Cottage & Family [Search results for funky junk interiors

  • Blog Giveaway at Funky Junk Interiors !

    Blog Giveaway at Funky Junk Interiors !

    The cutest gal ever

    Donna, at

    Funky Junk Interiors is

    having a $60 giveaway

    to anything in our shop!!

    {photos courtesy of Funky Junk Interiors }


    Go to her blog

    and enter to win!!

    BTW she rocks at writing and

    photography! What a great post!

  • Sneak Peeks!

    Sneak Peeks!

    Donna from Funky Junk Interiors is doing

    "31 Days Blog to Biz" and on Day 14

    she gave a Gutsy Junk Challenge ~

    Here is what she said to do ~

    "1. Choose an unlikely something or other.

    2. Walk around the house with it.

    3. Then put it to work in a way you've never seen done before.

    Don't worry if it isn't a prize winner.

    That's not the point.

    The point is YOU stretching your OWN imagination

    and not fearing what someone else will say."

    Then there is going to be a

    'She's Got Guts!' link party
    Wed Oct 19

    Got the guts to link up? :)

    The whole point is stretching beyond

    our comfort zone ~

    So back to the grain buckets that I

    didn't even know what they were when

    I got them ~

    I wayyy stretched and am working

    on some things with them that I am

    going to be adding to the link ~

    It has been a fun challenge!

    Here is just a sneak peek :)

    Ohhh and while I am at sneak peeks ~

    Here is a Christmas stocking I

    will be putting on my website ~

    I am really really denying the reality

    that summer is over ~

    I love sunshine and warm weather

    ( not the hot we had in Texas though

    I have to say ) ~

    Check back on the 19th to see the

    whole grain bucket projects ~

  • Uncommon Farmhouse Decor

    Uncommon Farmhouse Decor

    Today I just

    wanted to show you

    a couple of clever

    uncommon Farmhouse ideas ~

    I have some things on my website

    from a local artist who

    does some of the most

    creative things ~

    Just paint and bling

    some gardening tools and they

    work perfectly inside too!!

    I also wanted to show you

    a super cuteness candle holder

    idea that my son in law did ~

    You've gotta love a son in law

    who gets junkin' and recreating!

    Also I wanted to say

    congratulations to April for

    winning the giveaway at

    Funky Junk Interiors to our shop!!

  • She's Got Guts Challenge

    She's Got Guts Challenge

    So I told you a couple posts back

    about Funky Junk Interiors

    "She's Got Guts" challenge ~

    It was to take something random

    and do something with it that

    you might not normally think of ~

    Today is the link party day!!

    Remember the grain buckets that

    I got a couple of weeks ago ?

    I knew that my challenge had to be

    with those ~ So I went out to

    my workshop and just

    grabbed stuff that has been out

    there forever ~

    We have been redoing our bathroom

    and my studio ~ I needed some

    farmhouse style things for those

    rooms so that is where my brain was

    headed ~

    The first thing is this wayyyy awesome

    basket that I found at a flea market ~

    It is perfect for a

    studio organization piece ~

    I tied on two of the grain buckets

    and used them for buttons and pictures ~

    Now I love it even more than I did before!!

    The next thing was for

    a blank wall in our bathroom

    that I really couldn't figure

    out what to put on it ~

    This old frame worked great with

    hanging grain buckets ~ I put in chunky

    farmhouse soaps and a candle that

    is battery operated {I love those! }~

    Lastly was for our

    other bathroom ~ I took an old

    door front and repainted it with

    Old White Chalk Paint and put some

    dark wax and clear wax ~ Then attached

    the grain buckets to it for more

    soaps and another candle ~

    It was a great thing to

    stretch my imagination and do

    things that I really hadn't thought

    of before ~

  • Baby Shoes & Randomness

    Baby Shoes & Randomness

    I just adore little vintage

    baby shoes ~ There is just

    something so very precious

    about them!

    Today I was trying to decide

    if I could actually part with

    any ~ I took some pictures and

    haven't listed them yet on my website

    because I am not sure if I can :)

    Do you ever get things to sell you just

    have a hard time parting with ?

    I am in love with Dawn's Baby Pincushions

    so maybe that is what I will do with them ~

    You can get a tutorial from her here ~

    On a totally different subject .....

    I have been playing around with my

    blog since Donna at Funky Junk Interiors

    told us about purchasing our own

    blog domain ~

    I went from a blogspot URL to my own

    and also added a favicon ~ I am

    so excited!! I have only changed the

    favicon about 6 times because I wanted

    a picture but they are really hard

    to see so tiny ~ It was stinkin' scary

    for me to switch to my own URL ~

    I am totally not computer saavy and

    was freaking out that I would lose

    my whole blog ~ It took about

    72 hours for the switch to take place

    but I think it is done now ~

    Do you see me at a blogspot URL

    or at ?

    Also do you see the BIG ORANGE BLOG favicon

    or just the letters KRC ? I am just

    curious since I really haven't a clue

    what I am doing ~

    Ohhhh I thought I was actually done

    blabbing but I wanted to let you know that

    I have 10% off my website from now

    until November 2 ~

    Okay I am done :)