Cottage & Family:

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    I just had to share a few photos of our vacation we are on in California ~
    The first couple of days we spent going to Catalina Island on a friend's sailboat ~ It was so much fun because on the way over we took the Catalina Express that took us 1 hour to get there and then we spent the night on the boat ~

    The next day we hiked and hung out and then sailed home which took 5 hours because there wasn't any wind ~
    Both ways we saw Blue Whales really close ~ it was so cool !!! You see Grey Whales in California more often but rarely see Blue Whales so it was awesome ~

    Now we are visiting family in Templeton so we are going antique shopping and just BBQing and hanging out ~ I will take more pics along the way ~

    Talk to you soon !!!