Cottage & Family [Search results for clothes

  • Sweet Romantic Clothes

    Sweet Romantic Clothes

    Today I was at the mall trying to find some cute clothes for vacation next week ~

    You know there is something about being 48 and still loving the young soooo cute clothes but not wanting to look like a 48 year old thinking she is a teenager ~ Darn it anyway !

    I was dying as I walked around the mall and the romantic yummy clothes were everywhere ! I love love them but got so overwhelmed that I ended up with 2 pair of sandals and that is all ~ The wayyyy cute skirts were all too short and the wayyyy cute clothes at Forever 21 were so crammed in there that I needed a personal shopper to mix and match something and to tell me if it was just a tad too short ~

    Anyway here are a few pics of some sweet romantic stuff at Forever 21 that I saw ~ I wanted it all and ended up with none ~

    I really loved this skirt but I am not sure I could pull it off going to the Post Office ~

  • Anthropologie & Vintage Romantic Clothes

    Anthropologie & Vintage Romantic Clothes

    On Friday I was on the hunt for some pretty kind of vintage romantic clothes to wear for market in January ~

    My first stop was Anthropologie where I found some beautiful clothes but I ended up paying more attention to how they had things displayed ~ it was fun to see all of the flea markety style pieces that they used ~

    I also went to one of my favorite antique malls in Fort Worth called Lone Star ~ I just adore Jennifer's clothes she has in her hugely expanded space ~ They are so very much what I love !

  • Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    We love to create things with
    vintage lace from Canton and other
    flea markets, but what if you
    don't have access to flea markets?

    {this is part of our vintage stash }

    We decided to see what we could
    find at local thrift stores and
    made a fun shopping day out of it!

    Digging through all the old clothes
    was such fun and we found some great
    dresses and shirts to create
    lace and ruffles ~

    This full lace dress was only $1.99!

    Isaac was worn out from all our shopping :)

    Here are some of our finds ~

    Next, we made black tea and tea dyed
    the white lace and dresses ~

    Just hang them in the sun to dry ~

    Once they were dry, we cut up
    the dresses to get the fabric
    we needed for our project ~

    We used a tea dyed muslin
    drawstring bag ~

    We pinned the lace to the bag
    and cut and gathered the skirt fabric
    to make a ruffle for the bottom of the bag.
    We then sewed the lace
    and the ruffle to the bag ~

    Afterwards, we chose buttons,
    a tattered rose, and lace to
    embellish the bag. This is where
    you want to get creative!
    *Click here for the rose tutorial ~

    Here is the final project!

    And another bag from a
    baby girl dress we found ~

    We had so much fun today!
    Go to your thrift store for inspiration :)

  • Girl's Trip

    Girl's Trip

    I just got home from having a wonderful long weekend

    girl's trip to Southern California ~

    My two girls met my mom, sister and niece

    and we laughed, shopped

    and ate to our heart's content ~

    We all used to live in the same town

    but now my girls and

    I live in Texas and they all still live in California

    so it is great

    to get together and do trips like this ~

    This is Chelsey (my niece), Kristin (my oldest daughter), Kim (my sister),

    Sue (my mom), Stephanie (my youngest daughter) and me ~ We are

    at the Orange Coast Swap Meet ~

    What is a girl's trip without chocolate :)

    This is one of my new favorite shops ~ It is called the Daisy Shoppe ~

    Their website truly does not show how soooo yummy it was ~

    Their clothes were awesome, girly and lacey ~ I loved the decorations and

    accessories too ! It was me all over !! This is my daughter though in the picture :)

    This is my mom and my two girls at the Irvine Spectrum ~

    It was a glorious sunny day to shop at an outside mall ~

    This is my sister, Kim and I ~

    It was the end of the day and it looks like we should have

    been getting our makeup done with my mom :)

    My niece must have been hitting the shops since

    she wasn't in any more of these pictures ~

    It was a fun time and we can't

    wait to meet up again soon

    for more girl's weekends !!

