Cottage & Family [Search results for kids

  • Magical Amulets

    Magical Amulets

    This project was one of my weirder projects--- sometimes I wonder where I come up with things!! I was inspired by some beautiful "slices" of quartz agate.

    I purchased a ton of agate slices and handed them out to the kids. I asked the students to study and examine the color and tone of the rings in the agate. I gave them two large pieces of paper (18x24) and a piece of tin foil. First, students cut the large papers into a blob shape (cut both at the same time) and flipped one over. Students cut a blob shape out of the foil and pasted one to each of the amulet sides. Next they painted concentric rings around the tin foil blobs (some students painted vertical stripes, or started off with two tin foil blobs). We then stapled the two halves together and stuffed them with paper. Students added beads and strings to the bottom of their masterpiece.

  • Kindergarten Robot Collages

    Kindergarten Robot Collages

    This is a really easy 1 day project that the kids LOVE!!!!!!

    Goal: Students will learn about collage, and utilize critical thinking skills

    Materials: 9 x 12 in black sulphite construction paper, silver paper cut into circles, squares, rectangles, and ovals, scraps of fluorescent paper, scissors, glue w/ tap caps, foam trays

    Prep: Teacher will glue 1 shiny silver shape onto the center of a piece of black construction paper for each child.

    Motivation: Teacher will show the students the black papers with shapes glued on--- teacher will explain that the students have to solve a problem. How can we make a robot and include the shiny shape as part of the robot? Teacher will demonstrate how to make a simple robot using scraps of brightly colored paper and glue.


    Students will go back to their seats and think about their robots

    Use brightly colored scraps to create arms, legs, heads, and details for their robots.

  • Signs of Summer in my Backyard

    Signs of Summer in my Backyard

    Yesterday the kids all came over to BBQ and swim ~

    It was so fun because it just felt like summer was here ~ I love

    the summer and all of the things that go along with it ~

    These are just a few signs of summer from my backyard yesterday~

    In the morning I tea dyed some linens to make more pillows ~ I love being able to hang them outside to dry and it took no time at all in the 90 degree weather we are having already ~

    I planted 5 peach trees a few years ago because I love peaches and they always seem to be yucky in the grocery store ~ This year 2 of the 5 have peaches and there are tons ! We are trying to get to them before the birds and the bugs ~ they are so sweet and delicious ~

    It is so fun to me to go out in my yard and pick my own herbs so every year I grow some ~

    Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and I love the color of this one so much ~

    This is Kirby after a swim ~ He loves loves the water and looks so cute all wet so I had to take a picture ~

    Well I am off to fold linens and lace ~

    Have a wonderful day !

  • Funky Paper Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Funky Paper Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For the past week, every day has been what I dubbed "funky paper day"! I gave to kids a variety of paints and tools to created beautiful painted paper that can be used for the rest of the year in collages and various projects. Each student made two pieces of funky paper, so I am sure I will have lots and lots to last for awhile! 

  • Me & My Family

    Me & My Family

    Oh my goodness it is crazy cold out today in Texas !!

    I have been busy creating stuff since it is too cold

    outside to even step foot out there ~

    But instead of showing you more ruffled stuff I decided

    to reintroduce you to my family ~

    It pretty much says the same thing in my

    "About Me" page but oh well :)

    Dana, my hubby, and I have been married 28 years ~

    He is a pilot which is totally fun since our whole family

    adores traveling and we do it as much as we can ~

    I do have to say that we are originally California kids

    since we grew up there and miss it alot ~

    We have quite a bit of family still there ~

    If you are my facebook friend you

    have seen this picture alot but I LOVE it ~

    James took it of us and it is where I want to be

    pretty much all of the time ~

    We have 2 girls that are 24 and 21

    and are both married ~

    Kristin and James got married 3 years ago ~

    James is an awesome professional photographer

    and Kristin works at a bank ~

    Her passion is mentoring teenage girls

    and also she loves to cook ~

    Stephanie and Noah got married 1 year ago ~

    Noah works at a huge

    church in the sound area which he is going to school for

    and Steph is in school for a Marketing degree ~

    She likes to cook too so I recruit them

    on the weekends since I hate to cook !

