Cottage & Family [Search results for ruffles

  • Easy & Inexpensive Ruffle Curtains

    Easy & Inexpensive Ruffle Curtains

    I just wanted to show you a quick, inexpensive

    and super duper easy ruffle curtain ~

    This is what I am working on

    today so I thought I would

    show you the steps as I go ~

    Curtains like these have been shown in

    blogland before but

    I am not sure where so if

    you know let me know :)

    Ikea was my spot to get the curtains because

    they are a great price and

    the fabric is awesome !

    They say not to dry them in the dryer but

    I did and the fabric came out kind of like a

    lightweight drop cloth feel ~

    First I cut the white set to the length

    I needed because they come real long ~

    Then I ripped 2 lengthwise strips of

    the darker about

    9 inches wide and sewed them together

    to get the correct length for gathering ~

    Then I used my handy dandy ruffle foot and

    pleated them ~ If you don't have a ruffler just

    gather any way that you would like ~

    Next I measured and pinned

    the ruffle to the bottom

    and sewed it on to the curtains ~

    I left the edges raw on the ruffle

    because I like them like that ~

    For the ruffle it just took one of

    the darker panels

    so I have another one left which is tons

    to make pillows out of ~

    It would be cute to add another ruffle too !

    These are actually for my bedroom but

    I would love some outside too !

    The pictures kind of look weird but

    I was having fun in grittiness with picnik :)

    Later today:

    I made a pillow with the extra

    curtain panel ~

    I love the ruffles and rose

    {I bet it was hard to tell I LOVE ruffles :) }

    You can find it on my website ~

  • Ruffles & Roses

    Ruffles & Roses

    I have been running around in

    circles and not feeling real accomplished

    this week for some reason and I

    am not sure why ~

    But... after spending the day out

    getting nothing accomplished ~

    I got home to some wonderful boxes

    on the porch ( I love coming

    home to boxes on the porch )~

    The first thing I did was open them

    up and grab my camera to give you

    a sneak peek of what I will be adding

    to my website tomorrow ~

    Ruffle Tote Bags, Ruffle Laundry Bags,

    Ruffle Shower Curtains ~

    Alot of roses with some new colors ~

    Ruffles and Roses ....

    Some of my favorite things!!

  • Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    Thrift Store Lace Bag Tutorial

    We love to create things with
    vintage lace from Canton and other
    flea markets, but what if you
    don't have access to flea markets?

    {this is part of our vintage stash }

    We decided to see what we could
    find at local thrift stores and
    made a fun shopping day out of it!

    Digging through all the old clothes
    was such fun and we found some great
    dresses and shirts to create
    lace and ruffles ~

    This full lace dress was only $1.99!

    Isaac was worn out from all our shopping :)

    Here are some of our finds ~

    Next, we made black tea and tea dyed
    the white lace and dresses ~

    Just hang them in the sun to dry ~

    Once they were dry, we cut up
    the dresses to get the fabric
    we needed for our project ~

    We used a tea dyed muslin
    drawstring bag ~

    We pinned the lace to the bag
    and cut and gathered the skirt fabric
    to make a ruffle for the bottom of the bag.
    We then sewed the lace
    and the ruffle to the bag ~

    Afterwards, we chose buttons,
    a tattered rose, and lace to
    embellish the bag. This is where
    you want to get creative!
    *Click here for the rose tutorial ~

    Here is the final project!

    And another bag from a
    baby girl dress we found ~

    We had so much fun today!
    Go to your thrift store for inspiration :)

  • Petticoat Day

    Petticoat Day

    Today it was a wonderful day to get out petticoats, wash them

    and hang them out in the beautiful sunshine to dry ~

    There is something so gorgeous about seeing the layers and layers

    of ruffles hanging in the sun ~

    I want to live in the time when all girls wore petticoats

    because they are so sweet and feminine ~

    I could definitely be a petticoat kind of girl !

    You can find the one Kristin is wearing here ~

  • Muslin Ball .... Project Fail

    Muslin Ball .... Project Fail

    Do you ever have those
    "project fail" days ?
    Oh my gosh I totally had
    one today!

    I got the bright idea
    to precut 40 yards of muslin
    to use for ruffles for
    some things ~ I love the
    washed look so I
    stuck it in the washer
    with lots of fabric softener ~

    It came out in a HUGE ball
    of a tangled unraveled
    scrunched up mess!!

    Sooooo I am going
    to make a gazillion
    rolled roses ~ There
    are going to be rolled
    roses on everything I
    am thinking :)

    I am off to roll away ~

    Chat soon ~

    post signature

  • More Blogger Inspiration

    More Blogger Inspiration

    I am constantly inspired by the talented ladies in the blog world ~
    While visiting Tea Rose Home, I decided
    to do something with t-shirts that were headed to Goodwill ~

    Strips were cut from the bottom of one to make the ruffles and the rose and I also cut a V-Neck ~

    I ended up with too long of a ruffle so just continued it down the front ~

    With one of the strips I made a rose ~
    I am loving making roses in case that
    wasn't too obvious :)

    It was so easy and now I have a shirt to wear that has been in a bag to say good bye to ~

    The pictures are stinky because it was way too early in the morning to take them ~

    Have a creative day !

