For a limited time all magazines are 50% off
on our website ~
We have :
Romantic Country
Somerset Life
Romantic Homes
Romantic Homes Bed and Bath
Romantic Homes Kitchens
I will try and shove as many in a
flat rate envelope as possible ~

For a limited time all magazines are 50% off
on our website ~
We have :
Romantic Country
Somerset Life
Romantic Homes
Romantic Homes Bed and Bath
Romantic Homes Kitchens
I will try and shove as many in a
flat rate envelope as possible ~
We are giving away a Free Romantic Homes magazine with any $30 purchase on both of our websites ~
Make sure you visit Katies Rose Cottage for Feb. 2010 ~
And Katies Rose Cottage Designs for March 2010 ~
Read the home pages first to make sure there are some left ~