  • Just Added * New Website Goodies

    Just Added * New Website Goodies

    I just got done adding some wonderful new items to Katies Rose Cottage ~

    If you have visited us very much you will know that I love crowns ~
    One of my favorite verses that I think of with crowns is ~

    Isaiah 62:3
    "You will be a crown of beauty in the Lord's hand "

    We just added some crown soldered charms to our jewelry category ~

    We also listed some gorgeous handmade rose ribbon pins that have a wonderful vintage look ~ I love these because they can be used to embellish clothes as well as purses or gifts ~

    The last thing that I wanted to show you are these awesome pink rose buckets that are in the Romantic Home category ~ this is one of my favorite collaged prints so I was so excited to find these ~

  • Clings in a most unsightly way to the figure

    Clings in a most unsightly way to the figure

    I was inspired today by Rebecca at A Gathering of Thoughts to recover a lampshade ~

    That has always been something that I have wanted to do but really never knew how to approach it ~

    Her tutorial is super easy to follow ~

    This is how mine turned out and it was so much fun ! Thank you Rebecca !

    Today I was looking through some vintage ephemera that I have and found this wonderful fashion magazine ~

    This is a scan of one of several pages from a magazine called Delineator that I have ~

    It makes me smile because I would just love to wear the clothes that they wore ~ The magazine is from 1898 ~

    These are pictures of bathing suits ~ It talks about how it is not made of wool because when wool is wet it "clings in a most unsightly way to the figure" ~ Can you even imagine wearing this swimming let alone in wool ~

    There is another paragraph that says to wear a bonnet because that way "the summer suns cannot seek out the pretty, delicate skin and leave their imprint of tan or freckles upon it. The dweller in the country home - the city maid as well as her village sister - who would preserve her complexion in its pink - white purity " ~

    Oh my goodness ! I just am having the most fun reading from these pages from the late 1800's in fashion ~

    I will be posting some more pages for you to copy off soon ~

    I don't know how to make them clickable so you can make them larger to copy so if anyone knows how please let me know ~

  • Covered Lampshades & Vintage Bathing Suits

    Covered Lampshades & Vintage Bathing Suits

    I was inspired today by Rebecca at A Gathering of Thoughts to recover a lampshade ~

    That has always been something that I have wanted to do but really never knew how to approach it ~

    Her tutorial is super easy to follow ~

    This is how mine turned out and it was so much fun ! Thank you Rebecca !

    Today I was looking through some vintage ephemera that I have and found this wonderful fashion magazine ~

    This is a scan of one of several pages from a magazine called Delineator that I have ~

    It makes me smile because I would just love to wear the clothes that they wore ~ The magazine is from 1898 ~

    These are pictures of bathing suits ~ It talks about how it is not made of wool because when wool is wet it "clings in a most unsightly way to the figure" ~ Can you even imagine wearing this swimming let alone in wool ~

    There is another paragraph that says to wear a bonnet because that way "the summer suns cannot seek out the pretty, delicate skin and leave their imprint of tan or freckles upon it. The dweller in the country home - the city maid as well as her village sister - who would preserve her complexion in its pink - white purity " ~

    Oh my goodness ! I just am having the most fun reading from these pages from the late 1800's in fashion ~

    I will be posting some more pages for you to copy off soon ~

    I don't know how to make them clickable so you can make them larger to copy so if anyone knows how please let me know ~

  • Kindergarten Clay Kings and Queens

    Kindergarten Clay Kings and Queens

    These little guys were created for our annual "Academic Fair". Students were asked to create themselves as a king or queen.

    Model Magic
    Black construction paper- cut into 6x9 in pieces
    Watercolor paint/brushes/water
    Googly eyes
    Feathers, beads, sequins, jewels, etc.

    Day 1:
    First demonstrate basic techniques for clay sculpting. Have students come up with ideas for shapes to use for head, body, arms and legs. Each students should first start off by creating a ball for a head and then gently flattening it. Then add a neck, body, etc. Demonstrate how to blend the clay together to create a stronger figure. Label with the student's name and allow to dry.

    Day 2:
    Glue down any limbs or parts that have come loose or broken off-- glue directly to construction paper. Have the students paint their figure. I found that it is best for the students to first paint the skin and then their clothes. Make sure to review with the students what parts of the body will be painted with a skin tone--- there are always a few that want to paint the entire body skin colored (and make their figure look naked!).

    Day 3:
    Embellish!! Pass out lots of fun little stuff and let the kids go wild. Go around and make sure there are no loose parts or limbs.

  • Spring & Summer Clothing!!

    Spring & Summer Clothing!!

    We LOVE all of the beautiful feminine clothes that are
    available right now!! They are so very comfortable
    and perfect for your spring and summer wardrobe!

    So needless to say we decided to start carrying them
    on our website and are having alot of fun
    shopping for them and wearing them too!

    Make sure and stop by because
    we add something new a couple
    times a week!
    Stop by our facebook page
    or sign up on our mailing
    list for upcoming specials :)