  • Ruffled Muslin Pillow Tutorial

    Ruffled Muslin Pillow Tutorial

    I am almost done with my website transfer ~

    YAYYY !!!

    So right in the middle of it I decided it was time to make

    a pillow ~ my brain kind of works that way !! I think it is

    not being able to focus or something :)

    Anyway .... this pillow is super easy because the edges of

    the ruffle are raw it is just rip and sew ~

    First, I am using an 18 inch pillow form so I cut the front 19 inches

    and the back I am buttoning so cut 2 pieces 19 by 13.5 ~

    In the back fold over 4 inches and iron ~

    Next, pin and sew with right sides together

    overlapping the ironed

    back just a bit ~

    Then you make a button hole and sew on

    a button for your closure ~

    You can do the button hole before you

    sew it together if you would like ~

    Next I ripped muslin in strips of 6 inches wide ~

    The ruffle needs to be about 2.5 times

    the length of your side for ruffling ~

    I have a ruffle attachment that I did

    mini pleats with but you don't

    have to have one, you can just gather

    as you normally would ~

    Then I laid the pillow front side

    down and pinned the ruffle

    to the front and sewed it on just guiding

    my foot along the

    pillow edge ~

    I sewed ruffles to just two sides ~

    This is what it looks like from the front ~

    After it is all done you can leave it

    as it is or embellish the front

    with something ~ I added a big rose

    made out of the same

    muslin that is pinned on ~

    That is all and it is really quick !

    This is another pillow that I made ~ It is out of a tablecloth

    like the ones I have for sale on my website ~

    I ended up making 3 for my couch because they

    were so quick and easy !!

    Do you notice my tea stained couch is white again ?

    Well after spending Christmas and

    New Years with the whole

    family staying here along with 4 dogs with

    wet muddy feet (even though

    we wiped them off )

    the slipcovers got bleached a few times ~

    I love it this color but wow it is hard to keep clean !

  • Stuff I Created in the Ice

    Stuff I Created in the Ice

    Alaska is beautiful but thank you Jesus
    that I don't live there !

    I tried to venture out today for the first time

    since Monday and didn't make it to the neighbors

    without almost sliding in a ditch

    and then into a mailbox ~

    soooo..... I backed my hiney ( and car ) home ~

    I can't wait to see the sunshine melt this ice away !

    I wasn't going to show you more ruffles but

    well .......... hmmmm ~

    There is not a whole lot new in my world ;)

    This is what I have been working on this week ~

    When I can get out and the warm weather hits I will be

    doing a happy dance and singing !!

    That is a scary thought but that is okay !

  • Flea Market Tote Tutorial

    Flea Market Tote Tutorial

    It is Flea Market time !!!

    I love big flea market totes

    but having your money

    at quick and easy access is a

    really good thing :)

    This is a tutorial

    on making a little bag for just that ~

    The first step is to buy a tote which

    can be found at most craft stores ~

    Then, I am a ruffle kind of gal

    so I used my ruffler that

    I just love ~ I got mine here ~

    This is my sweet sister's shop :)

    It is easiest for me just to ruffle

    a bunch at a time making it

    any width you like ~

    Then I used the Citra Solv transfer method

    to transfer my image on to the tote ~

    You have to use a printer that uses toner

    to print out the image or it won't transfer ~

    Then I cut my ruffle to the size

    I wanted and you can either

    sew or glue it on ~

    I love to use Fabri Fix because it dries fast

    and is washable ~

    You can add any embellishments

    you would like ~ I added a

    little rolled rose that I glued on

    and an old key tied to the top ~

    That is all !!

    Have fun flea marketing !!

    If you don't want to make your own,

    I will have them for

    sale on my website here ~

    Added later today :)

    This is just another example

    of one without the

    transfer but more ruffles ~

    You can get the little charms here ~

  • Petite Pillows

    Petite Pillows

    The other day I decided to take my sewing machine out of hiding

    and actually use it again ~ My mom and dad had a sewing machine store

    when I was growing up so I would spend days and days sewing

    after school ~ My dining room table looks like a tornado hit but it is fun sewing again ~

    I am loving making these petite pillows ~ I had this gorgeous gorgeous

    crinoline that has some ripped issues that could not be mended ~

    So it is now sweet little ruffles that will be everywhere because they

    are soooo cute !!

    The pillow with the picture I did not make ~ I love

    the little picture so it is in my guest bedroom ~

    Sweet gift idea using a pillow from Katies Rose Cottage

    and Jewelry and Cards and Tags from Katies Rose Cottage Designs ~