Cottage & Family [Search results for Canton treasures

  • Canton Treasures

    Canton Treasures

    Well I was so happy to get pictures of some of my favorite Canton shops and got back to my hotel, downloaded the pics and they were all blurry !!
    I was totally bummed but I am going to show you some of the treasures that I came home with ~

    This is just one of the things that I have been looking for forever and finally got ~ I am not sure if I am going to sell it but most likely I will ~

    After Canton I went to California for a couple of days soooo nothing is unpacked ~ I will add more treasure pictures as I unpack them ~

    Talk to you soon !

  • Canton First Monday Flea Market in May

    Canton First Monday Flea Market in May

    There are times I am just amazed at how fast time flies and this is definitely one of them !! It seems like I was just showing you pics of the last Canton First Monday flea market and it was here again ~

    These are pictures of one of a gorgeous booth in one of the buildings called Willow Nest ~

    If you have visited my blog very often, you know it is one of my very favorite things to do !! I LOVE going to Canton ! Most months I go for 2 days and just spend the time browsing and digging through tons and tons of treasures !! Some of the spots are set up just gorgeous and some you literally have to dig through boxes ~

    These are pictures of one of my favorite artists Devonia ~

  • Canton Trade Days

    Canton Trade Days

    It is time again for Canton Trade Days in Canton Texas ~ it is one of my very favorite times of the month because I get to go shop to my hearts content for 2 days ~ it is a giant giant flea market but there are also alot of yummy new treasures too ~

    Wednesdays are pretty much completely flea market things so I took some pictures ~

    When I was taking pictures today, I was looking at things that there were alot to choose from ~ tons of chairs to choose from ~

    Ladders to paint ~

    Old Chippy Doors

    And some of my favorite things, architectural pieces ~

    I will take some more tomorrow of my favorite places ~

    Chat with you soon !

  • My Scattered Creating Morning

    My Scattered Creating Morning

    Do you ever have those days where your brain is going a gazillion miles

    an hour with so many things you want to do and create that you

    can't focus on one ..... well that is me pretty much

    all of the time :)

    So this morning I got up and started dyeing my new stash of

    vintage laces and linens ~ Put out my sewing machine and spread

    it all out pretty much all over the place ~

    After I made one pillow I remembered the

    sweet little baby shoes that I got so I had to embellish them with some vintage yumminess ~

    Then I remembered the cute basket I got yesterday

    and decided to dye and stamp some tags and ribbon to pretty it up ~

    While I was taking pictures of all of this ( in the crummy rainy light ) I remembered the

    Dream sign that I just got and wanted to add it to the cute

    little vignette that I was photographing ~

    Ohhh and then as I was digging through my Canton treasures

    that held the linens and baby shoes, I remembered this

    awesome bracelet !

    All of this started by putting a whole day aside to work on pillows ~

    So what am I doing now ...... blogging about it because I got side tracked again :)

    BTW ~ these will all be on my website today .... that is my goal ~

    Afternoon update .....

    I got two more pillows done and listed and then got on an altered bottle side track ~ Gotta love rolled roses :)

  • Make Mine Pink Christmas Shop Hop

    Make Mine Pink Christmas Shop Hop

    I am putting off my Canton treasures post to let you know that the Make Mine Pink "12 Days of Christmas" Shop Hop starts on Sunday !!

    We will have different specials throughout the 12 days as well as an opportunity to get these four soldered Christmas tree ornaments for FREE !
    Make sure and check out our website home page to see what different specials will be going on at Katies Rose Cottage ~

    To begin the fun just register for the Shop Hop at Make Mine Pink and find out how you have the opportunity to win prizes daily ~

  • Canton ~ Fun Day Flea Marketing !!!

    Canton ~ Fun Day Flea Marketing !!!

    I spent all day yesterday at one of my favorite places, Canton Texas ~ If you read my blog very often, you will see that I go every month because I LOVE to go through treasures !!! It is a giant flea market that has been there since the early 1900's or maybe even earlier ~ there are alot of new things in one huge area and flea market things in another GIGANTIC area ~

    These are pictures of of one treasure filled space called The Veranda ~

    This is one picture of just some of the pretty things I got that I will be listing on my website starting today ~

  • A Visit from my mom & dad ~

    I have been away for a week so I just wanted to let you know where I have been ~ My mom and dad are here from California for a visit for a couple of weeks ~
    We make it an annual tradition to go to the Canton flea market once a year ~ it is my dad, mom, my sister and I ~ we have a blast and stay for a few days just browsing the treasures, eating lots and laughing lots too ! We won't be going to Canton until the end of May ~

    They drive out early to stay with us ~ we have been planting flowers, talking, eating yummy pie my mom makes and watching movies ~ I am so blessed to be able to spend this time with them so I have been kind of away lately ~
    I am listing a little on my website, packing orders and answering emails and it will all pick up again at full speed at the beginning of June ~

    Talk to you soon !!!

