Cottage & Family [Search results for family

  • Family Vacation

    Family Vacation

    We have had a family vacation planned for about a year and it finally is here !
    My sister's family and my family all met in Florida at Disney World on Sunday ~
    We were talking about how it just used to be her and I and our husbands, just the four of us when we vacationed and now our family has grown to 11 of us ~

    We arrived on Sunday at the Orlando airport and got a six day park hopper to Disney World ~ the first day we just had a few hours so we started at Hollywood Studios and hit Tower of Terror first ~ it was alot of fun and was great because the lines were fairly short ~

    Today we went to Magic Kingdom which is alot like Disneyland but smaller ~ It was packed packed with people so we left in the late afternoon and just hung out at our condo ~

    I will try and post pics along the way ~

  • Me & My Family

    Me & My Family

    Oh my goodness it is crazy cold out today in Texas !!

    I have been busy creating stuff since it is too cold

    outside to even step foot out there ~

    But instead of showing you more ruffled stuff I decided

    to reintroduce you to my family ~

    It pretty much says the same thing in my

    "About Me" page but oh well :)

    Dana, my hubby, and I have been married 28 years ~

    He is a pilot which is totally fun since our whole family

    adores traveling and we do it as much as we can ~

    I do have to say that we are originally California kids

    since we grew up there and miss it alot ~

    We have quite a bit of family still there ~

    If you are my facebook friend you

    have seen this picture alot but I LOVE it ~

    James took it of us and it is where I want to be

    pretty much all of the time ~

    We have 2 girls that are 24 and 21

    and are both married ~

    Kristin and James got married 3 years ago ~

    James is an awesome professional photographer

    and Kristin works at a bank ~

    Her passion is mentoring teenage girls

    and also she loves to cook ~

    Stephanie and Noah got married 1 year ago ~

    Noah works at a huge

    church in the sound area which he is going to school for

    and Steph is in school for a Marketing degree ~

    She likes to cook too so I recruit them

    on the weekends since I hate to cook !

    They all live close to us so that is wayyyy cool !

    We get to spend time together quite a bit

    which is always a fun time ~

    I am off to the warmth of the fire ~ my office is cold !!

  • Family Time

    Family Time

    My sister and niece have

    been visiting me in Texas for

    the last week ~ They live in California

    and so we try and go back and forth

    as much as we can ~

    We hit the road shopping all week

    starting with Canton's First Monday

    {never can get enough junk!! }

    Then as much shopping and

    crafting as we could squeeze in ~

    It was really cold and rainy most

    of the time so we spent one day in

    front of the fireplace watching movies

    and Chelsey ( my niece ) taught

    us all to crochet ~

    {below is my daughter Stephanie and above

    is a good friend Bethany, my niece Chelsey and

    daughter Kristin }

    Kristin added a rose and I just

    love it !!

    One day we decided to go

    to the Gaylord Texan Hotel because

    it is just gorgeous at Christmas ~

    { my sister Kim & I }

    {my niece Chelsey, sister Kim, son in law James

    daughters Kristin & Stephanie }

    It is always fun to have them come

    visit and sad when they leave!

    I miss my family in California like crazy!!

    I guess it is time for us to take

    a trip there again soon ~

  • Welcome my Daughter, Kristin

    Welcome my Daughter, Kristin

    I am really excited to
    have my daughter Kristin
    join me at Katies Rose Cottage!

    From Kristin.....

    I am so excited to be starting this adventure with my mom :)
    It is a joy to be able to work with her,
    learn from her,
    and get to indulge in
    all things vintage! Here's a little about me~

    My husband James and I have been married for 5 years
    and we have a
    little baby boy on the way (due less a couple of weeks from now!).
    We are so excited and blessed to be parents and
    I cannot wait to share our
    little family with you as we grow!
    I love to travel, so having a pilot for a dad and a travel photographer
    for a husband works out perfectly
    ;) I adore cooking, creating, and all things vintage!
    I've been
    praying about God's direction for my job
    for about three years and
    with a little one on the way, I knew I had to make a change and start
    doing something that will spark my passions
    . While I've always wanted
    to own my own business as so many member's
    of my family do, the
    opportunity just never presented itself.
    However, going on all of my
    mom's shopping adventures,
    rummaging through her office to create new
    treasures, and seeing the joy she has
    in her job made me secretly want
    to work alongside her.
    Then, as I watched her grow in her business,
    God did an amazing work!
    He opened the door for me to partner with my
    mom so I can finally do what I am so passionate about :)
    I am thrilled
    and blessed to have the opprtunity
    to work along side of a godly,
    creative, and beautiful woman, my mom :)

