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  • James's Travel Photography on Display

    James's Travel Photography on Display

    I am constantly in awe of my son in laws photography work ~ He is truly talented ~

    He will be showing his travel and landscape work at the Main and Vine Art Gallery in Keller Texas on Saturday, June 5th from 6-9 p.m. for Gallery Night ~ There will be other artists as well as music, wine, drinks and snacks ~

    James not only does travel photography but family and wedding photography too ~

    He was freaking me out getting this picture ~ it was so much scarier in real life ~

    I was just looking at his pictures again to see which ones to put on my blog and it was pretty much impossible to choose ~ one of the thoughts that crossed my mind as I looked at them is what an awesome God we have ~ It is amazing at what He has created for us ~

    You can see much more of his work on his website at James Brandon Photography ~ you can also follow his blog to see more and to see what he is working on here ~

    He would love some suggestions on some cool places to see and photograph while on his upcoming destination wedding shoot in Cancun ~ If you have any ideas make sure and comment on his blog and let him know ~

    He did this one of my husband and I in Hawaii that I love ~ I have shown you before but here is the link if you have not seen it ~

  • Longing for the Seashore

    Longing for the Seashore

    It is funny how when you grow up somewhere you don't really appreciate it until you move away ~

    I grew up on the Central Coast of California and did spend alot of time at the beach but truly did not know what I had just a few miles from my home ~

    Now I live in Texas about 5 hours from the ocean and long for the days that I get to sink my toes in the sand and hear the crashing waves ~

    Over the last few months we have been from one side of the United States to the other and each seashore brings a different, but so very much the same, awe inspiring feeling ~

    I get lost in the beauty and majesty of the ocean ~

    Here are some images that take me back that my son in law has captured so beautifully ~

    I have had alot of people ask me if his prints are available for purchase and they are at James Brandon Photography ~ Just create an account and you can view his whole gallery ~

    He also specializes in travel, family and wedding photography ~ He just did a destination wedding in Cancun that is gorgeous !