We are so excited to also be part of the "Friday Blogger's Flea Market" group ~ Every Friday we will have "Friday only" flea market items that you can see on our special Katies Rose Cottage Friday Flea Market Blog ~
So between Make Mine Pink's Pink Friday and Friday Bloggers Flea Market, Friday is a busy place around here !!
It is time for the Friday Flea Market at Katie's Rose Cottage ~ we have joined with these ladies for a giant blogger's Friday Flea Market ~ Every Friday we will add a few items to our Flea Market Category ~ you can go to you our other blog to have a sneak peek of what has been added ~
Make sure and visit us and also the other bloggers who participate in the Blogger's Friday Flea Market ~ There is nothing like shopping at a flea market and it is even better when it is online !!
Check out our Friday Flea Market Blog for a sample of what has been added this week and then from there you can visit all of the other participants ~
I have always wanted to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market and finally got a chance to this weekend ~ The only bummer part was that I didn't realize it is Sunday only and my flight back home left Sunday afternoon ~ sooooo I only had about 3 hours there which is very much not enough time because it is HUGE ~ It was alot of fun to see the difference in it and the Canton Texas Flea market that I go to ~ I was thrilled to see alot of Shabby Cottage Chic since that is my favorite ~ I zoomed through there as fast as I could but was dying to go up and down every aisle and take in every space full of treasures ~
I loved all of the whites, pinks and greens ~
There were tons of chandeliers and I really wanted to take them home but not sure they would be an airline "carry-on" ~
This frame was gorgeous !!!
Well there is always next month and I won't be scheduling a flight home on Sunday ~~
I don't think I have told you that today is one of my favorite days of the week!!!~ LOL ~ Flea market day !!! It is so funny because when we moved here, I thought for sure I would get mugged at the flea market ~ I had no idea how awesome it was ~ Well...... needless to say I missed a couple of years of wonderful searching and getting to know some very sweet people ~ it looks really gross but the treasures abound ~You can find most anything you want from shabby cottage chic, antique and wonderful things to recreate ~
It is time for Pink Friday with Katies Rose Cottage and Make Mine Pink ~ The theme this week is "Coming Up Roses" ~ I was so excited about this theme because I love roses (obviously) ~
We are also part of the Blogger's Friday Flea Market ~ you can see a preview of our flea market items here and all of the items here ~
Today I had sooo much fun at the flea market that I love to go to on the weekends ~ I found all of these GORGEOUS rose pieces !!! Everything at this particular flea market are antique, there really aren't garage sale type things so I just love to go and look for hours ~
I have a confession to make ..... I am not a yard sale shopper ~
A flea market shopper but not a yard sale shopper and it is all because I have already been there done that on the Little Tykes stuff ~ I have friends ( Pat and Lisa ) that live close to me that always find treasures at yard sales ~ not me though ~
But ...... when Dorothy at the Shabby Y emails to say she is having a yard sale I am there with bells on (really flip flops) ~
She has the most amazing studio in the back that she even opened up to the shopping gals ~I pretty much drooled over her neat as a pin studio stuffed with awesome treasures ~
Here are the wonderful things that I got from her that will be on my website soon ~ well, except the oval frame ~
I also went to a tiny little flea market and found these old photos and sweet baby shoes ~ I am going to use the pictures for pocket pillows ~ My daughter was with me and we just cracked up going through the boxes of pictures ~
This girl's bow is so fun ! I can't imagine wearing a bow that ginormous :)
People did call my girls bow heads though when they were little so maybe I can imagine it ..... hmmmm
I spent all day yesterday at one of my favorite places, Canton Texas ~ If you read my blog very often, you will see that I go every month because I LOVE to go through treasures !!! It is a giant flea market that has been there since the early 1900's or maybe even earlier ~ there are alot of new things in one huge area and flea market things in another GIGANTIC area ~
These are pictures of of one treasure filled space called The Veranda ~
This is one picture of just some of the pretty things I got that I will be listing on my website starting today ~
I was tagged by Priscilla of Flea Market Queen to tell you 7 weird things about myself ~ hmmmm..... okay here it goes ....