  • Vacation to California

    Vacation to California

    Change of plans ~ AA canceled flights so we won't be going until they are back up and running ~

    Tomorrow, April 9th my husband and I are going to California for a week vacation !!! I am so excited because we are from California and I miss it alot ~ Most of our family lives there too so we will visit with them and go to the beach and also visit some of my favorite towns like Cambria ~
    I am going to take a camera and try to blog along the way if we have internet access ~ We are starting in Southern California and then taking a drive up the coast to the central coast where our family lives ~
    I will talk to you soon !

  • Key West is Beautiful !

    Key West is Beautiful !

    I have been loving the sunshine in Miami and Key West for a few days with my family ~

    My husband is a pilot and has been based in Miami for the whole month so we got a chance to go spend some time there ~

    A couple of the days we went to Key West and I just fell in love with the homes there because they are all little cottages in the prettiest pastel colors ~ All of the houses have picket fences and front porches ~

    The ocean water is so warm, it is wonderful !

    This is our girls Stephanie and Kristin ~

    This is our son in law James, Kristin and Stephanie and my husband at one of the beaches ~

    James took this gorgeous picture of Key West ~ It is so awesome to have a photographer in the family ~ You can see more of Florida on his blog soon at James Brandon Photography ~

  • California Fun with Babies!

    California Fun with Babies!

    Part of blogging for me
    is so that we can not
    only share inspirational
    ideas but also so you can
    get to know us too :)

    If you don't already know
    I have two daughters,
    Kristin and Stephanie,who
    also are part of
    Katies Rose Cottage ~

    They both have babies and
    this was our first
    adventure on an airplane
    with them ~
    Their daddies got to go too
    so that was fun!

    Alot of our family lives
    on the central coast of
    California so that is one
    of our very favorite places and
    where we headed ~

    They were excited to have the
    babies visit the beach since
    it is one of all of our
    favorite places to be ~
    The weather was chilly but
    it was still a beautiful
    and sunny day!
    We went to Avila Beach which
    we love!

    Ellie thought it was
    just the best thing ever!
    The swings were great...
    The sand was great!

    Isaac pretty much didn't like
    it at all! We are definitely
    going to have to teach
    him that it is fun!
    Mommies arms were great!

    This is my mom and I
    with Ellie ~

    My son in law James
    took the following pictures ~
    It is awesome having
    a photographer along :)

    Ellie loved swinging!

    Isaac loved hiking!

    This is my most favorite picture of all .... My mom and dad
    with their great grandbabies!!
    What a beautiful and precious
    picture!! I adore it!

    It was fun and there
    is so much more family
    and pictures but
    this is just a glimpse
    of our time there ~

    Thank you for visiting
    with us!


  • California Dreamin'

    California Dreamin'

    I just got home from a few days

    in Central California ~

    Oh my goodness it was glorious

    there! The weather was awesome

    ( it was great to get away

    from the Texas heat )

    and well I just pretty much

    love it all ~

    Family, childhood memories, the beach,

    the mountains, the vineyards,

    the weather... I could go on and on ~

    It is funny how when we lived there

    I completely took the beautiful

    hills and ocean for granted ~

    It has been 16 years since we

    moved to North Texas and I am

    a happy gal to have family

    in California and flight privileges :)

    I am a lavender freak so seeing it

    all over is amazing to me!

    This is a beautiful bed and breakfast that

    a friend's wedding was at in Templeton ~

    This is a really fun place in Avila Beach called

    Avila Valley Barn ~

    This is my sister and niece

    picking yummy apples ~

    I have been home a day and am totally

    ready to go back ~

    Hopefully in October for the

    Remnants of the Past Vintage Show


    Three Speckled Hens Show ~

    Now it is back to work (fun)

    for me ~

  • New Creations !

    New Creations !

    Oh my goodness I kind
    of feel like we have fallen
    off the face of
    blog world lately ~

    This has been such a fun
    summer with a new baby
    in June and a new
    baby in August ~
    What precious precious
    blessings they are!

    Our family came from
    California to meet
    the babies ~ We have
    made some wonderful memories!

    While family was here
    Kristin and I did a
    little creating ~

    Here are some of the
    new things that
    we added to the
    Vintage & Handmade Category ~

    We are on a roll!

    Chat with you soon!

