Cottage & Family:
drying hydrangeas

  • Dried Hydrangeas Quest Continues .....

    Dried Hydrangeas Quest Continues .....

    It is only a few days
    later and my hydrangeas
    are already dry ~
    I decided to put them
    in vases and go pick
    another bundle~

    Truly I cannot say
    which "stage" of
    flower on the bush dried
    the best because they
    all literally dried
    differently ~

    They did not keep their
    color very well but
    I like them anyway ~

    The real dark pink ones
    dried a darker purple
    which is so interesting to me ~
    Here are pictures of
    how they look now ~

    I am not thinking I learned
    a whole lot about when to
    pick the flowers and
    where to dry them but
    at least some of them
    are not all shriveled up
    and I have bouquets all
    over my house ~ ❤

  • My Drying Hydrangeas Quest ....

    My Drying Hydrangeas Quest ....

    Who needs curtains
    when you have a valance
    of hydrangeas ?

    I am totally on a mission
    this year to figure out
    how to dry hydrangeas~
    This is my attempt
    today ~ Actually these
    bouquets are cut at different
    times of the bloom to
    see which timing is the best ~

    I LOVE how the colors are
    all so different ~
    The bright pink are from
    a completely different
    plant but all the others
    are from the same one ~
    Next year I am going to
    have some blue ones ~

    This picture is some
    I dryed in a vase of water ~
    They were bright pink when
    I cut them and they dried
    kind of shriveled and not
    really how I want them ~

    These are some I cut at
    a later time of the bloom
    and put in water to see if
    that makes a difference ~
    So far they are not dry but
    I am curious how they
    turn out in comparison to
    the hanging ones ~

    Pretty soon every curtain
    rod in my living room is going
    have hydrangeas hanging
    from them ~
    I am thinking I kind
    of love them!! I hope they
    keep the different colors ~