  • Fun Day at Canton Trade Days

    Fun Day at Canton Trade Days

    I tried to take some pics to show you of my first day at Canton ~ Wednesday is the day when alot of people that have businesses go to buy so it is pretty crazy ~ the good thing about selling here is that there are always eager people to help you unload your car ~ this is a picture of people waiting at the back of a ladies car just ready to unload it for her and see what she brought ~ it is just a tad bit stressful because the buyers aren't very friendly when they are on the hunt for treasures !!

    I love chippy things although I didn't buy these ~ maybe I will see if they are left tomorrow ~

    Do you need a chair to make over ?? Here are just a few ....

    Here is a sneak peek of some of the things that I bought but it was dark when I took the pictures so they aren't that great ~

    Until tomorrow ......

  • New Cards and Fabric Ribbon

    New Cards and Fabric Ribbon

    I am off to Canton today to find some wonderful treasures to add to my website ~ yay !!! I love Canton !!

    Yesterday I started adding some beautiful handmade cards and also some wonderful hand stamped fabric ribbon that I adore !
    I will be adding more cards when I return later tonight or tomorrow ~

  • Canton Junkin' & HOT !!

    Canton Junkin' & HOT !!

    I LOVE going to First Monday

    Trade Days in Canton Texas!

    Every month it is something

    I so very much look forward to ~

    Even though I knew it was hot,

    I left my house with a good attitude

    and told myself that I would

    just stand the heat because

    I LOVE Junkin' !

    I hit the grounds with my

    trusty cart {a necessity there },

    my ginormous ice tea and anticipation

    of the treasures I would find ~

    I drove in and saw ohhhhh maybe

    5 vendors when there are usually 75 ~

    But....I knew there was cool stuff

    even with the 5 vendors and there

    was still another HUGE area to hit ~

    The next area had about half of

    the usual but still some neat things!

    I NEED a chicken coop and that cute

    little bicycle and all the awesome

    galvanized stuff, a gazillion

    old keys, a stack of drawers and

    birdcage ~


    Has anyone done anything awesome

    with a chicken coop ~ I want to see :)

    I didn't buy any of the big stuff

    because I was on a mission for my

    website and big stuff is expensive

    as craziness to ship ~

    After about 2 hours I thought

    I would die of heat stroke

    so I went to my most favorite

    place to eat because it looks healthy,

    you get free refills on ice tea

    and they have a HUGE fan!!

    Ohhhh and the buffalo head rocks!!

    {not really, I don't like dead animals

    but it is so Texas }~

    After I ate I was revitalized

    and ready to hit the junkin' trail for

    HOURS more ~

    Well I lasted about one more hour,

    saw sweet Daphne and Dorothy that were fun

    to chat with and decided heat stroke

    was definitely setting in ~

    Dang it!! I so wanted to last

    for sooo much longer but

    it was kind of miserably hot ~

    {110 degrees and it is humid...bleh!!}

    Next month I am definitely going

    on Thursday so I can visit

    LaurieAnna's Vintage Home,

    Girls Gone Junkin and some of

    my other favorite shops that aren't open

    on Wednesday and have air conditioning ~

    I talked to my mom, in California,

    while driving home and she

    told me that she was kind of chilly

    because the ocean breeze was blowing

    in and it didn't feel like summer

    {which she loves }~

    I would be loving some ocean breeze

    right now :)

  • Canton First Monday Flea Market

    Canton First Monday Flea Market

    Another fun Canton First Monday has gone and it was so much fun ~ My mom and dad and I camped this time in their motor home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ~ it was great because the motor home was a nice refuge from the heat and a great place to grab a bite to eat and rest during the day ~

    It poured on Tuesday so we were a little worried that there would not be any one selling in the flea market area because it is mostly outside ~ but... Wednesday the sun was shining and the vendors started pouring in the gates and setting up their treasures ~ we got 2 good shopping days in so we were excited about that~

    These are pictures from one of my very favorite places there called "Girls Gone Junkin' " ~ I am not sure if they have a blog but if they do I will post the link so you can take a peek ~

    Talk to you soon !!