  • Creatively Made Home

    Creatively Made Home

    We are so excited to start the
    Creatively Made Home
    e-course and wanted to share it with you!!

    Creatively Made Home is an all new e-course about creating a home that reflects your heart in everyday living. It is about inspiring and encouraging you to create and style a home that you and your family love to live in...

    This five week online course is hosted by 5 friends who want to help you to define your decorating style so that it is a true reflection of your heart.

    Creatively Made Home is hosted by:

    Tracey Leber

    Sara Duckett

    Kimberly Taylor

    Jennifer Rizzo

    and.....Jeanne Oliver

    Here is the jam-packed schedule for the course:

    * Each week you will have amazing truthful videos from not only the five teachers but other creative women.

    * Each week we will take a room from one of YOU and all five women will give their suggestions telling you how they would transform the room with their style.

    * There will be 50+ project videos.
    These will be incredible videos that include everything from gardening, cooking, gift giving and decorating.

    * There will be written tips from each woman telling you how she starts a room, picks paint, fabrics, etc. You will learn where to start when putting your own home together.

    * Tons of beautiful house photos from each of the five women.

    * Videos that truly reflect what life is like in each of their homes. The stuff that life is really about.

    * Each woman will share their own truthful journey about how they started making their home a reflection of their hearts.

    * Each person registered will get an easy entertaining e-book to download.

    It will contain go to recipes for beautiful and easy entertaining (they do go together), photos of table settings that take the stress out of having people over, favorite drinks and so much more (and their funniest entertaining story).

    * There will be a private Facebook group to connect with other class members.

    * There will be a once a week live discussion with one of the teachers!

    * You will get printables and pdfs to keep and use again and again.

    This course is about loving your home, loving your family and blessing those around you....and having fun doing it.

    This course will lavish you with ideas, beauty, inspiration, joy and encouragement!
    Come and play house with us.

    Class begins October 22.
    Registration is now open!

    The price of the course is $58 for all 5 weeks!

    To sign up for Creatively Made Home, go *HERE*

    We can't wait !!

  • ~Meet My Family ~

    ~Meet My Family ~

    Wow !!! I am amazed that it has been so long since I have done a post ~ it seems like the time has flown with all of the hustle bustle of Christmas !!!
    I wanted to start off the new year by introducing you to my family ~ I have been married for 25 years to a total sweetie named Dana ~ the other picture is of our 2 precious girls, Kristin who is 20 and Stephanie who is 17 ~ Kristin is in College and Stephanie is a Senior in High School ~

  • Love California!

    Love California!

    My husband and I got
    to spend a week at the
    central coast of California
    visiting with family ~
    That is where we are from
    so it is going home for us ~

    When I go back I often
    am amazed at what I took
    for granted when
    we lived there ~
    I just LOVE the beach and
    LOVE the mountains that
    you have to drive over
    to get to the beach ~

    This is Avila Beach
    where I spent so many
    days in the summers~
    I want to come spend
    a week just here now ❤

    Who would have thought
    that swinging on the beach
    could be the most fun ever!!

    I LOVE my mom and dad's house
    that is on a mountain that
    overlooks 3 towns ~

    I LOVE driving the winding
    roads seeing the beautiful
    wineries and vineyards that
    are everywhere ~

    Spending time in California
    with my family that lives
    there is just some
    of our best times!

    This is my sister, Kim
    and I in Morro Bay~

    Thankfully we get to
    go back a few times a year
    which is a blessing for sure!

    Lots of hugs,

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    I just had to share a few photos of our vacation we are on in California ~
    The first couple of days we spent going to Catalina Island on a friend's sailboat ~ It was so much fun because on the way over we took the Catalina Express that took us 1 hour to get there and then we spent the night on the boat ~

    The next day we hiked and hung out and then sailed home which took 5 hours because there wasn't any wind ~
    Both ways we saw Blue Whales really close ~ it was so cool !!! You see Grey Whales in California more often but rarely see Blue Whales so it was awesome ~

    Now we are visiting family in Templeton so we are going antique shopping and just BBQing and hanging out ~ I will take more pics along the way ~

    Talk to you soon !!!

  • Stuff


    This is a crazy busy time of year for our family and

    just with life ~ fun stuff though !!

    I wanted to do a quick blog post to let you know that I haven't

    fallen off the face of the earth and to show you a few

    of the new things on my website ~

    Jewelry is now 50% off too !!

