Cottage & Family [Search results for organize

  • Attempting to Organize ~ ha !!

    Attempting to Organize ~ ha !!

    I am in serious need

    of organizing my office/studio ~

    Soooo.... I decided to add

    all of my "destash" stuff

    to the Flea Market category

    of my website ~

    I have so much "stuff" that I

    have been keeping to someday

    make things out of ~ Or maybe

    use for little photo shoot vignettes ~

    It isn't happening so it has to go

    {So I can get more....ahhhhh!!!}

    I think that may be a sickness of

    some sort ~ :)

    Here is the beginning and I will be

    adding more as I clean ~

  • ~ Vintage Sewing Machine Drawers ~

    ~ Vintage Sewing Machine Drawers ~
  • All About Bags

    All About Bags

    Yesterday for some reason it

    was all about the bags !

    I have burlap bags and muslin bags

    that have been in my studio for a few months

    and for some reason

    all of a sudden they were calling my name ~

    These are what I worked on ~

    So seriously ............

    I am supposed to be organizing this closet

    that I have put off for ohhhh about 10 years ~

    We are getting new hardwood floors though

    so it is a necessity of life unless the workers

    want to get killed when they open it ~

    Why in the heck do I have this closet and

    how in the heck did it get like this !!

    Oh my gosh !

    Okay off to organize and toss !

    WAIT !! I have worked for 10 minutes and I am

    at a stand still ~

    For all of your organizy type gals out there ~

    What if I have something that

    I think is cute or pretty and I really like

    it but don't have a clue what to do with it ???

    Here is an example ... she is darling but I won't

    put her out because she doesn't go with

    my decor ~

    Do I save her for grandkids one day? ~

    Do I put her out on Easter? ~

    This is just one example of ..... ohhhh quite

    a few things ~

    (Oh my gosh, is this what hoarders think ??)

    What do I do ?

    AHHHHH !!!