Cottage & Family:
vintage pink Christmas balls

  • Vintage Pink Christmas Balls

    Vintage Pink Christmas Balls

    Every year at Christmas there is something that I kind of have an obsession about and this year it is vintage Christmas balls and anything with German glass glitter ~

    When we were at Canton for our one day ( not near enough time ), another thing that I found was a basket of vintage pink Christmas balls ~ First of all, vintage Christmas balls go for a premium here ~ I saw them for $24 a box of 8 at most places !! Well I was so excited to find this basket full of PINK so I had to ask how much it was even though I figured it would be too expensive ~ It was $30 for the whole basket full including the basket ~ I was sooo excited and snatched it up real quick ~

    I washed some of my ugly orange ones I got last year and now they are a gorgeous mercury glass ~ I combined them with my new old pink ones in an apothecary jar ~

    Apothecary jars are also one of my favorite things so I have quite a few of them around my house ~ they are wonderful because you can change them for the seasons ~

    I also found this petite apothecary jar at Canton this month ~ I just fell in love with it because it is so cute with the vintage pink and white buttons ~
    It is available here ~

    Chat with you soon !