Cottage & Family [Search results for vacation

  • Vacation Part 2

    Vacation Part 2

    The second half of our California vacation was visiting our family on the central coast ~

    My parents live in the home that my grandpa and grandma lived in for a few years ~ They live up on a hill that overlooks 2 towns and it is gorgeous ~ there is something about having an amazing view from your home that is wonderful to a girl living in Texas ~ they also have deer in their yard that I love to see but my parents aren't overly thrilled with them since they tend to try and eat all of their pretty flowers ~

    These are hollyhocks that my grandma planted years ago and every year they bloom ~

    The area they live in is known for its wineries and olives ~ we didn't go wine tasting this time but we did go to some olive tasting rooms and they were so yummy ! We also went to some of my favorite antique stores and some fun thrift stores ~

    Before we left I got to go through my grandma's buttons ~ I remember when I was a little girl loving to see her jars of color coordinated buttons ~ She even took the time with some to thread the like buttons together on a single strand of thread ~ I can't imagine taking the time to do that ~~ it is so neat ~
    The jars that she used were old baby food jars and peanut butter jars with the prices of 49 cents still on them ~

    Vacation is over for now and it is good to be home ~

    Talk to you soon !! I am off to add goodies to my website and catch up ~

  • Disney World Vacation

    Disney World Vacation

    We are sitting in the airport and I decided to blog while we

    wait for the plane ~ It is the first internet service we have had all week ~

    We just spent the week at Disney World which was a blast !! I think

    we need a vacation from our vacation and definitely

    a diet plan when we get home ~ We did the food plan at

    Disney and they feed you sooo much and it was all yummy !

    This is Germany at Epcot ~ I love Epcot pretty much because I love

    to travel and want to visit all of the countries represented there ~

    This is our daughters Kristin and Stephanie at the Boardwalk ~

    We always have to get our toes in the sand somewhere ~

    This is our daughters and their hubbies and my hubby at Epcot ~

    We also love love Animal Kingdom ~ It is awesome !

    I had to get a pic of this trailer because I wanted to take it home with me ~

    Of course the Dino thing would have to go but it would be so cute !

    The boys were so excited to get their pix taken ..... again ~

    Well it is back to listing tons of new stuff on my website ~

    I am glad that I love what I do !!

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    I just had to share a few photos of our vacation we are on in California ~
    The first couple of days we spent going to Catalina Island on a friend's sailboat ~ It was so much fun because on the way over we took the Catalina Express that took us 1 hour to get there and then we spent the night on the boat ~

    The next day we hiked and hung out and then sailed home which took 5 hours because there wasn't any wind ~
    Both ways we saw Blue Whales really close ~ it was so cool !!! You see Grey Whales in California more often but rarely see Blue Whales so it was awesome ~

    Now we are visiting family in Templeton so we are going antique shopping and just BBQing and hanging out ~ I will take more pics along the way ~

    Talk to you soon !!!

  • Cruising Vacation

    Cruising Vacation

    We are on vacation until Jan. 12th ~ Our first day we went to spend a day in New Orleans because we are cruising out of New Orleans ~
    This is a picture of the French Quarter ~ I love the buildings here because of the colors and the architecture ~
    I am not thinking we will have internet access while we are on the ship but I will post pictures when I can ~

    Have a great week !!

  • Vacation to California

    Vacation to California

    Change of plans ~ AA canceled flights so we won't be going until they are back up and running ~

    Tomorrow, April 9th my husband and I are going to California for a week vacation !!! I am so excited because we are from California and I miss it alot ~ Most of our family lives there too so we will visit with them and go to the beach and also visit some of my favorite towns like Cambria ~
    I am going to take a camera and try to blog along the way if we have internet access ~ We are starting in Southern California and then taking a drive up the coast to the central coast where our family lives ~
    I will talk to you soon !

  • Home from Vacation

    Home from Vacation

    ** Update ~ Pillows listing today May 15th **

    We are home from Hawaii which is bittersweet ~ It is so much fun to go

    on vacation but always wonderful to come home too ~

    I will be getting orders out and listing new treasures on both of our websites this week !!

  • Family Vacation

    Family Vacation

    We have had a family vacation planned for about a year and it finally is here !
    My sister's family and my family all met in Florida at Disney World on Sunday ~
    We were talking about how it just used to be her and I and our husbands, just the four of us when we vacationed and now our family has grown to 11 of us ~

    We arrived on Sunday at the Orlando airport and got a six day park hopper to Disney World ~ the first day we just had a few hours so we started at Hollywood Studios and hit Tower of Terror first ~ it was alot of fun and was great because the lines were fairly short ~

    Today we went to Magic Kingdom which is alot like Disneyland but smaller ~ It was packed packed with people so we left in the late afternoon and just hung out at our condo ~

    I will try and post pics along the way ~

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    My niece is getting married next Saturday in Central California ~ We decided to make a vacation out of our trip so we flew into Santa Ana airport and have been sight seeing before we head up the coast ~
    We spent our first 2 days at Disneyland and California Adventure which was so much fun ~

    Today we went to Laguna Beach and got to put our toes in the sand, which I love to do ! We are from California and miss the ocean very much so every time we visit I have to go to the beach ~

    My daughter Steph and I enjoying watching the waves ~

    These are my daughters, Kristin and Steph in one of my very favorite Laguna shops called Cottage Furnishings ~

    I guess I took a little too long there so this is how my family
    waited for me ~

    We are heading up to Templeton tomorrow so I will post more pics soon !

