Remember the lavender that I brought home from California ~
It smells soooo good !
I have been making lavender sachets with it that have been alot
of fun to do ~
This is just a quick tutorial on how to make them ~
They are easy peasy !
First start with a piece of fabric ( I use vintage that I have tea dyed ) ~
Stamp the image or images you would like to use ~
I tear the edges so that they will fray ~
Next with another piece of fabric cut the size you want it to be ~
This one is 7.5 by 10 inches giving me 1/4 inch seam allowances ~
Sew on your stamped image pieces ~

Then fold your fabric in half right sides together leaving
a space at the bottom to turn and stuff it ~
When you are done sewing turn it right side out, iron
and stuff with just a little batting and I put 2 generous
spoonfuls of lavender ~

Next turn in the raw edges of your open spot and sew ~
I use my machine because then I am going to sew on lace so
it is okay ~ You can hand sew it if you would like ~

The next step is to embellish with whatever little things that
you want ~ On this one I used gathered tea stained dryer sheets,
seam binding and vintage buttons ~

I also like to stamp the fabric after it is sewn but before the
stuffing ~
It is fun and they smell yummy !
If you don't want to make them yourself
then you can find them at Katies Rose Cottage ~