Cottage & Family:

  • HUGE Sale !!

    HUGE Sale !!

    We are having a HUGE, never before sale at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    For 3 Days only get

    40% off your Jewelry order !!

    It is a great time to get Christmas or other

    gifts at this wonderful price !

    Go to our website home page for the discount code ~

  • Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Broken Camera & Free Shipping

    Oh my goodness it has been tooo long since

    I have done a blog post !!

    I cannot believe how fast time flies !

    Yesterday I took all of the new stuff I have

    been working on and some of my recent Canton finds

    outside to take pictures ~

    I love to take them outside because there is about a half hour

    in the day when the sun is just right ~

    Well I am primping and clicking away and then

    came in to download my pictures ~

    AHHHHHH my camera died !! Not one of the pictures came out

    and of course I had not been checking them along the way ~

    I am not sure why ~

    Sooooo I have really loved my Canon Rebel but I am going to

    see if I can find a little camera that will take great close ups

    but that will also be handy to carry with me places ~

    I also wanted to let you know that

    we have free shipping right now

    with any order of $30 or more at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Start thinking Christmas gifts :)

  • Photo Shoot

    Photo Shoot

    This last Saturday James from
    James Brandon Photograpy
    did a photo shoot for my Jewelry website,
    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    Kristin, my daughter,
    modeled for us in a vintage prom dress
    and also a petticoat and of course, jewelry ~

    It was tons of fun and I am so excited to see
    James work his magic with the pictures ~

    Here are just a few pictures that I took
    of James and Kristin while we were there ~

    Thank you Red Shed Antiques for letting us use your yard ~
    It worked out great !

    Kristin couldn't contain her goofiness any longer !

    I will be showing you the "real" pictures soon ~

  • Take Me to the Seashore

    Take Me to the Seashore

    I love the seashore ~

    I am sure if you have read my blog you probably already know that though :)

    Today I got a few new jewelry pieces that take me there ~ I can almost

    feel the sand between my toes and the cool ocean breeze ~

    I know it is time to go back to the seashore . . . . .

    These are now on my website Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

  • The Romance of Pearls

    The Romance of Pearls

    I LOVE pearls and decided to add some to my jewelry line ~

    So we have added a few and will be adding more tomorrow and soon ~

    Here is a peek of some of the new pieces ~

    We are still having our Free Romantic Country magazine giveaway too !

  • Time for a Giveaway

    Time for a Giveaway
    Congratulations to Terri of
    Designs by Terri Gordon for being
    the winner !!
    We used Tara Frey's random number generator,
    which you can find here, to pick the number ~

    I have been gone for a few days with my hubby in Branson ~ We had alot of fun going to cute shops and a couple of shows ~

    Now though it is time to get back and have a giveaway ~~

    YAYYYY I love love giveaways ~

    It is easy ~ Enter one time for each of these things ~

    1. Leave a comment

    2. Follow my Blog

    3. Do a blog post about the giveaway with a link back

    We will announce the winner on March 21st ~

    This is what you can win ~

    A Necklace, Earrings and a matching Card & Tag ~ These are all from our

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs website ~

  • Dallas Market Here We Come !!!

    Dallas Market Here We Come !!!

    I am so excited that the Dallas Home & Gift Show is right around the corner !!
    We have been busy working on our new jewelry line that will be debuting at the show ~ You can get a sneak peek at some of the products on our
    sister site at Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    We will be displaying along with some wonderfully talented ladies at our booth, Vintage Rose Boutiques, booth # 2327 ~ Make sure and drop by and say hi if you are going to be at the show on January 15-18 ~

    This is a look at the inside of one of the buildings at market ~