Cottage & Family [Search results for wedding

  • ~ Pre-Wedding Decorating ~

    ~ Pre-Wedding Decorating ~

    I have been waiting for the photographer to give me some pictures of the wedding to post but I decided to put pre-wedding decorating on first and then in another post some wedding pictures ~ It was so much fun to finally get to put the flowers and all of the other pretties up ~ tomorrow I will post some pictures of everyone getting ready ~

  • ~ Busy with Wedding Flowers ~

    ~ Busy with Wedding Flowers ~

    It has been so long since I have blogged !! My mom and dad have been visiting with us for a little over a week to help with my oldest daughter, Kristin's wedding plans ~ My mom does amazing flower arranging so she was working on alot of gorgeous bouquets and everything else floral for a wedding ~ we also have been doing all of the other wedding stuff like invitations etc, etc....... it is a fun busy busy time ~

  • Wedding Shower

    Wedding Shower

    A couple of weeks ago my youngest daughter Stephanie and her fiance Noah had

    a couple's wedding shower ~
    It was at her future father in laws church and was sort of like a reception shower for the family and church members that won't be at the wedding ~
    It is so amazing that the months have flown by and the showers and count down are on ~

    These are just a few pictures from the shower ~

    Stephanie and our other daughter Kristin ~

  • Stephanie's Wedding

    Stephanie's Wedding

    On January 8th our daughter, Stephanie, got married to Josh Gravell ~

    It was such a gorgeous wedding and so I wanted to post just a few pictures but I will post more when I get them ~

    We are so blessed because one of our son in laws, James Brandon, is a wonderful photographer so he did the wedding ~ I cannot wait to see more pictures that has has taken ~

    I will post more pictures soon !!

  • Burlap Totes for Vintage Country Weddings

    Burlap Totes for Vintage Country Weddings

    I have been making these
    burlap totes for quite awhile
    and just finished another
    one for my shop ~

    The other day someone purchased
    one to use as a bag for
    the money dance at
    her vintage country wedding ~

    I LOVE that idea
    and they are just the
    perfect size!

    I am loving all the
    burlap and rustic things
    being used at weddings
    right now ❤

    You can find these totes
    on our website ~

    We create things for
    Save on Crafts which
    has great wedding
    decorations ~

    We are in the process of
    making these bags for
    them which will be
    for sale soon ~

    They are perfect for
    alot of different wedding
    and shower ideas ~
    I love them as
    flower holders for the
    end of pews,they
    can be hung on the backs
    of chairs or ladders or
    use as gift bags ~

    Have a wonderful week!

  • ~ More Wedding Pictures ~ WOOHOO!!! ~

    ~ More Wedding Pictures ~ WOOHOO!!! ~

    I am so excited we got some more wedding pictures ~ these aren't the "final" ones but we will get those soon ~ This is my daughter Kristin's wedding, if you are new to my blog ~ She was the happiest bride !!! My other daughter, Stephanie is to the left of her ~ They all looked so pretty ! I am just a little prejudice though ~ :o)
    The bottom picture is my husband and Kristin's dad, me and then to the right of them is my mom and dad ~ I am not sure what we are looking at ~
    I will add more pics soon ~

  • Wedding Preparations

    Wedding Preparations

    Soooooo the last couple of days my daughter, Stephanie, had off work and school so she came home to work on wedding things ~ My other daughter Kristin came over too and helped but also took some awesome pictures along the way ~ We are lucky to have a photographer in the family !

    We got alot done but there is always tons more to do ~ AHHHHH !!!
    3 more months and counting ~

  • New Wedding Charms

    New Wedding Charms

    I am still working on listing new products at

    Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~

    These are some of the wedding charms that

    I got in that are so pretty ~ I love them !

    We also have some wonderful pearl necklaces and will be

    adding more next week ~

    Have a great weekend !

