I have been having fun creating more bottles and tying them with seam binding ribbon ~
This seam binding just sat in the HOT Texas sun after being bleached and tea dyed ~ It is all crinkled which is so cool ! I loved the way the colors looked when they were all piled together ~
We also just listed the new Somerset Life ~ It is beautiful as always ! You can find it here ~
Last month my daughter spotted a whole box of tiny bottles when we were flea marketing in Canton ~ I was sooooo excited because I just love little bottles, they are so cute ! ~
I love to embellish them in different ways using them as tiny little bud vases or to add to a vignette ~
It is really easy to embellish them with just a few little pieces of things you might have around ~ Here I used a vintage piece of sheet music, a button and crinkled seam binding ~
I was having fun working with Beeswax today so I thought I would do a tutorial as I was playing around ~ I just love the look of Beeswax and have been working on some altered canvases ~
~ Altered Beeswax Canvas Tutorial ~
First you decide what paper pieces you would like to use and then you adhere them to your canvas ~ I use Modge Podge ~
Then to give it an aged look take any brown tone ink and just randomly sponge ~ Make sure and do the edges too ~
When you have all of the paper items that you would like on your canvas it is time to paint over it all with your melted beeswax ~ I melted mine in a tiny crock pot and paint it on with a cheap brush because the brush will be ruined ~ the beeswax gives it a really neat look ~ I did not wax over my lace this time but you can do that if you want ~
The next step is to add embellishments ~ I love tea dyed and crinkled seam binding so I added it along with some roses and vintage buttons ~ these are hot glued on ~
That is it !! So easy and fun !
If you want to purchase the finished canvas you can get it here ~