1. If I see some great trash in someones trash pile, I will stop or make my family stop ~ they get so mad at me :o)
2. I would rather shop at a flea market than a mall
3. I fall asleep in movie theatres almost every time I go
4. I love spring and hate winter and really don't like the hot summer either ~ I kind of like just that perfect weather, I need to live in Hawaii
5. I can count on my fingers how many times I have worn high heals
6. I adore traveling !!! I guess that isn't so weird .... but I would be thrilled to hit thrift stores or flea markets no matter where I am and I usually do
7. I am almost always freezing cold ~ I think I might be looking forward to hot flashes ~ remind me I said that when I am going through them ~ :O)
Well it looks like California won't be happening this vacation soooo when all else fails, the flea market is always fun ~ well.... for me at least ~ My husband doesn't think it is all that fun ~
I just love to see what treasures that I can find ~ sometimes there are alot and sometimes there are just one or two ~ For the last 5 years I have gone to one of my favorites that was only 5 miles from my house ~ they sold the property so it isn't there any more but had been since the 1920's ~ I am so sad because it was so close to me and I always found tons of goodies ~
The one I went to today is every weekend and is about 40 minutes away ~ but it does have all different kinds of things to dig through ~ These are a few things I picked up today that will be on my website in the Vintage Finds category soon ~
Today is one of my favorite days because it is flea market day !!! I crawl out of bed, throw on some jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops, grab a huge bag and off I go (with a cup of coffee, of course) ~ It is so hot here that all of the vendors start leaving about 10 a.m. so I have to get there around 7 or 8 ~ It was definitely box day today which thrills me since I LOVE to find old boxes ~
This is a picture of some of my treasures ~ I will be painting them tomorrow so check back to see how they have been recreated into something perfect for your shabby cottage decor ~
There are times I am just amazed at how fast time flies and this is definitely one of them !! It seems like I was just showing you pics of the last Canton First Monday flea market and it was here again ~
These are pictures of one of a gorgeous booth in one of the buildings called Willow Nest ~
If you have visited my blog very often, you know it is one of my very favorite things to do !! I LOVE going to Canton ! Most months I go for 2 days and just spend the time browsing and digging through tons and tons of treasures !! Some of the spots are set up just gorgeous and some you literally have to dig through boxes ~
These are pictures of one of my favorite artists Devonia ~
Every Saturday that I am home, I love to go to Fort Worth and go to the flea market ~ it is a really fun flea market because they have all antique stuff ~ I also visit the most awesome antique mall that I have found in our area, it is the Montgomery Street Antique Mall ~ These are a few pictures of some of the yummy places that I explored ~ the top 2 pictures are of my favorite shop there called "Mayfair Mercantile" ~ The mirror is quite unique so I had to take a picture of it, it is covered in sparklies and little girly toys ~
Another fun Canton First Monday has gone and it was so much fun ~ My mom and dad and I camped this time in their motor home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ~ it was great because the motor home was a nice refuge from the heat and a great place to grab a bite to eat and rest during the day ~
It poured on Tuesday so we were a little worried that there would not be any one selling in the flea market area because it is mostly outside ~ but... Wednesday the sun was shining and the vendors started pouring in the gates and setting up their treasures ~ we got 2 good shopping days in so we were excited about that~
These are pictures from one of my very favorite places there called "Girls Gone Junkin' " ~ I am not sure if they have a blog but if they do I will post the link so you can take a peek ~
It is time again for Canton Trade Days in Canton Texas ~ it is one of my very favorite times of the month because I get to go shop to my hearts content for 2 days ~ it is a giant giant flea market but there are also alot of yummy new treasures too ~
Wednesdays are pretty much completely flea market things so I took some pictures ~
When I was taking pictures today, I was looking at things that there were alot to choose from ~ tons of chairs to choose from ~
Ladders to paint ~
Old Chippy Doors
And some of my favorite things, architectural pieces ~
I will take some more tomorrow of my favorite places ~