  • James's Travel Photography on Display

    James's Travel Photography on Display

    I am constantly in awe of my son in laws photography work ~ He is truly talented ~

    He will be showing his travel and landscape work at the Main and Vine Art Gallery in Keller Texas on Saturday, June 5th from 6-9 p.m. for Gallery Night ~ There will be other artists as well as music, wine, drinks and snacks ~

    James not only does travel photography but family and wedding photography too ~

    He was freaking me out getting this picture ~ it was so much scarier in real life ~

    I was just looking at his pictures again to see which ones to put on my blog and it was pretty much impossible to choose ~ one of the thoughts that crossed my mind as I looked at them is what an awesome God we have ~ It is amazing at what He has created for us ~

    You can see much more of his work on his website at James Brandon Photography ~ you can also follow his blog to see more and to see what he is working on here ~

    He would love some suggestions on some cool places to see and photograph while on his upcoming destination wedding shoot in Cancun ~ If you have any ideas make sure and comment on his blog and let him know ~

    He did this one of my husband and I in Hawaii that I love ~ I have shown you before but here is the link if you have not seen it ~

  • Longing for the Seashore

    Longing for the Seashore

    It is funny how when you grow up somewhere you don't really appreciate it until you move away ~

    I grew up on the Central Coast of California and did spend alot of time at the beach but truly did not know what I had just a few miles from my home ~

    Now I live in Texas about 5 hours from the ocean and long for the days that I get to sink my toes in the sand and hear the crashing waves ~

    Over the last few months we have been from one side of the United States to the other and each seashore brings a different, but so very much the same, awe inspiring feeling ~

    I get lost in the beauty and majesty of the ocean ~

    Here are some images that take me back that my son in law has captured so beautifully ~

    I have had alot of people ask me if his prints are available for purchase and they are at James Brandon Photography ~ Just create an account and you can view his whole gallery ~

    He also specializes in travel, family and wedding photography ~ He just did a destination wedding in Cancun that is gorgeous !

  • Vintage Wedding Burlap & Muslin

    Vintage Wedding Burlap & Muslin

    It totally feels like it

    has been forever since

    I have blogged!

    We have been moving our daughter

    and son in law into their home

    and redoing our master bathroom

    and life just flies by ~

    In between that I have still

    been working on things

    for my website ~

    I have been LOVING

    all of the pictures of

    vintage weddings

    using burlap, lavender, muslin

    and old stuff ~

    So going along with that theme

    I decided to make a little

    flower girl basket and

    ring bearer pillow ~

    I just love the combination

    of burlap and muslin ~

    They are on my website here ~

  • Congratulations to My Baby Girl

    Congratulations to My Baby Girl

    It amazes me how quickly the years fly by ~ the years of mommy and me, park play days, play doh, walks to pick spring flowers, crying at the first day of school and rocking to sleep are sweet memories ~

    Our youngest of two girls got engaged on her birthday in March ~
    Oh my goodness !! The excitement and planning begins ~ It seems like just yesterday we were planning our oldest daughters wedding and that was 2 years ago ~

    Congratulations Josh and Stephanie !!

  • California Vacation

    California Vacation

    We got home from California late last night but I wanted to share some more pictures from our trip ~

    This is my daughter Steph and her fiance in Santa Barbara ~ we stopped by there on our way to Templeton ~

    This is a picture of a vineyard right by my sisters house in Templeton ~ it is becoming a popular area to go wine tasting ~

    Here is a gorgeous picture of the ocean in Cambria ~

    This is at my niece's wedding ~ from the left is me, my sister and my mom~

    And the beautiful bride Chelsey with her bridesmaids ~ they are all cousins except the two girls on the far left who are the grooms sisters ~

    The last picture and the one of Cambria are courtesy of my son law who will have a website soon !! He is an amazing photographer ~

    Now I am back home and listing some new treasures on my website ~ it is always fun to go but always fun to come home too ~

  • Pink Friday "Stitches in Time"

    Pink Friday "Stitches in Time"

    Stitches in Time; tiny stitches holding the hem of a linen napkin, stitches intertwined to make the most delicate lace, stitches crocheted by the smallest hook, stitches through canvas strengthened by wool yarn. It's these stitches created out of love that adorn a bedspread crocheted for a granddaughter's wedding, a sampler commemorating the birth of a child, a fine table cloth made to entertain the most important guests and family at Thanksgiving. Each of these stitches has survived the test of time and is so much more appreciated today as gifts from our past and treasures of our future.

