Cottage & Family [Search results for burlap

  • Burlap Number Bucket Tutorial

    Burlap Number Bucket Tutorial

    When I was at the Dallas Gift Market this last week I

    saw a bunch of burlap numbered things ~

    I LOVE them !

    Since I have burlap around and

    buckets around I thought it would be fun

    to recreate that look ~

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to do them ~

    It is super duper easy!

    1. Cut a piece of burlap a size that would fit

    your bucket ~ I cut it then fray it a bit ~

    2. Paint an area on the front of your burlap

    that is larger than your number stencil ~

    It doesn't matter what brand paint you use ~

    This is some I had ~

    3. Lay down your stencil and paint it in whatever

    color you would like ~ I used black ~

    4. After it dries then I used Modge Podge

    on the back of the burlap ~

    5. Place it on your bucket and

    smooth out the bubbled areas ~

    That is all and it is super quick !

    If you don't want to make your

    own I have them on my website, here ~

  • Farmhouse Friday * Farmhouse Inspiration

    Farmhouse Friday * Farmhouse Inspiration

    I wanted to revisit this tutorial for

    LaurieAnna's Farmhouse Friday

    because it can be used on

    so many different surfaces and is

    perfect for farmhouse decorating ~

    Since I have burlap around and

    buckets around I thought it would be fun

    to recreate that look ~

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to do them ~

    It is super duper easy!

    1. Cut a piece of burlap a size that would fit

    your bucket ~ I cut it then fray it a bit ~

    2. Paint an area on the front of your burlap

    that is larger than your number stencil ~

    It doesn't matter what brand paint you use ~

    This is some I had ~

    3. Lay down your stencil and paint it in whatever

    color you would like ~ I used black ~

    4. After it dries then I used Modge Podge

    on the back of the burlap ~

    5. Place it on your bucket and

    smooth out the bubbled areas ~

    That is all and it is super quick !

    Make sure and visit the

    Tutorials link at the top

    of this page for other tutorials ~

  • Burlap Rose Tutorial

    Burlap Rose Tutorial

    I wanted to give you a quick

    tutorial on how to make a burlap

    rolled rose ~

    Do you notice all my tutorials

    are quick and easy :)

    I don't like anything that takes

    a gazillion years to do ~

    The first thing you do is cut a strip

    of burlap fabric or use burlap ribbon ~

    My strip is about 2 inches wide ~

    I forgot to measure the length but

    it is about 1/2 yard ~

    Tie a knot in the end ~

    Kind of fold it in half and twist while

    gluing with hot glue as you go around ~

    Continue until you have made

    it the size that you want it to be ~

    Then take the end and glue to the

    back of the rose ~

    On this one I added a piece of

    vintage jewelry for some bling ~

    You can use these for tons of things

    Here are just a few examples ~

    Have fun creating!!

  • Vintage Wedding Burlap & Muslin

    Vintage Wedding Burlap & Muslin

    It totally feels like it

    has been forever since

    I have blogged!

    We have been moving our daughter

    and son in law into their home

    and redoing our master bathroom

    and life just flies by ~

    In between that I have still

    been working on things

    for my website ~

    I have been LOVING

    all of the pictures of

    vintage weddings

    using burlap, lavender, muslin

    and old stuff ~

    So going along with that theme

    I decided to make a little

    flower girl basket and

    ring bearer pillow ~

    I just love the combination

    of burlap and muslin ~

    They are on my website here ~

  • Burlap Totes for Vintage Country Weddings

    Burlap Totes for Vintage Country Weddings

    I have been making these
    burlap totes for quite awhile
    and just finished another
    one for my shop ~

    The other day someone purchased
    one to use as a bag for
    the money dance at
    her vintage country wedding ~

    I LOVE that idea
    and they are just the
    perfect size!

    I am loving all the
    burlap and rustic things
    being used at weddings
    right now ❤

    You can find these totes
    on our website ~

    We create things for
    Save on Crafts which
    has great wedding
    decorations ~

    We are in the process of
    making these bags for
    them which will be
    for sale soon ~

    They are perfect for
    alot of different wedding
    and shower ideas ~
    I love them as
    flower holders for the
    end of pews,they
    can be hung on the backs
    of chairs or ladders or
    use as gift bags ~

    Have a wonderful week!

  • Burlap Banner Tutorial & Baby Shower Things

    Burlap Banner Tutorial & Baby Shower Things

    I just wanted to share with you

    a little bit more of my girls baby shower

    things I am working on ~

    They are going to have a combined

    shower so that will be fun!

    I showed you Kristin's invitations

    in a previous post and here

    are Stephanie's too ~

    It is going to be all vintage and

    creamy tones ❤ ~

    Today I worked on some little

    burlap banners with their babies names

    and wanted to show you the steps to

    make them ~

    They are super easy and can be

    done any size ~

    First I use Avery brand white

    shipping label sheets ~


    of the backing and stick it on to

    a piece of muslin ~

    Cut right on the edge of the sheet

    and run it through your printer

    (print on the muslin)

    I just did the name in photoshop ~

    Next cut out each letter and peel

    off the backing ~

    Cut out burlap triangles and pin

    and sew the letters to them ~

    Fold down the top and sew down

    leaving the ends open to run a

    piece of jute through it ~

    I also zig zagged the edges all

    the way around because I didn't want

    them to fray away ~

    That is it !

    Here are some tissue pompoms that

    I am also making but need to make

    a few more ~ They are fun !

    More shower pics coming soon!

  • Weird Day & Burlap Roses

    Weird Day & Burlap Roses

    Today was one of those days

    that I was supposed to be

    doing something fun and stuff happened

    so I couldn't ~

    So . . . I decided to go to a flea market

    to make myself feel better

    and out of the 350 booths

    that were supposed to be there, according

    to their website, there were maybe 6

    with $175 chairs and shampoo ~

    You know those kind of flea markets ......

