I just love creamy white and all different hues of white ~
These are some things vintage milk bottles that I have embellished with creams and some charms with creams ~
There are more on my website too !

I just love creamy white and all different hues of white ~
These are some things vintage milk bottles that I have embellished with creams and some charms with creams ~
There are more on my website too !
I have been in love with creams for quite awhile now,
which you can probably tell by my website
and blog if you have been following me :)
For awhile we have had a pretty much
pinky and white shabby chic style home but I wanted
to redecorate so we are slowly
but surely taking room by room ~
I have always loved to change stuff!!
Anyway, so I decided to go from my complete
white white things
to creams but still keep some white here and there ~
I got a wild hair to tea dye
our white slipcovered sofa and chair in the bathtub ~
It came out cool but truly, a whitish couch with dogs and
well ..... pretty much people too, doesn't work too well ~
I also took some white wood pieces that I had and made
them a creamy color and
really love how they came out!!
Then I wanted to change my wall decor
behind my couch but am kind of
on a personal challenge to not spend alot of money ~
Sooo.... I dug in my own stash
of stuff I have had around waiting for a new home
and created something completely new with
stuff getting really dusty out in my shop ~
It has been so much fun and even more fun
recreating with what I already had!!
After Christmas is over and my decorations are down
I will show you
my new mantel decor and other things ~
I got to go to the Dallas Home & Gift Show
the last couple of days and just loved
some of things that I saw ~
Whites, Creams, Greys and Flea Market find type
items were all over the place ~
I loved this light fixture and the
one down farther with the silverware ~
Over the weekend I went to the sale at Cottage Panache and fell in love with all of her gorgeous things in her shop ~
I got to get some of Lisa's wonderful treasures before she sold out ~
Soooo I have always been a pink shabby chic girl but Oh my gosh my heart skips a beat over creams and tarnished silver ~
Rene at Miss Gracie's House has me completely inspired to redo my bedroom, well whole house, in creamy yumminess ~
I have noticed that alot that I get for my website has these colors too ~ I will never get away from a little touch of pink though as you can see from the pictures ~
The last post showed some of the things I was working on and these are some of the things I got over the weekend and just listed at Katies Rose Cottage ~
I just love the soft and relaxing feel of this look ~
These are a couple of our necklaces that have the same look even though we have more than this at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~
The teapot necklace is new ~
I am soooo very much leaning
toward painting my studio walls
a soft creamy white and going
with whites, creams (surprise, surprise)
and Robin's Egg Blue ~
I love Annie Sloan's Duck Egg Blue paint
and I LOVE vintage aqua jars ~
The color is so beautiful
and I have never had anything blue
in my home at all ~
These are some jars I found
yesterday and have a really hard time
parting with them .... I guess I don't
need to hoard them ~
I am cleaning and
destashing after all ....
( I am keeping some though )
Janet at The Empty Nest has
an awesome post on the
history of the jars and
how to figure out their age ~
Thank you Janet!
I love knowing the history of things!
Alrighty I need to unload
my car from junkin' ~
It has come upon me sort of slowly but I think it
has hit ~
My love of decorating with the color black !
I have almost completely redecorated my house in creams
and whites but I am thinking that I am going
to add some black accents here and there ~
Yesterday was fun because I worked with some
black and white ticking ~ I love how the colors
look with vintage rusty stuff and
tarnished silvers ~
I will be adding more to my website soon !!
This year I wanted all
of my Christmas decorating
to be creams, burlap,
mercury glass and greens ~
The challenge was to
take things I had and
kind of recreate them
and also to use things
that I had around
my home already ~
We have an artificial tree
but I wanted fresh greens
for the awesome smell ~
I went to Lowes and they
gave me cuttings that
were just laying around
from their fresh
Christmas trees ~ It was
awesome!! I left
with an armload ~
Then I got some of my old
glass ornaments and
washed them in warm sudsy
water to make them
turn into a wonderful
mercury glass ~
Next I took a wreath that
was shoved in the attic
and took off all the old
decorations ~
Then I added
clippings from the greens
all over and used
some hydrangea
blossoms that were still
on bushes ~
Then added some of the
mercury balls that
I had washed ~
This is our mantel with
stocking for my precious
grand babies ~
I am still using the
hydrangeas that
I showed you in this post ~
The colors have faded
but they work great for
my tree ~
My armful of greens
helped create all of
these simple little
Christmas vignettes
and it smells great!
Have fun decorating!
I was so excited to
get to take a Chalk Paint class
today from
Karla at Lady Butterbug
in McKinney, Texas ~
Taking classes for chalk paint
is fun because
you get to learn new painting,
distressing and waxing techniques ~
There are beautiful colors which
can be used as they are or mixed
to make a bunch of different colors ~
I love that the colors
are inspired by European furniture
from the 1800's ~
This next picture shows my least
favorite piece as we were working on it ~
It has 3 different colors, dark wax
and clear wax and a couple different
distressing techniques ~
After I got it done I ended up
LOVING it because
in real life it looks like an old
building that has had layers of paint
and wear ~
I really like this color combination
too and would love to incorporate
it in my home somehow ~ I have
all creams and whites but I am
thinking that Duck Egg Blue
needs to be there too!
It was alot of fun!
I love how easy, fast
and fun Chalk Paint is to use ~