Cottage & Family:
Charm Tutorial

  • Burlap Number Bucket Tutorial

    Burlap Number Bucket Tutorial

    When I was at the Dallas Gift Market this last week I

    saw a bunch of burlap numbered things ~

    I LOVE them !

    Since I have burlap around and

    buckets around I thought it would be fun

    to recreate that look ~

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to do them ~

    It is super duper easy!

    1. Cut a piece of burlap a size that would fit

    your bucket ~ I cut it then fray it a bit ~

    2. Paint an area on the front of your burlap

    that is larger than your number stencil ~

    It doesn't matter what brand paint you use ~

    This is some I had ~

    3. Lay down your stencil and paint it in whatever

    color you would like ~ I used black ~

    4. After it dries then I used Modge Podge

    on the back of the burlap ~

    5. Place it on your bucket and

    smooth out the bubbled areas ~

    That is all and it is super quick !

    If you don't want to make your

    own I have them on my website, here ~

  • Charm Tutorial

    Charm Tutorial

    I have been having fun making charms so I

    wanted to show you how to do them ~

    The first thing is to get a blank charm ~

    Then you decide what you want to put in the charm as far as

    an image ~ I used a little piece of vintage sheet music

    and a rose charm that I cut the ring off of~

    It is kind of tricky getting the image to fit

    exactly on the inside so I just

    measured the inside and cut ~

    I kept trimming it until it fit ~

    You can find tons and tons of images online and some are

    already sized for you ~

    The next step is to glue your image down and

    then glue your

    little charm to the top of that ~

    I used jewelry tweezers to hold the

    charm and place it which helps a ton ~

    Then I used a product called DG3 Art Gel

    ( you can get it on amazon )

    This you will use to fill in your charm ~

    It may get little bubbles so you just

    poke those with a paint brush or a

    straight pin to pop them ~

    There are several different

    products out there right now

    that work great to fill the charm in ~

    The gel shrinks a bit so after it dries

    you may need to put another layer ~

    Give it a couple hours drying time

    between laters ~

    That is it !!

    There are tons and tons of different things

    you can do with the charm blanks ~

    You can find some on my website

    and I will be adding more ~