These little guys were created for our annual "Academic Fair". Students were asked to create themselves as a king or queen.
Model Magic
Black construction paper- cut into 6x9 in pieces
Watercolor paint/brushes/water
Googly eyes
Feathers, beads, sequins, jewels, etc.
Day 1:
First demonstrate basic techniques for clay sculpting. Have students come up with ideas for shapes to use for head, body, arms and legs. Each students should first start off by creating a ball for a head and then gently flattening it. Then add a neck, body, etc. Demonstrate how to blend the clay together to create a stronger figure. Label with the student's name and allow to dry.
Day 2:
Glue down any limbs or parts that have come loose or broken off-- glue directly to construction paper. Have the students paint their figure. I found that it is best for the students to first paint the skin and then their clothes. Make sure to review with the students what parts of the body will be painted with a skin tone--- there are always a few that want to paint the entire body skin colored (and make their figure look naked!).
Day 3:
Embellish!! Pass out lots of fun little stuff and let the kids go wild. Go around and make sure there are no loose parts or limbs.