    Think of Mother's Day coming up :)

  • Wedding Preparations

    Wedding Preparations

    Soooooo the last couple of days my daughter, Stephanie, had off work and school so she came home to work on wedding things ~ My other daughter Kristin came over too and helped but also took some awesome pictures along the way ~ We are lucky to have a photographer in the family !

    We got alot done but there is always tons more to do ~ AHHHHH !!!
    3 more months and counting ~

  • Photo Transfer to Wood Tutorial

    Photo Transfer to Wood Tutorial

    Kristin and I have been busy busy with our website
    the last couple of weeks!!

    But ... in between the busyness there are
    babies coming very soon!!

    Kristin's baby boy, Isaac's room, is
    in a vintage airplane theme ~ She wanted
    to use one of her husband, James' photographs,
    but wanted it to look old ~

    This is a quick step by step but
    you can get more detailed instructions on her
    family blog ~

    First we got the picture laser printed at
    Staples in a 20x30 inch size ~
    Then we went to Home Depot and had them cut
    a piece of wood in to 2 pieces 10 x30 inches ~

    Place the 2 pieces of wood side by side
    ( we attached it together at the end but
    you can do that step ahead of time )~
    Then brush on Acrylic Gel Medium
    and spread pretty generously ~
    Place your paper with the image face down
    and smooth out ~
    We had a couple of wrinkles and actually it
    ended up adding to the vintage look ~

    Let it sit overnight ~
    Then dampen the paper with
    a wet cloth ~
    When the paper looks wet rub with your fingers and the paper kind of rolls off ~
    Kristin cracked me up because her fingers
    didn't have finger prints or something because
    she was having issues with this step ~

    You can keep dampening the paper when it dries out
    until it is
    all rubbed off ~ Some of the paper was left
    and it ended up grabbing the stain and looked good ~

    Next Kristin stained over the entire piece ~
    Then she sanded the edges
    and rubbed the edges with
    Pigment ink with a sponge ~

    Lastly we waxed it with Annie Sloan clear wax
    but you can also use Mod Podge to seal it ~

    After it dried the wood was attached together
    on the back with metal flat brackets ~

    The whole project cost less than $30 ~

    It turned out great and looks awesome
    in Isaac's room !!!

  • ~ Pink in the Sunshine ~

    ~ Pink in the Sunshine ~

    Yay !!! It was a sunny and sort of warm day today !! It is so funny how our family loves the sun and how it totally affects our moods ~ It has been so cold and so yucky out that we haven't seen the sun in awhile ~ Well.... I had to take advantage of the sunshine and paint some pink !! Here is a picture of some of the things I worked on today drying in the sun!!!
    Visit us at ~

  • Mercury Glass Family Fun

    Mercury Glass Family Fun

    {my niece, Chelsey }

    Last week I got to go to

    stay with my mom and dad in California ~

    My sister, mom and I got in a crafty

    mood and decided to try a

    mercury glass tutorial from Pinterest ~

    We started with cheapy glass pieces

    to experiment with ~

    First you we sprayed on

    Krylon Looking Glass spray that we

    found at Michaels ~ The tutorial

    said to put it on the inside of

    the glass bottle ~ I tried the candlesticks

    and painted the outside and it worked great!

    {my niece, me and my mom }

    The other pieces we sprayed the inside

    and the outside ~

    Then you spray your piece with half

    water and half vinegar and let it sit

    for a minute ~

    Then you just pop the little bubbles

    with a paper towel ~

    It was so fun and super easy!

    Next time I want to try spraying

    something darkish first so that

    it has a darker look

    under the popped bubbles ~

  • Pumpkin Patch Babies

    Pumpkin Patch Babies

    It is so fun now that we have babies
    we can do all the fun holiday festivities with them ~

    Yesterday, we went to Hall's Pumpkin Farm
    so we could take pictures of our family with the pumpkins ~

    Grammy and Grandpy with the babies ~

    The Farm was so cute!

    Noah and Stephanie with Ellie ~

    James and Me with Isaac ~

    He is so inquisitive! He loves to discover new things ~

    Ellie being her sweet little self ~

    It's so fun to do holiday things ~
    Lots of love,

  • Wedding Shower

    Wedding Shower

    A couple of weeks ago my youngest daughter Stephanie and her fiance Noah had

    a couple's wedding shower ~
    It was at her future father in laws church and was sort of like a reception shower for the family and church members that won't be at the wedding ~
    It is so amazing that the months have flown by and the showers and count down are on ~

    These are just a few pictures from the shower ~

    Stephanie and our other daughter Kristin ~