Cottage & Family [Search results for Christmas stocking

  • Ticking Christmas Stocking Tutorial

    Ticking Christmas Stocking Tutorial

    Today was one of those

    random days where I go from

    one project to another and

    create a disaster everywhere I go ....

    Actually most days are like that :)

    While I was creating I took some

    pictures along the way to show

    you a quick and easy

    Christmas stocking ~

    I tea dyed the stocking first ~

    If you don't have one I have

    blank tea dyed ones here for sale ~

    Then ripped two 2.5 inch

    strips of ticking ~

    I gathered mine on my sewing

    machine but you can also gather

    by hand ~

    Next use a fabric glue

    ( my ultimate favorite is

    Fabri Fix ) to glue the

    gathered ticking strips on to the

    cuff of the stocking ~

    Just glue them where you like the

    way they look ~

    Next I made some rolled roses

    out of tea dyed muslin and also

    a tea dyed tag for a name ~

    I tied the tag with jute and then

    glued it on with the roses on top ~

    That is it !!

    This stocking is for sale on my

    website if you don't want to make one ~

    Chat soon!

  • Simple Christmas Decorating Ideas

    Simple Christmas Decorating Ideas

    This year I wanted all
    of my Christmas decorating
    to be creams, burlap,
    mercury glass and greens ~

    The challenge was to
    take things I had and
    kind of recreate them
    and also to use things
    that I had around
    my home already ~

    We have an artificial tree
    but I wanted fresh greens
    for the awesome smell ~
    I went to Lowes and they
    gave me cuttings that
    were just laying around
    from their fresh
    Christmas trees ~ It was
    awesome!! I left
    with an armload ~

    Then I got some of my old
    glass ornaments and
    washed them in warm sudsy
    water to make them
    turn into a wonderful
    mercury glass ~

    Next I took a wreath that
    was shoved in the attic
    and took off all the old
    decorations ~

    Then I added
    clippings from the greens
    all over and used
    some hydrangea
    blossoms that were still
    on bushes ~
    Then added some of the
    mercury balls that
    I had washed ~

    This is our mantel with
    stocking for my precious
    grand babies ~

    I am still using the
    hydrangeas that
    I showed you in this post ~
    The colors have faded
    but they work great for
    my tree ~

    My armful of greens
    helped create all of
    these simple little
    Christmas vignettes
    and it smells great!

    Have fun decorating!


  • Sneak Peeks!

    Sneak Peeks!

    Donna from Funky Junk Interiors is doing

    "31 Days Blog to Biz" and on Day 14

    she gave a Gutsy Junk Challenge ~

    Here is what she said to do ~

    "1. Choose an unlikely something or other.

    2. Walk around the house with it.

    3. Then put it to work in a way you've never seen done before.

    Don't worry if it isn't a prize winner.

    That's not the point.

    The point is YOU stretching your OWN imagination

    and not fearing what someone else will say."

    Then there is going to be a

    'She's Got Guts!' link party
    Wed Oct 19

    Got the guts to link up? :)

    The whole point is stretching beyond

    our comfort zone ~

    So back to the grain buckets that I

    didn't even know what they were when

    I got them ~

    I wayyy stretched and am working

    on some things with them that I am

    going to be adding to the link ~

    It has been a fun challenge!

    Here is just a sneak peek :)

    Ohhh and while I am at sneak peeks ~

    Here is a Christmas stocking I

    will be putting on my website ~

    I am really really denying the reality

    that summer is over ~

    I love sunshine and warm weather

    ( not the hot we had in Texas though

    I have to say ) ~

    Check back on the 19th to see the

    whole grain bucket projects ~