues made you think of that?
Students will be given a gessoed panel with a taped off edge
Students will sketch their face and shoulder on sketch paper
Students will pencil in a background that tells something about their personality
The finished drawing can be redrawn onto the panel
Teacher will review color mixing – Students will learn how to combine two colors to make a third color. Students will learn how to make hues and tints. We will also discuss pattern and how a pattern can express something about a person.
Students can begin to paint their portrait. Color mixing will be addressed
Emphasis will be placed on creating an interesting background
Students will glue found objects to the perimeter of their portrait
Once dry the students will paint their frames gold
Conclusion: Students will display their finished masterpieces on small easels.
Students will be asked to evaluate their self portraits. So they capture the essence of their personality. Students will be asked to recall what self portraits are. A fine example of this project will tell the teacher something about the personality of the child. It will exhibit an interesting pattern in the background. The work will demonstrate an understanding of color mixing.