Cottage & Family [Search results for hand dyed

  • Ticking Christmas Stocking Tutorial

    Ticking Christmas Stocking Tutorial

    Today was one of those

    random days where I go from

    one project to another and

    create a disaster everywhere I go ....

    Actually most days are like that :)

    While I was creating I took some

    pictures along the way to show

    you a quick and easy

    Christmas stocking ~

    I tea dyed the stocking first ~

    If you don't have one I have

    blank tea dyed ones here for sale ~

    Then ripped two 2.5 inch

    strips of ticking ~

    I gathered mine on my sewing

    machine but you can also gather

    by hand ~

    Next use a fabric glue

    ( my ultimate favorite is

    Fabri Fix ) to glue the

    gathered ticking strips on to the

    cuff of the stocking ~

    Just glue them where you like the

    way they look ~

    Next I made some rolled roses

    out of tea dyed muslin and also

    a tea dyed tag for a name ~

    I tied the tag with jute and then

    glued it on with the roses on top ~

    That is it !!

    This stocking is for sale on my

    website if you don't want to make one ~

    Chat soon!

  • 12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    12 Days of Christmas Bags Tutorial

    We had fun today working
    on a tutorial that is
    super easy ~ We have made
    it even easier with kits
    available on our website :)

    This project we are showing
    early so that you have
    plenty of time to work
    on it before Christmas ~

    These 12 days before
    Christmas bags can be hung
    as we have shown or
    you could put them on
    your Christmas tree ~
    We thought it would be fun
    for children to find the
    number and open a little
    gift for that day ~
    You could fill the bags
    with candy canes
    or a hand written fun
    thing for the day ~
    Use your imagination ~

    1. We have tea dyed the
    bags so the first
    step is to use the citra
    solv method to transfer
    the numbers on the bags ~
    You could also stencil
    numbers on ~

    2. Glue strips of lace
    across the top of the bag ~

    3. Cut a piece of tea dyed
    cheesecloth into a
    2 x 2.5 inch square ~
    Scrunch it in the middle
    and glue it on the lace ~

    4. Glue on a button ~

    Next just fill with
    fun things that can
    be opened each of the
    12 days before Christmas ~

    You can use string with
    clips to hang them
    or you can hang them on
    your tree ~

    If you would like to
    purchase a kit to make
    your own they are
    available here ~

    Have fun!!

  • Lavender Sachet Tutorial

    Lavender Sachet Tutorial

    Remember the lavender that I brought home from California ~

    It smells soooo good !

    I have been making lavender sachets with it that have been alot

    of fun to do ~

    This is just a quick tutorial on how to make them ~

    They are easy peasy !

    First start with a piece of fabric ( I use vintage that I have tea dyed ) ~

    Stamp the image or images you would like to use ~

    I tear the edges so that they will fray ~

    Next with another piece of fabric cut the size you want it to be ~

    This one is 7.5 by 10 inches giving me 1/4 inch seam allowances ~

    Sew on your stamped image pieces ~

    Then fold your fabric in half right sides together leaving

    a space at the bottom to turn and stuff it ~

    When you are done sewing turn it right side out, iron

    and stuff with just a little batting and I put 2 generous

    spoonfuls of lavender ~

    Next turn in the raw edges of your open spot and sew ~

    I use my machine because then I am going to sew on lace so

    it is okay ~ You can hand sew it if you would like ~

    The next step is to embellish with whatever little things that

    you want ~ On this one I used gathered tea stained dryer sheets,

    seam binding and vintage buttons ~

    I also like to stamp the fabric after it is sewn but before the

    stuffing ~

    It is fun and they smell yummy !

    If you don't want to make them yourself

    then you can find them at Katies Rose Cottage ~

  • Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    Tattered Scalloped Rose Tutorial

    A sweet lady wrote to me and

    asked me if I could do a

    tutorial on the roses that

    are on my Flower Girl Baskets

    and Ring Bearer Pillows ~

    I actually bought those at a

    scrapbooking store and hadn't even

    tried making them ~

    But today I wanted to give it a

    whirl and make a larger size one ~

    So here goes a quick tutorial

    on what I did ~

    Remember nothing is set in stone

    so you can play around with

    the sizes ~

    1. Tear a strip of muslin 2 x 38 inches ~

    2. Fold it into fourths and cut

    scallops ~

    3. Gather one side close to the edge ~

    4. Roll in one side about 2 times

    and glue it down ~

    5. Glue it standing upright on to

    a piece of felt ~

    6. Glue it around and around

    the base until all of your

    muslin is used up ~ Tuck it

    as close as possible to the base

    piece as you go around ~

    7. Cut the back of the felt off

    in a circle to your glue ~

    I rubbed mine with my hand

    to give it a tattered look ~

    If you want it tea dyed then

    just dip it in tea and squish out

    the excess ~

    Sit it out in the sun

    until it is dry ~

    I kind of separate the petals

    to lay them out a bit ~

    I LOVE this look alot !!

    I think

    it is my favorite !

    Just a little FYI ...

    There is a sale going on

    at my website until October 14th ~

    Come on over !