  • Altered Skate

    Altered Skate

    A couple of weeks ago I went to Canton Texas for my favorite shopping at First Monday ~
    I always visit the "Girls Gone Junkin" shop and find some really fun and unique shabby cottage chic treasures ~
    This month I just had to get this skate because I thought it was so cute ~ of course it is pink, has glitter and is altered which I love ~ So now I am on the hunt for some treasures to alter ~
    Skate now for sale here ~

    I also started new packaging for the German glass glitter that I sell on my website ~ it matches some of the other jars that I have available for organizing craft goodies ~

  • Rose Bowl Flea Market

    Rose Bowl Flea Market

    I have always wanted to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market and finally got a chance to this weekend ~ The only bummer part was that I didn't realize it is Sunday only and my flight back home left Sunday afternoon ~ sooooo I only had about 3 hours there which is very much not enough time because it is HUGE ~
    It was alot of fun to see the difference in it and the Canton Texas Flea market that I go to ~
    I was thrilled to see alot of Shabby Cottage Chic since that is my favorite ~ I zoomed through there as fast as I could but was dying to go up and down every aisle and take in every space full of treasures ~

    I loved all of the whites, pinks and greens ~

    There were tons of chandeliers and I really wanted
    to take them home but not sure they would be an airline "carry-on" ~

    This frame was gorgeous !!!

    Well there is always next month and I won't be scheduling a flight home on Sunday ~~

  • Day 1 of the Make Mine Pink Shop Hop

    Day 1 of the Make Mine Pink Shop Hop

    Today is Day 1 of the Make Mine Pink "12 Days of Christmas" Shop Hop ~
    Don't forget to register at the Make Mine Pink website because there are alot of prizes to be won ~

    We kicked off the day with a free soldered ornament with any $35 purchase ( not including shipping ) ~ We will be listing a different one every 3 days so there will be a total of 4 that you can collect ~
    There will also be other specials that will be announced on our website home page ~

    In the last 2 days we have listed over 30 items throughout the categories ~ Some are treasures that we found in Canton along with other items that would be wonderful gift ideas ~

    Here are just a few of the things ~

  • A Very Special Gift

    A Very Special Gift

    I received one of the most special gifts today from a precious friend ~ I met Linda at Canton's First Monday about 4 years ago while drooling over her mosaic conservatories, windows, chairs and other gorgeous mosaic treasures ~ I always take my mom and my sister by her booth too when they are visiting from California ( they plan their trips around First Monday ) because they love her things too~

    I was very humbled when I received my beautiful mosaic sign in the mail ~ it is beautiful ~ Wow ! I am pretty much speachless !

    Thank you so much Linda ! You can visit Linda and see some of her wonderful talent ather website and blog ~

  • Vintage Pocket Pillows and Baby Shoes

    Vintage Pocket Pillows and Baby Shoes

    Today I got a couple of pocket pillows made out of some vintage fabric ~ I used some of the photographs that I showed you yesterday to put in the pockets ~

    I just can't pass up baby shoes either ~ I actually used this oval frame just to take the picture for my website but I love them hanging in it ~

    Here are just a few things that I listed at Katies Rose Cottage from my recent finds ~

    I am off to Canton tomorrow to find more treasures ~ I cannot wait !!

  • I Love Junk'n

    I Love Junk'n

    Yesterday I went to Canton First Monday Trade Days,

    which is pretty much one of my

    very favorite things to do ~

    Give me a junk'n day over the mall any day !

    I don't like new junk but old junk ~

    More like old treasures that tell a story ~

    LOVE IT !

    I found some wonderful things and will

    be listing them at Katies Rose Cottage soon :)

    Darn I just noticed the awesome iron bed in this picture ~

    I didn't even see it when I was there ~

    I think that is Margo from Flea Market Style Magazine

    and Robojunker in this picture ~

    I need to pop over to her site and ask her ~

    I get in such a zone while I am there that

    sometimes I don't notice much around me ~

    Well alot of times .....

  • New Soldered Charms

    New Soldered Charms

    I am on my way to Canton tomorrow for 2 days ~ I am hoping that I will find alot of treasures specifically more rose china ~ last month was awesome beyond belief !!! I am on the hunt for crinoline skirts, pink doilies, china ( of course ) and vintage mercury Christmas balls as well as anything else that catches my eye ~ they had the Christmas balls last month but they were $15 a box ~

    I will leave you with some of the new soldered charms that have just been added in the Jewelry category ~ most of the charms have been embellished with German glass glitter ~ I just love the sparkle that it gives ~

    Talk to you soon with some fun pics too !