    So . . . I went to an antique store

    for inspiration and a sale ~ There were

    sales on stuff "unless marked firm"

    and everything cool was marked

    firm or wayyyyyy overpriced ~

    So . . . I went to my favorite craft stores

    and ended up with 4 pieces of felt ~

    Hmmmmm a half a tank of gas later

    and I got 4 pieces of felt !

    So . . . I came home and followed

    sweet Dawn's advice and

    made something ~

    It really made me feel better too :)

    These are the burlap roses that I made today ~

    You can find them here ~

    Now I am going to go hang with my daughter :)

    That is what life is all about ~

  • All About Bags

    All About Bags

    Yesterday for some reason it

    was all about the bags !

    I have burlap bags and muslin bags

    that have been in my studio for a few months

    and for some reason

    all of a sudden they were calling my name ~

    These are what I worked on ~

    So seriously ............

    I am supposed to be organizing this closet

    that I have put off for ohhhh about 10 years ~

    We are getting new hardwood floors though

    so it is a necessity of life unless the workers

    want to get killed when they open it ~

    Why in the heck do I have this closet and

    how in the heck did it get like this !!

    Oh my gosh !

    Okay off to organize and toss !

    WAIT !! I have worked for 10 minutes and I am

    at a stand still ~

    For all of your organizy type gals out there ~

    What if I have something that

    I think is cute or pretty and I really like

    it but don't have a clue what to do with it ???

    Here is an example ... she is darling but I won't

    put her out because she doesn't go with

    my decor ~

    Do I save her for grandkids one day? ~

    Do I put her out on Easter? ~

    This is just one example of ..... ohhhh quite

    a few things ~

    (Oh my gosh, is this what hoarders think ??)

    What do I do ?

    AHHHHH !!!

  • It's a WOOHOO Post !!!

    It's a WOOHOO Post !!!

    I am sooooo excited because I won 2 blog giveaways !!

    I have never in a gazillion years

    won anything until the wonderful

    world of blogging !

    Enter because it is so much fun !!

    The first one was from The Attic

    and it is the most wonderful

    smelling soap bar and chandelier tea towel ~

    I am dying to

    go to Coronado Island to visit their shop !!

    The next one was from Dore' at Burlap Luxe ~

    They are wonderful

    smelling things from Eco Natural Soap ~

    I cannot wait to try them but I wanted

    to show you a picture of them all wrapped up ~

    There was also lip balm but it is in my purse :)

    I also wanted to show you a little of

    what I have been working on

    the last couple of days ~

    They are all on my website at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Have a wonderful rest of the week !!

  • Music Sheet Ornament Tutorial

    Music Sheet Ornament Tutorial

    When I saw the Pottery Barn

    Music Sheet Ornaments

    in a catalog I really wanted some!

    but when I saw them in real life I

    decided I kind of wanted some that

    were more vintage looking ~

    So I went to Graphics Fairy found

    an image and made some that I love!

    Here is a quick how to on

    how I made my own ~

    { they are really too easy for

    a tutorial :) }

    But .... here goes ~

    First I copied the image and sized

    and duplicated it in Photoshop ~

    Printed it on matte photo paper

    or heavy card stock ~

    Cut and glue with a glue stick

    to another piece of heavy card stock

    and cut around image ~

    For a more vintage look I

    added a little stamp pad ink

    around the edges ~

    Then put a little glue on the edge

    and then glitter ~ I used

    German Glass Glitter because I

    love how it ages ~

    They would be a cute little gift

    tied with jute and put in

    a small burlap bag ~

    I love how they look in my tree ❤

    I am linking to

    Graphics Fairy Brag Monday ~

  • Burlap Hearts ... Vintage Embellished

    Burlap Hearts ... Vintage Embellished

    Here is a simple
    Valentine's Day idea!

    We found these hearts
    at Hobby Lobby and
    embellished them
    with vintage laces,
    vintage buttons
    and crinkled ribbon ~

    Super Simple & Sweet!

  • Creativity Kits

    Creativity Kits

    I have seen creativity or inspiration kits

    quite a bit lately and just love them !

    I decided to play around with some cute little burlap bags

    that I got and make some ~

    This is the first one that I did but they are

    so much fun to do that there will be more coming soon ~

    This one can be found at Katies Rose Cottage here ~

  • Simple Christmas Decorating Ideas

    Simple Christmas Decorating Ideas

    This year I wanted all
    of my Christmas decorating
    to be creams, burlap,
    mercury glass and greens ~

    The challenge was to
    take things I had and
    kind of recreate them
    and also to use things
    that I had around
    my home already ~

    We have an artificial tree
    but I wanted fresh greens
    for the awesome smell ~
    I went to Lowes and they
    gave me cuttings that
    were just laying around
    from their fresh
    Christmas trees ~ It was
    awesome!! I left
    with an armload ~

    Then I got some of my old
    glass ornaments and
    washed them in warm sudsy
    water to make them
    turn into a wonderful
    mercury glass ~

    Next I took a wreath that
    was shoved in the attic
    and took off all the old
    decorations ~

    Then I added
    clippings from the greens
    all over and used
    some hydrangea
    blossoms that were still
    on bushes ~
    Then added some of the
    mercury balls that
    I had washed ~

    This is our mantel with
    stocking for my precious
    grand babies ~

    I am still using the
    hydrangeas that
    I showed you in this post ~
    The colors have faded
    but they work great for
    my tree ~

    My armful of greens
    helped create all of
    these simple little
    Christmas vignettes
    and it smells great!

    Have fun decorating!
