Cottage & Family:
leather and lace

  • Leather & Lace Bags

    Leather & Lace Bags

    I have done a post before on

    leather and lace but I just

    wanted to inspire you again on

    finding vintage leather bags

    and embellishing them with doilies

    and lace ~

    I found these at a flea market

    recently but I have to say,

    here in Texas, vintage leather

    bags are very few and far between ~

    I think they are kind of sought after!

    It is fun to grab a pile of

    doilies and just play around

    with placement until you like

    how they look ~

    I glued mine on with Fabri Fix

    that works great with fabric and leather ~

    I also added a flower to the front

    that was also created using

    vintage laces and doilies ~

    Here is how they looked

    before ~