Cottage & Family [Search results for vintage style

  • ~Vintage Style Glittered Bunnies ~

    ~Vintage Style Glittered Bunnies ~

    Spring and Easter are my most favorite times of the year !!! I found these most adorable and vintage style bunnies today and had to show you!!! They all have glitter to make them look even more vintage which I just love ! Here are a few and there are more on my website ~

  • ~ Sooo Precious Vintage Style in Pink ~

    ~ Sooo Precious Vintage Style in Pink ~

    Yay !!!! I finally recieved some of the most precious things that I have seen !!! They are perfect for your shabby romantic cottage chic decor ~ The items include vintage style baby hangers and adult hangers, laundry room wall hangings and shelves, Vintage Shabby glass jars and alot of other adorable pink things ~ You can find all of these at ~

  • ~ Vintage Style Gift Tags ~

    ~ Vintage Style Gift Tags ~

    I just love the tag craze !!! We just added some of the sweetest vintage style gift tags that are all 3 dimensional and sooo precious ! They can be used for gifts, scrapbooking, altered art or so many other things ~ They can be found in the Romantic Home category ~

  • Vintage Style Tin Signs

    Vintage Style Tin Signs

    We just added some pretty vintage style tin signs to the Wall Boutique category ~

    And some new soldered charms to the Jewelry category ~ And.... my most fun time of the month is this weekend !!! woohoo it is Canton weekend which is a giant amazing flea market and tons of other amazing things so watch my website for goodies that I find ~ I am also bound and determined to take some good pictures this weekend ~ if you visit Margo's blog, she gets the neatest pictures from her Canton adventures ~

  • Tons of Vintage Roses

    Tons of Vintage Roses

    Please join Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink for the Friday Shopping Event ~
    This week's theme is "Working Round the House" ~

    With fall just around the corner and school starting alot of women start to "nest" ~ it is time to get our homes all cozy and fill them with what makes us happy and content ~
    On my recent Flea Market trip I found some beautiful things to do just that ~
    Just click on the picture to be taken to them ~

    And for Friday only, you will receive a FREE pink vintage style brooch with
    every purchase of $20 or more ~

  • New Vintage Style Baby Headbands

    New Vintage Style Baby Headbands

    My daughter Stephanie has been
    creating the baby items
    for our Ellie Grace category ~
    Today she added some
    just precious headbands
    that all have a vintage look~

    It is really fun having
    her little adorable baby
    Ellie Grace for our model too!!

    Make sure and
    follow us on facebook!!
    We post there daily ~


  • Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage & Make Mine Pink

    Today is Pink Friday at Katies Rose Cottage and the participating shops at Make Mine Pink ~
    Why fight the crowds when you can shop from the comfort of your home all warm and cozy ~

    We just listed some gorgeous Wendy Addison products in our Pink Friday category ~ I love the sparkle that they have with German glass glitter ~ there are also sweet vintage style bottle brush ornaments ~ these items combined with the pink bottle brush Christmas goodies in our holiday category will give your home a beautiful vintage look ~

    Remember alot of the Wendy Addison items can be used year round ~

    All of the products in our Pink Friday category are 10% off for today only ~

    Have fun shopping ~

  • Architectural Salvage Rocks!!

    Architectural Salvage Rocks!!

    My youngest daughter, Stephanie

    and her husband Noah just bought

    a cottage home that they

    are going to redo and decorate

    in a vintage cottage style ~

    We went to the coolest store in

    Dallas today called

    Discount Home Warehouse Architectural Salvage ~

    They go into old homes and salvage all of the

    really amazing old things and then

    sell them at their huge shop ~

    I am thinking that would be the

    most fun job!!

    Steph & Noah want to replace all of the

    interior doors with old vintage chippy doors ~

    This is the "door room" ~

    There were some really neat old

    pillars and columns but they

    needed to find a vintage pedestal sink ~

    They ended up with the one that Stephanie

    is trying in the 2nd picture ~

    Noah truly needs to be an

    American Picker because he

    rocks at it!!

    Decisions .... decisions ...

    They have a bunch of clawfoot tubs, mantels

    for amazing prices, tons of old metal,

    wood shutters for $10 each!!

    Once again these are crummy pictures

    with my Iphone ~ I am going to

    start bringing my camera with me

    on these adventures ~

    Dallas has some really fun places to

    explore ~ We went to some wonderful

    antique shops too but they were kind

    of pricey ~

    Chat soon!!

  • Anthropologie & Vintage Romantic Clothes

    Anthropologie & Vintage Romantic Clothes

    On Friday I was on the hunt for some pretty kind of vintage romantic clothes to wear for market in January ~

    My first stop was Anthropologie where I found some beautiful clothes but I ended up paying more attention to how they had things displayed ~ it was fun to see all of the flea markety style pieces that they used ~

    I also went to one of my favorite antique malls in Fort Worth called Lone Star ~ I just adore Jennifer's clothes she has in her hugely expanded space ~ They are so very much what I love !

  • Hand Made Silk and Ribbon Roses * Perfect Mother's Day gift ~

    Hand Made Silk and Ribbon Roses * Perfect Mother's Day gift ~

    I have to show you these most gorgeous rose pins that are all handmade by a sweet friend ~

    This style is made by first hand painting silk fabric and then creating the rose ~

    This next set of rose pins have a vintage look and are made by hand with ribbon ~

    These roses can be used as a pin on clothing, purses, totes, lampshades or can be used for so many other decorating ideas ~

    They would make a beautiful Mother's Day gift and can be found at Katies Rose Cottage in the jewelry category ~