Cottage & Family [Search results for cleaning

  • Craziness !!!

    Craziness !!!

    I am lost deep in the depths

    of cleaning my studio ~

    I figured since I had a trail from

    the door to my sewing machine

    and to my computer that it was

    time to clean and destash like


    I have so much stuff that I think

    I might use to create with ....

    Stuff to do photo vignettes with ....

    and just stuff I am not sure why with ~

    Anyway ... so I have been pulling things

    out and trying to list stuff in

    my flea market category that I won't use

    anymore ~ And also taking a bunch to

    the thrift store that I don't feel

    like listing because I am over it ~

    These pictures are to make you all

    feel really good about yourself and

    to keep me accountable to finish ~

    I am such a candidate for

    Where Women Create aren't I ~ Hahaha !!

    Alrighty I am back to burying myself

    in "STUFF" ~

    Update #1

    I need a gazillion plastic bins !!

    Update #2 ~ 8:08 p.m.

    Oh my gosh I can see the floor ~

    I need to stop and spend time with my hubby

    but just maybe it will be done in

    ohhhhh about a week !

  • Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    Painting, Sewing & Cleaning ....

    I am getting there and it

    ROCKS my socks off!!

    My studio/office is getting clean ~

    In between organizing ... I am still

    painting, sewing and listing

    things on my website ~

    Here are just a few things that

    have been added ~

    Annie Sloan Chalk Paint not only

    works great for furniture but for

    small things too!

    I got these super cute

    linen bags in that I just love!

    For a limited time

    you can get a FREE cosmetic bag

    with every Linen bag purchased ~

    FREE !!!

    Next is a progress picture ~

    The top shelf needs done still

    but I can see the floor and

    the fabric and other stuff is all in bins ~

    I needed to use plastic bins

    so I can see what is in there ~

    It would be fun to use cute baskets

    but it would not be functional for me ~

    I am off to make some roses ~ Chat soon!

  • Pipe Cleaner Roses

    Pipe Cleaner Roses

    So what do you do on a snowy day in when you should be cleaning the house ?
    You watch the Martha Stewart Show and make Pipe Cleaner rings with the Pipe Cleaner Lady ~ Who would of thought :)
    Click here for the link to her segment on that show ~

    I really really wanted to make a soft vintage pink one but I only had silver ~ So I antiqued the silver ones with some stain and then wrapped it around vintage hymnal music, tea stained seam binding and lace ~ and Voila ! a vintage vignette piece ~
    I cannot wait to get some pink ~ Do they make aged looking pink pipe cleaners ? Hmmmm .....

  • March Into Spring Shop Hop

    March Into Spring Shop Hop

    You're Invited!!

    Starting March 16th!
    The joyful march into spring begins, a cacophony of bird calls fills the blue skies, the trees show their fresh green buds, and the tulips start to poke their heads from the earth to face the sunshine. Colors are about to burst forth, and the earth will be new again. With fresh eyes, we are stocking our shelves with pretty greens, bright yellows, vibrant pinks, and beautiful blues. For the Boutiques at Make Mine Pink, spring cleaning is over, and we would love to show off our fresh new colors and exciting spring merchandise.

    Please join us for our "March Into Spring" Shop Hop from March 16 through March 21, 2009. The shop hop is open to anyone that would like to participate (limit one registration per physical address). Please register if you would like to participate.

  • Vintage Aqua Ball Jars

    Vintage Aqua Ball Jars

    I am soooo very much leaning

    toward painting my studio walls

    a soft creamy white and going

    with whites, creams (surprise, surprise)

    and Robin's Egg Blue ~

    I love Annie Sloan's Duck Egg Blue paint

    and I LOVE vintage aqua jars ~

    The color is so beautiful

    and I have never had anything blue

    in my home at all ~

    These are some jars I found

    yesterday and have a really hard time

    parting with them .... I guess I don't

    need to hoard them ~

    I am cleaning and

    destashing after all ....

    ( I am keeping some though )

    Janet at The Empty Nest has

    an awesome post on the

    history of the jars and

    how to figure out their age ~

    Thank you Janet!

    I love knowing the history of things!

    Alrighty I need to unload

    my car from junkin' ~