    They all live close to us so that is wayyyy cool !

    We get to spend time together quite a bit

    which is always a fun time ~

    I am off to the warmth of the fire ~ my office is cold !!

  • Cooking or Crafting ??

    Cooking or Crafting ??

    I REALLY REALLY need to continue my purging quest

    but for some reason I have just quit ~

    That is totally how I am ......

    Anyway, so instead of purging I am creating more

    disasters all around me ~ I just want to antique shop

    and create !!

    Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing ???

    I actually have an office/studio and a big huge workshop outside

    but where do I end up ........ in the kitchen and dining room ~

    I really don't like to cook much

    so I guess this is a great thing to do

    in the kitchen :)

    See how the island has a cute apothecary full of flour ~ Well

    I am pretty sure it is just there because it is cute ~

    My dining room table is a full too !!

    I am thinking it is supposed

    to be a place to eat but my hubby is a pilot

    and not home much for

    dinner and my kids

    are married so it is a giant craft table ~

    Works for me !

    I do my Bible study here too :)

    I love to start my day with Jesus ~

    I have not gotten alot of cooking done

    over the last couple of days but I have

    had alot of fun crafting !!

    Okay I am really really going to clean these areas

    right now ~

    Chat soon !

  • Favorite Art Materials for Kindergarten

    Favorite Art Materials for Kindergarten

    Tap Caps for Glue-A great cap for glue bottles—fits on a standard Elmer’s bottle. Releases a tiny drop of glue at a time; the kids simply tap the tip of the bottle straight down

    Sargent Glitter paint--For Kindergarten I try to use transparent paint. When the Kinders paint, they often don't stay within the boundaries of their drawings, this paint allows their drawings to show through!

    One of my favorite paints to use is Sargent Brand Washable Glitter Paint. The colors are brilliant and the paint is transparent.
    Black crayons no pencils

    Glitter Chip Glue

    Sketcho Oil pastels

    Fancy Collage scraps

    Sax Tempera Extender

  • KIndergarten Shape Monsters

    KIndergarten Shape Monsters

    In this lesson kindergarten students used shapes to create "monsters". I began the lesson by reading the book Monster Math. We then brainstormed different ideas to create monsters. Students used one large shapes for their monsters body, and then added details such as eyes, teeth, leg etc. using more shapes. We painted the monsters using flourescent acrylic paints--- I instructed the kids to use only one color for their monsters body, and and many other colors as they wished for the details. A background was made on a seperate piece of paper. Students selected 3 colors of glitter paint--- the colors were painted across the whole page and scraped with a notched cardboard comb to create an interesting swirly effect. The monsters (and baby monsters if the child wished) we cut out and glued to the background.

  • Kindergarten Clay Kings and Queens

    Kindergarten Clay Kings and Queens

    These little guys were created for our annual "Academic Fair". Students were asked to create themselves as a king or queen.

    Model Magic
    Black construction paper- cut into 6x9 in pieces
    Watercolor paint/brushes/water
    Googly eyes
    Feathers, beads, sequins, jewels, etc.

    Day 1:
    First demonstrate basic techniques for clay sculpting. Have students come up with ideas for shapes to use for head, body, arms and legs. Each students should first start off by creating a ball for a head and then gently flattening it. Then add a neck, body, etc. Demonstrate how to blend the clay together to create a stronger figure. Label with the student's name and allow to dry.

    Day 2:
    Glue down any limbs or parts that have come loose or broken off-- glue directly to construction paper. Have the students paint their figure. I found that it is best for the students to first paint the skin and then their clothes. Make sure to review with the students what parts of the body will be painted with a skin tone--- there are always a few that want to paint the entire body skin colored (and make their figure look naked!).

    Day 3:
    Embellish!! Pass out lots of fun little stuff and let the kids go wild. Go around and make sure there are no loose parts or limbs.