  • Flea Market Sunday

    Flea Market Sunday

    Well it looks like California won't be happening this vacation soooo when all else fails, the flea market is always fun ~ well.... for me at least ~ My husband doesn't think it is all that fun ~

    I just love to see what treasures that I can find ~ sometimes there are alot and sometimes there are just one or two ~ For the last 5 years I have gone to one of my favorites that was only 5 miles from my house ~ they sold the property so it isn't there any more but had been since the 1920's ~ I am so sad because it was so close to me and I always found tons of goodies ~

    The one I went to today is every weekend and is about 40 minutes away ~ but it does have all different kinds of things to dig through ~
    These are a few things I picked up today that will be on my website in the Vintage Finds category soon

  • Sweet Romantic Clothes

    Sweet Romantic Clothes

    Today I was at the mall trying to find some cute clothes for vacation next week ~

    You know there is something about being 48 and still loving the young soooo cute clothes but not wanting to look like a 48 year old thinking she is a teenager ~ Darn it anyway !

    I was dying as I walked around the mall and the romantic yummy clothes were everywhere ! I love love them but got so overwhelmed that I ended up with 2 pair of sandals and that is all ~ The wayyyy cute skirts were all too short and the wayyyy cute clothes at Forever 21 were so crammed in there that I needed a personal shopper to mix and match something and to tell me if it was just a tad too short ~

    Anyway here are a few pics of some sweet romantic stuff at Forever 21 that I saw ~ I wanted it all and ended up with none ~

    I really loved this skirt but I am not sure I could pull it off going to the Post Office ~

  • Vacation Part 3

    Vacation Part 3

    Today is Monday and I was supposed to be flying home but.... I am dropping our daughter off to do her internship at Disney World ~ she still had some checking in and figuring out stuff to do sooo... I am in Florida ~ I am hoping to be fly home tomorrow and get some fun treasures listed on my website that are just waiting ~

    This is a picture off the deck above the pool ~ the weather was gorgeous !!

    I will chat with you soon !!

  • Vintage Rose China

    Vintage Rose China

    We got home from vacation late last night and are trying to get back in the swing of things ~ I don't know why it seems so hard to get back to normal life ~

    Before we left I went on a shopping trip for a couple of days to stock up on some treasures and found alot of them ~ It was soooo much fun !!
    I will be listing them over the next couple of days in between catching up on orders ~
    Here is a sneak peek of what is coming ~

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    We got home from California late last night but I wanted to share some more pictures from our trip ~

    This is my daughter Steph and her fiance in Santa Barbara ~ we stopped by there on our way to Templeton ~

    This is a picture of a vineyard right by my sisters house in Templeton ~ it is becoming a popular area to go wine tasting ~

    Here is a gorgeous picture of the ocean in Cambria ~

    This is at my niece's wedding ~ from the left is me, my sister and my mom~

    And the beautiful bride Chelsey with her bridesmaids ~ they are all cousins except the two girls on the far left who are the grooms sisters ~

    The last picture and the one of Cambria are courtesy of my son law who will have a website soon !! He is an amazing photographer ~

    Now I am back home and listing some new treasures on my website ~ it is always fun to go but always fun to come home too ~

  • Hawaii Day 1

    Hawaii Day 1

    We just got to Hawaii for our week vacation ~ We're staying at Wyndham Kona Hawaii Resort and it is so pretty !!

    We love going to the Farmer's Markets in Hawaii because they have some really different fruit, veggies and gorgeous flowers ~

  • Cancun Vacation

    Cancun Vacation

    We just got home from a glorious week in Cancun with some friends of ours ~
    It was nice to get away and just completely relax ~ We stayed in a resort with a gorgeous view of the pool and the ocean ~ I love the ocean so we hung out there quite a bit between kayaking, bike riding and swimming ~

    I really really want to go back !!

  • Newly Added Charm Frames

    Newly Added Charm Frames

    We are back from vacation and

    I am ready to rock and roll

    listing things on my website ~

    It is a joy to love what I do !!

    Today I added more blank Charm Frames

    so you can create your own charms ~

    They are fast and easy to do ~

    You can find the Charm tutorial here ~

    Some of the Charm Frames were cast for

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs only

    so you will not find them other places ~

    You can find them here and

    also watch for more being added soon~

  • Tie Dye

    Tie Dye

    My sister and niece are here right now from California so I have been spending most of my time with them and my two girls ~ we are having a great time visiting and shopping and just goofing around ~

    My daughter's boyfriend made her a tie dye shirt ~ some girls on campus at their college were making them and he thought he would give it a try and then gave it to her ~ well we decided that we needed him to teach us how to do it because we thought it would be fun to wear them on our family vacation in October to Disneyworld ~ it was so much fun, we ran to Wal Mart and got all of the dye and T-shirts and became hippies for the day ~ It was a crack up because we were tie dying everything we could find that was white ~

    Here are a few pictures of the end products ~

    This is my sister, Kim making one for her husband ~

    This is my neice ~

    This is me ~

    These are my two girls' creations ~

    We had t-shirts hanging everywhere ~

    Sooo this is where I have been but I can tell you that my market orders are arriving so they will be on the website soon !

  • Sweet Six Studio

    Sweet Six Studio

    Can you imagine going to a month long art retreat !!! I just think that would be the most fun and such a wonderful treat ~

    I am so excited to be part of the online art retreat that is offered at Sweet Six Studio ~ Having it online is perfect because it will be around my schedule and I can go back to go over the instructions as much as I want ~

    It starts on September 2 but I will be on vacation ~ sooo I will catch up when I get home ~ tooo perfect !

    Talk to you soon !