    Join Katies Rose Cottage and the Boutiques at Make Mine Pink for our "Stitches in Time Pink Friday on Sept 26th. You will find cherished items stitched with time and love.

    Make sure and sign up on our mailing list for a special tomorrow to go along with the Pink Friday event ~

  • ~ 25th Wedding Anniversary Cruise ~

    ~ 25th Wedding Anniversary Cruise ~

    My husband and I finally got to get away for our 25th anniversary and had a wonderful time on a Pacific Coast cruise ~ it is so funny because we are from California and it seems like that would be so boring but we had a great time exploring San Francisco and Victoria, Canada which were the 2 ports ~ In San Francisco we bought a day pass to ride the cable cars and had a blast hanging off the sides and visiting Fisherman's Wharf and China Town ~

    The flowers in Victoria were gorgeous !!! I love flowers so that is what I noticed everywhere - ohhhhh if only we could have some of the flowers in Texas like we saw on the coast ~ I loved them ! We were gone for 6 days and just had a great time relaxing ~

  • ~ Such a Precious Gift ~

    ~ Such a Precious Gift ~

    I had to show you the most precious gift that made me cry when I opened it ~ My sweet friend, Kim at Rose Blossom Cottage made a charm of a picture of my 2 girls ~ it was taken at my oldest daughter's wedding and is one of my favorite pictures of the hundreds that were taken ~ I had no idea that Kim was doing this for me ! What a doll she is !!! If you want to see more of her gorgeous work you can visit her website at

    Thank you Kim from the bottom of my heart !!!

  • California Dreamin'

    California Dreamin'

    I just got home from a few days

    in Central California ~

    Oh my goodness it was glorious

    there! The weather was awesome

    ( it was great to get away

    from the Texas heat )

    and well I just pretty much

    love it all ~

    Family, childhood memories, the beach,

    the mountains, the vineyards,

    the weather... I could go on and on ~

    It is funny how when we lived there

    I completely took the beautiful

    hills and ocean for granted ~

    It has been 16 years since we

    moved to North Texas and I am

    a happy gal to have family

    in California and flight privileges :)

    I am a lavender freak so seeing it

    all over is amazing to me!

    This is a beautiful bed and breakfast that

    a friend's wedding was at in Templeton ~

    This is a really fun place in Avila Beach called

    Avila Valley Barn ~

    This is my sister and niece

    picking yummy apples ~

    I have been home a day and am totally

    ready to go back ~

    Hopefully in October for the

    Remnants of the Past Vintage Show


    Three Speckled Hens Show ~

    Now it is back to work (fun)

    for me ~

  • My Girls and Their Blogs

    My Girls and Their Blogs

    I have introduced you to my family in the past but
    I wanted to introduce you to my girl's blogs ~

    Kristin, our oldest daughter, has been doing photography
    with her husband for a while and recently launched her own
    photography website and blog ~

    Her business is called Kristin Brandon Photography ~
    They are traveling to Italy soon to shoot a wedding!
    I am so excited for them !

    Stephanie has started a blog journaling her and her
    husbands cottage home transformation ~
    They actually are just closing on it today and are
    having fun going to Salvage Shops, Flea Markets
    and Craigslist to find vintage things for it ~
    Her blog is called College St. Cottage ~

    It is so fun to watch them get excited
    about all of the treasures they have found ~

    { Photos are by Kristin's husband James
    at James Brandon Photography }

    Both of the girls are just introducing themselves and their blogs
    so they would love to have you stop by ~